ISKCON exposes Sanatan Dharm Decoded Channel :- Establishing truth about Classification of Puranas!

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The classification of Puranas are given in Purans themselves and so we don't have to invent our own classification. Those who do this type of classification are already speaking against their Acharyas and we don't have to pay any attention to them.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krsna 🚩

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Watch from 4:00 reagrding Sankaracharya of Govardhan Matt accepting Guna Classification of Purans :-

Brahmā , Parmatama and Bhagwan classification video :-

Some verses :-

श्रुत्या सत्त्वपुराणानां सेवया सत्त्ववस्तुनः ।
अनुवृत्या च साधूनां सत्त्ववृत्तिः प्रजायते ॥ (Adi Sankaracharya Sarva Vedanta Siddhantha Sara Sangraha, 371st verse)

"By listening to the sattva puranas, eating the sattvik food, carrying out the service of sadhus(a devotees of lord ), one can increase one's sattva guna."

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Those who say goloka is not mentioned in scriptures. . Here Is praman..and yah don't put advaitvad on it😁

Goloka is mentioned in various scriptures.

In Vedas Goloka is mentioned by “land of cows, bulls, oxen”

** Ṛig Veda 1.154.6:

tā vāṁ vāstūny uśmasi gamadhyaiyatra gāvo bhūri-śṛṅgā ayāsaḥatrāha tad urugāyasya vṛṣṇaḥparamaṁ padam avabhāti bhūri

“We wish to go to Your beautiful houses, about which cows with large, excellent horns are wandering. Yet distinctly shining on this earth is that supreme abode of Yours that showers joy on all, O Urugaya.

** Golok also mentioned in valmiki Ramayan. Ayodhya khand, chapter 30, verse 37 देवगन्धर्वगोलोकान् ब्रह्मलोकम् तथापरान् | प्राप्नुवन्ति महात्मानो मातापितृपरायणाः || २-३०-३७

"High souled men, wholly devoted to their parents obtain the regions of gods and the gandharvas, the seventh heaven presided the gandharvas, the seventh heaven presided by Brahma (the creator) and Goloka (the highest heaven abiding in cows and presided over by supreme Lord).

** Mahabharata, Shanti Parva, section 343:

In this way, O son of Kunti, assuming diverse forms do I rove at will through the Earth, the region of Brahma himself, and that other high and eternal region of felicity called Goloka.

** Mahabharata, Anusha Parva, section 83:

'O goddess, at this exhibition of thy freedom from cupidity and desire and at these penances of thine, O thou of beautiful face, I have been exceedingly gratified. I, therefore, grant thee the boon of immortality. Thou shalt dwell in a region that is higher than the three worlds, through my grace. That region shall be known to all by the name of Goloka.

** Mahabharat shalya parv, section 50
Asita then saw his guest passthrough the regions of the Rudras, the Vasus and Brihaspati. Having soared next into the blessed region called Goloka.

** ŚB 10.27.1

श्रीशुक उवाचगोवर्धने धृते शैले आसाराद् रक्षिते व्रजे । गोलोकादाव्रजत्कृष्णं सुरभि: शक्र एव च ॥ १ ॥

śrī-śuka uvācagovardhane dhṛte śaileāsārād rakṣite vraje
go-lokād āvrajat kṛṣṇaṁ
surabhiḥ śakra eva ca

Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: After Kṛṣṇa had lifted Govardhana Hill and thus protected the inhabitants of Vraja from the terrible rainfall, Surabhi, the mother of the cows, came from her planet to see Kṛṣṇa( Golok), She was accompanied by Indra.

** Skanda Purana, Vol 7, Chapter 48 describes about Goloka :-

Having successively crossed (the sheaths of) the elements, viz. earth, water, fire, wind, and ether, Ego (Aham), Mahat and Prakrti, each of which is ten times (larger) than the previous one, he arrived at the wonderful Goloka.

It was the glorious abode, accessible only to those exclusively devoted to Hari. While going he saw the extensively wide and fathomless river Viraja.

** Goloka, mentioned in Garga Samhita.

paripurnatamah sakshac chri-krishno bhagavan svayam asankhya-brahmanda-patir goloke dhamni rajate (1.1.19)

Meaning: The paripurnatama form of the Lord is Shri Krishna, who is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. He is the master of countless universes. He is splendidly manifest in the realm of Goloka.

** Goloka is mentioned in Shiv Purana:-

There are no worlds above it. The Goloka is near it. Mother cows named Suśīlā are there. They are favourites of Śiva.

The protector of that world is Kṛṣṇa. He is established there at the behest of Śiva by Śiva himself who moves about as he pleases due to his power.

** Goloka is mentioned in Devi Bhagvat Purana; 5-26

Nârâyana spoke :-- “O Devarsi! The Mûlâ Prakriti, of the nature of Mâyâ of Para Brahman is an eternal entity (the nabho mandal); Time (Kâla), the ten quarters, the Universe Egg, the Goloka and, lower than this, the Vaikuntha Dhâma all are eternal things.

