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Imagine claiming that 2900 ppb is greater than 10 ppm and thinking that you are better equipped to properly evaluate thousands of studies than multiple regulatory agencies around the world 🤡
More info on human health risk assessments: Test durations are acute, subchronic, and chronic. Acute toxicity testing involves short-term tests with a single exposure. Subchronic testing involves intermediate-length exposures to multiple doses for periods ranging from 30 to 90 days. Chronic testing considers long-term exposures to consecutive, repeated doses over most of the test animal’s life span. Chronic testing evaluates the potential to cause damage to organs and organ systems and the potential to cause cancer in addition to a set of tests to assess the potential for a pesticide to damage DNA that also informs assessments of potential carcinogenicity.
Studies to define how a pesticide is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted by mammals are also required. These tests provide an understanding of whether the pesticide will accumulate in the body, be present in milk, or be metabolized into a form that presents unique safety concerns. Testing also considers developmental and reproductive toxicity to evaluate the potential to cause fetal toxicity and birth defects as well as their ability to mimic hormones or otherwise disrupt hormonal signaling.
RfD or ADI values, which are reported in units of milligrams of pesticide per kilogram of body weight per day (mg/kg/day), can be interpreted as the amount of a particular compound a person may consume every day without raising concerns for adverse effects. The sum of all exposures to a pesticide or class of pesticides across all approved uses cannot exceed the RfD.
#factsnotfear #foodscience #scienceliteracymatters #foodsafety #glyphosate #scicomm #scicommunity
More info on human health risk assessments: Test durations are acute, subchronic, and chronic. Acute toxicity testing involves short-term tests with a single exposure. Subchronic testing involves intermediate-length exposures to multiple doses for periods ranging from 30 to 90 days. Chronic testing considers long-term exposures to consecutive, repeated doses over most of the test animal’s life span. Chronic testing evaluates the potential to cause damage to organs and organ systems and the potential to cause cancer in addition to a set of tests to assess the potential for a pesticide to damage DNA that also informs assessments of potential carcinogenicity.
Studies to define how a pesticide is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted by mammals are also required. These tests provide an understanding of whether the pesticide will accumulate in the body, be present in milk, or be metabolized into a form that presents unique safety concerns. Testing also considers developmental and reproductive toxicity to evaluate the potential to cause fetal toxicity and birth defects as well as their ability to mimic hormones or otherwise disrupt hormonal signaling.
RfD or ADI values, which are reported in units of milligrams of pesticide per kilogram of body weight per day (mg/kg/day), can be interpreted as the amount of a particular compound a person may consume every day without raising concerns for adverse effects. The sum of all exposures to a pesticide or class of pesticides across all approved uses cannot exceed the RfD.
#factsnotfear #foodscience #scienceliteracymatters #foodsafety #glyphosate #scicomm #scicommunity