Lee Trevino on Moe Norman

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#LeeTrevino #MoeNorman #GolfTips #Golf #SinglePlaneGolf #Shorts

Great Ballstrikers know other great ballstrikers. Lee Trevino knew Moe Norman.

The Single Plane golf swing is not a quick fix golf technique. It is a system, beginning at address, that simplifies the most important moment of the golf swing - impact.

Starting at address on two planes where the arms hang straight down at address, the Conventional golf swing is complicated. Because the arms are hanging straight down, a conventional golfer must lift the body into impact creating stress on the back.

This upward movement to accommodate the two planes is unnecessary.

The Single Plane Golf swing simplifies the golf swing by eliminating the need for the upward movement by starting and impacting on the same plane.
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When Moe Norman was in the latter years of his life and on hard times, the people at Titleist gave him a pension of $5K per month for the rest of his life. I've never forgotten that, and I use Titleist products as much as possible because of it.


It’s great to see Lee Trevino, one of my golf favorites!


Such aHuge Fan of Lee also, Moe and Lee 😎🏌🏼‍♂️


First time I’ve heard that in-depth of a description of the science of Moe’s club head to ball method. I’ve always wondered about it. Lee Trevino’s golf teaching is great.


Moe Norman. Greatest ball striker ever!!


Lee Trevino always rocked the best hats


That's quite a compliment from Lee Trevino


Such similar swings. This is convergent evolution in a nutshell. I come from a hockey back ground so taking a wide stance and taking the lower body out of the swing, really helped with my consistency and ball striking


MO was hitting with his hands. Amazing. His hands straight to the ball, club following like a dog on a leash. So simple and solid. Wow. What a swing.


Man i wished Lee Trevino played today. He’s so cool.


This is an incredible comment section. I wish I could meet you guys in person for some tips.


When Greats speak - you know they recognize something Greater. This is what I enjoy about sport - Great Sportsmanship


If hands are snapped down into ulnar deviation with straight arms like he did in his grip lining up the club and again at impact it locks shoulder/arms/hands into a rigid triangle which brings the club face square to target every time.

Hogan and Count Yogi (Frakenburg) had the same ulnar deviation / locking up action at impact but with different action to lock up the hands and keep face square to target through the ball. Hogan forced his lead hand into maxed-out flexion / supination + ulnar deviation. Count Yogi did the opposite with lead hand maxing it out in extension + supination.

Any time both hand are maxed out down in ulnar-deviation and the forearms are prevented from rotating by one of the hands being maxed out or nearly so in extension or flexion it locks up hands and arms. It’s just a matter of keeping inward ( ) counter-torque in forearms and hands at address and during the swing.

It is why all three were noted for hitting the ball consistently straight better any others. I first discover the cause and effect retooling my swing with Hogan’s Five Lessons and waggling down to the point my hands where maxed out in ulnar deviation and felt ‘locked up’. I noticed the face angle close 90° during the waggle but always stopped at the same place as if hitting a doorstop. So I started trying to hit shots with just the waggle action and they took off like bullets dead straight! I then figured out the timing of adding that waggle-whack-a-ball action to my partial and full swings. It requires slowing down hip turn and hands to give the club head to waggle-whip around the hands then releasing back foot and sidebending to prevent the club head from ‘flipping’ past the hands.


Lately, I’ve been struggling with my contacts, and I focused on Solely bringing the club back low and it’s improved my ball, striking dramatically


Great Stuff here! I consider myself an elite ballstriker and that's the #1 thing I work on week to week.


If it wasn’t for king of the hill, I would have never known about Lee Trevino. 😅


Thing I hate about golf today is most swings are cookie cutter swings, they are nearly all the same, for which the best they seem to score is high 60's
The guys with the weird wings that they owned, were reknown for hitting low 60s often, Trevino, Jack, Arnie, Miller, Furyck, etc.
A lot of character has gone from golf.


"What's straighter than straight"?


I don't understand what they mean keep it lower. I feel like it I go any lower I chunk the crap out of it


Moe was a true original who figured out a swing that worked great for him. With that being said, it's probably not a great idea to copy it, along with others who have very unorthodox swings.
