How to Design the ULTIMATE Automated Trading Hall

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In this second episode we go through how to design a very flexible custom trading hall, then finally make a little bit of progression by buillding a pillager grinder.

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him: "Hate is a strong word"
me: "yes, yes it is, and that's fine"


Baby villagers can actually be sorted out with trap doors on top of bubble columns, the bubble column provides air sp theirs no drowning risk, and when they grow up their hit box peaks through the trapdoor allowing them to phase through it and be pushed along by water into a 1x1 hole where a minecart can pick them up- instead of having them already in a minecart. I used this sort of setup back in 1.14, and a minecart would clip through from underneath and take one adult villager to another 1x1 spot, where they would not only be assigned a profession (and "flickered" until their starting trades are desirable) but zombified by a well armed zombie that got bounced upwards (after a glass block was moved) so that it could see and axe the villager, I also had weakness arrows in a dispenser (as well as a special bow just in case I felt like manual)... and then some, anyways, that was fun.


I'd love a step by step tutorial as this is something that would definitely make it into my survival word. Great build 👍


Kinda off-topic, but for that idle pillager problem you got, it's because they aren't able to see the golem right? You can try replacing eye-level blocks of the water elevator with trapdoors, they don't block line of sight but they still block bubble elevator from leaking.


Great video, Nico! I love the pillager farm - that's such a great idea!


Hey man, glad you found the motivation to continue this, I really enjoy watching these!


You have lots of potential to get your channel to be extremely succesful, as you take advantage of concepts to the maximum and thats what i think technical Minecraft community wants.
PD: I really enjoy the single player series and think you can make one of the best survivals.


The string under the observer is a great idea! I couldn't think of a reliable way to detect when the cell becomes "occupied" that I could fit in the 1 wide space the cell has for its redstone, and could be tiled next to other cells. Thanks for the idea!


Thought this series was lost in the water after only seeing episode 1 and no others. Glad to see it's not.

If the growth/views are slow, don't let it discourage you. We all learn from your channel and I believe this playthrough series will break the barrier for us as viewers even more so than the tutorials. Thanks for uploading episode 2. Please keep it up.


0:10 "maybe not hate, but really really hate"


I haven't watched an LP since I was in middle school 10 years ago; I was always drawn to technical ones like JL2579, TangoTek, etc.

definitely surprised that I actually really enjoyed your videos given I only play for about a week per year haha, looking forward to more!


Villager halls I maintain are one of those things where everyone's needs are different and ultimately it's probably best to design your own for your own needs


I have been working on a similar idea, with slightly different functions. I was scrolling through YouTube and saw your thumbnail and was like "WOAH!" -- our builds look very similar on the outside! Mostly it's the plus shape surrounded by a redstone beast heh. Can't wait to see the whole video and see if I'm doing something dumb with my redstone, because I don't quite have the sophistication of functionality you describe at the beginning. I can drop my villagers out, but then I have to sheppard them along semi-manually in the minecrart to the "re-education room". Really curious to see how you engineered that aspect.


The “pulse divider” is another form of T-flip flop, but Minecraft redstoners give everything weird names. It’s the same circuit used for a very slightly different purpose.


Well, if not for the point made at 00:59, I'd have probably started talking about ilmango's design as an alternative right now. But the point was made, it was valid, so...
I'll still talk about ilmango's build, but as a reference benchmark in regards to reaching the build functionality goals rather than a replacement.

The main issue is the scale, actually. Your design is entirely functional and does not require deep understanding of game mechanics to build (which is excellent for less dedicated players such as myself), which is a plus even if it could be considered arguably more complex to implement than the other design. However, the main issue is when you wish to rapidly access a specific villager from an arbitrary point around the build. You see the problem? Your design by itself will obstruct access to the villager from 5 sides: up, down, left and right (the walls) and of course the back. The system creates thick walls that can be flown over by elytra, but without it, accessing the trading hall means tedious walks around the structure to find a door and then along the corridor to the correct segment and correct villager. That's a problem even rail systems only partially solve.

This is where ilmango's design shines - the villagers are shuffled into 2D toggle-able water column matrix with just 1 block distance between each villager ([1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1]). The imprisoned villagers are accessible from every side except down - because the system is fully underground and they are imprisoned in position that leaves them 1 block tall or less, it's possible to reach over one to trade with another. Lack of any obstruction means direct pathing to any given villager for both players with wings and those without and a lot of space for decoration and markers, the simplest being simply placing color-coded floor blocks. Additionally, the design accommodates multiple ''error'' use cases, such as commiting multiple villagers to the system simultaneously, for example for curing, or trying to place a villager while there are no spots open or even having part of the design break due to server fuckery (auto-fix FTW!). Simple algorithms like, for example, sending all stonemasons to the center for trading in sequence, are also relatively simple to implement as an add-on, which is great when you can't use void-trading and want to store a significant number of them to support bigger builds (let's say, master stonemasons for Greek temple complex megabuild).

And that, accessibility, is probably the only thing I can 'complain' about right now because I have yet to build both designs to check time and lag efficiency. All in all, a very educational and entertaining video, I liked it very much. I enjoyed your thought process during the design phase and the end result. In the case you decide to polish it a bit more in the future, I'd be very interested to see what you come up with.


hi, nice video :) here's some flaws i would like to point out:
- you can use a adult villager filter to increase the capacity of the breeder (i reccomend checking out methodzs reliable one)
- the temp storage solution you have is not ideal, since if you sendl multiple villagers to it, you have no way of automatically identifying which villager is assigned to which cell/hall. even if the player is responsible for selecting return hall (which is cancer in survival), theres still the case of the player calling multiple villagers from the same hall, where you need to send the villagers back in the order of their cells so they dont get mixed up. you will also need some way of handling parallel zombification, replacement, etc. (this can be done with queues or having multiple units for the operation that can operate in parallel).


Did you play before the villager update? The automated trading hall was basically required because you'd have to breed and sort through reduculous numbers to get the trades you wanted. Good times


I’ve been searching for a wholesome break from the gross regurgitation that is Minecraft YouTube right now, so I’m glad I found this video, thank you for being original.


14:43 LOL "I am not a very good builder" while looking like a pin cushion. 🤣

Had a bit of a run in with some pillagers did we?


move a villager to the outpost and start a raid. not joking. pillagers that spawn will join the raid, which removes them from the mob cap.