** The Goloka is also mentioned in Harivansham, vishnu parva, 2.19.30 - 2.19.31 :-

tasyopari gavAM lokaH sAdhyAstaM pAlayanti hi |
sa hi sarvagataH kR^iShNa mahAkAshagato mahAn ||2-19-30

"Above this, is the goloka, governed by sadhyas. That great world of Lord Krishna, pervades the great sky all over, it is above all the worlds."

uparyupari tatrApi gatistava tapomayI |
yAM na vidmo vayaM sarve pR^ichChanto.api pitAmaham ||2-19-31

"Over and above all is this world of your penance. Even after asking Pitamaha (Lord Brahma), we are unable to understand that world."

** Bramhavaitra Puran, Brahma khand, chapter 2, Verse 10.

Below the Goloka and at the distance of fifty crores of yojanas, Vaikuntha is located to its south. Sivaloka is located to the west. Both the Vaikuntha and Sivaloka are as beautiful as the Goloka. Vaikuntha is located in a circular way covering an area of a crore of yojanas.

** Brahma samhita 3.1.122, one of the important pancaratra samhita also says as follows:

urdhvam tu sarvalokebhyo goloke prakriteh pare

“The abode of Goloka is situated above all the places. It is completely beyond matter(transcendental)."

** Vayu Purana 104.52–55 also describes the supreme abode of Goloka, where in Lord Krishna and Devi Radha resides eternally. It is stated as follows:

radhavilasa rasikam krsna akhyam purusam param
shrutvan asti vedebhyo yatas tat gocaro abhavat
evam brahmani cinmatre nirgune bhedavarjite
goloka sangyake krsno divyatiti srutam maya
goloka vasi bhagavan aksarat parah ucyate

“ Lord Krishna, who is the lover of Srimati Radha is the supreme purusha described in the vedas. By him, all this world is manifested. He indeed is the Non dual Nirguna Brahman described by the vedas, who resides in the eternal abode of Goloka. “

** Brahmanda purana 2.3.22 also mentions about Goloka as the Lord Krishna's abode

** Padma Purana, Brahma khand, chapter 20:-

O sage, though the island is on the earth, it is extraordinary. After having reached this residence of the devotees of Hari by exclusive devotion to the Lord, it serves as a gateway to Goloka, Brahmapura, Vaikuṇṭha to those noble-souled devotees desiring to get to them. O sage, those released from Śveta-dvīpa whose characteristics have been described before, resort to that particular domain for which they cherish a desire. He became endowed with a divine body in that domain when released from Śveta-dvīpa. After reaching the world called Goloka, he obtained supreme delight.


Keep exposing demons like him who always abuses us unecessorily 😡🙏
Hare Krishna


Good Bhai !! Please expose Louis Sourish


Sripad Adi Sankaracharya have himself said numerous times that Lord Krsna is supreme and Lord Vishnu as the incharge of Sattva Guna and other Devtas to be incharge of Rajo and Tamo Guna to peform their functions.

It's sheer hyprocisy that the person himself contradicts his Acharyas numerous times and still dare to speak ill about Gaudiya Vaishanvism.

The man have no basic etiquettes, no regard for his Acharyas and speak numeorus lies in the name of scriptures.
Only foolish person wil follow such examples.

Hare Krsna 🚩


Your Dedication towards Srila Prabhupada is Remarkable!


वेदा: श्रीकृष्णवाक्यानि व्याससूत्राणि चैव हि ।
समाधिभाषा व्यासस्य प्रमाणं तच्चतुष्टयम‌् ।।
Dhanyavad prabhuji, 🙏👌


Tamasa Puranas directly insults Lord Visnu whereas the Sattvika Purana only tells that Lord Siva is subordinate to Lord Visnu it does not insults Lord Siva. This proves that the classification of the Puranas is authentic.
Hare Krishna


Well said prabhuji🤗main bhi akdin uski video dekhi thi...bohot darr gayi thi main....thank you for this...Hare krsna jaya prabhupad...👐🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻Hari hari bol🤗


Brahad Āranyaka Upaniṣad 2.4.10 :- Ṛg-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sāma-Veda, Atharvāṅgirasa, history, arts, Upaniṣads, verses, aphorisms, elucidations and explanations are (like) the breath of this infinite Reality. They are like the breath of this (Supreme Self) ie from the Supreme Person.

The scriptures have originated from the breath of the Supreme Person and not from something nirakar.

Hare Krsna 🚩


That Rascal doesnt even know that authorities such as Ramanuja Sampradaya and Madhva Sampradaya consider these Shlokas as Authentic 🤣🤣🤣🤣


In the Skanda Purana, Lord Shiva tells Karttikeya:
shiva-shastreshu tad grahyam
bhagavac-chastra-yogi yat
paramo vishnur evaikas
taj jnanam moksha-sadhanam
shastranam nirnayas tv
eshas tad anyan mohanaya hi. iti.
"The statements of the Saiva scriptures should be accepted only when they agree with the Vaishnava scriptures. Lord Vishnu is the only Supreme Lord, and knowledge of Him is the path to liberation. That is the conclusion of all the scriptures. Any other conclusions are meant only to bewilder the people." ( quoted by jiva goswami in parmatma sandarbha)
Similar verses are also quoted by Madhvacharya from Padma purana, uttara khanda 71.114 verse in mahabharata tataparya nirnaya 1.53. It is as follows:
paramo vishnur eva ekas tad jnanam moksa sadhanam |
shastranam nirnayas tu esha tad anyana mohanaya hi
“ The Lord Vishnu is the only one Supreme lord. And knowledge of Him leads to liberation. That is the conclusion of all the scriptures. Any other conclusions are meant only to bewilder the people.
In Skanda Purana, it is stated:
bandhako bhava-pasena bhava-pasac ca mocakah
kaivalyadah param brahma visnur eva sanatanah
"He binds the souls with the ropes of birth and death. He unties the ropes of birth and death that bind the souls. The supreme Brahman, eternal Lord Vishnu alone(visnur eva) is the the bestower of Mukti (kaivalya).”
Vaishampayana Muni explains that all these names are names of Lord Krishna. The Skanda Purana also explains:
shri-narayanadini namani vinanyani rudradibhyo harir dattavan
“Except for Narayana and some other names, Lord Hari gave away His names to Lord Shiva and the other demigods.”


Aise hi sare demons expose ho jaye

Jai shree Ram
Hare Krishna
Har Har Mahadev


Prabhu ji your speed is just faster than flash 🔥🔥 that's power of krishna devotee 🔥🙏😁


Sanatan Dharma decoded ka khandan kya baat hai ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 hare Krishna 🙏🏼


Adi Sankaracharya in his Sarva vedanta siddhanta sara sangraha, 371, glorifies not only
Puranas, but Satvika Puranas specifically.


Very great video prabhu🙏💯! The foolishness of these Māyāvādīs is laughable 😂😂😂


Puranas are not Shaiva or Vaishnava. Those are just categorised into Sattvika Rajasic and Tamasic. Sattvika Puranas follows Sruti, Rajasic Puranas may or may not abide Sruti but Tamasic Puranas goes against Sruti. In the Sruti it is written Tad Visnoh Parama Padam and Sattvika Puranas follow these and Tamasic Puranas goes against the Sruti statements, hence calling a Purana Shaiva or Vaishnava is extremely bogus therefore the Skanda Purana verse is completely an Interpolation.


Oh Awesome Prabhu, you are Rocking 🎉🎉
Aise hi bajate raho us murkh ki 😂😂
Asur ko maar khate dekhne ka bhi ek alag hi anand hai
Jai Srila Prabhupada
Hare Krishna 🙏🙏


Bhrama Samhita Authenticity :

Brahma Vaivarta Maha-purana, Krishna Janma Khanda, 133.23—26:—

पञ्चकं पञ्चरात्राणां कृष्णमाहात्म्यपूर्वकम् । वसिष्ठं नारदीयं च कापिलं गौतमीयकम्। पं सनत्कुमार यं पञ्चरात्रं च पञ्चकम्॥ पञ्चकं सहितानां च कृष्णभक्तिसमन्वितम्। ब्रह्मणश्च शिवस्यापि प्रह्लादस्य तथैव च॥ गौतमस्य कुमारस्य संहिताः परिकीर्तिताः।इति ते कथितं सर्वं क्रमेण च पृथक्पृथक।

“There are five Pancaratras with Krishna Mahatmya. The five Pañcarātras are the Vasiştha-rătra, Naradiya-rātra, Kapila-rātra, Gautamiya-rātra and Sanatkumāriya-rātra. There are five collections of hymns known Samhitās relating to the adoration of Krsna. These are Brahma samhitā, Śiva-samhita, Prahlāda-samhitā, Gautama-samhita and Kumara-samhita; thus have explained to you everything separately.”

The above english translation is not of Gaudiya Vaishnavas, it’s the translation of Shanti Lai Nagar, and Acharya Ramesh Chaturvedi, Head, Dept, of Puranetihasa Shri Lai Bahadur Shastri Rastsiya Sanaskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi.

Now the BHRAMASTRA, Gorakhpur Gita press also considers Bhrama Samhita to be Authentic

Gita press edition, Page no. 799—

Venkateshwar edition, part 2, Page no. 568—

And that Fool says that Bhrama Samhita was written by Gaudiya Vaishnavs 🤣🤣


Prabhuji make a video on Authenticity Of Brahm Samhita... Beacuse that sanatan dharam decoded also insults brahm samhita and also Chaitanya Charitamrita
