Why A Man Chooses Another Woman Over You

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For me, once my respect is gone, so is the relationship.


I would never ask how many sexual partners. Nor would I share that info.


I care about how many women a man has slept with. I do care about a man’s body count because sex is spiritual and you take on the person’s energy, so I do not want a man who has been promiscuous. Also, I value physical attraction almost as much as I value emotional and mental attraction. Otherwise, they’d just be my friend…


So true submissive didn’t work for me in my marriage. You will get bulldozed and it takes time to rebuild your self worth afterwards. I have taken the time to find myself again. I am looking for a man who will meet me in the middle and have mutual respect for what we both bring to the table.


My first husband chose a sour faced woman with a bad attitude over me - because she inherited a huge amount of money !!! Gold digger alert ! I went on to marry a fabulous man with integrity ❤😎


If I found out the man had had a host of women I’d run away as fast as my legs could carry me


I agree that building trust through teamwork is exeedingly important. By the way, I really appreciate your continuing to make awesome relationship videos as well as the
four A's you highlighted
of attention, affection, appreciation, and acceptance. ❤


Yes I care. A guy I was seeing got posted in are we dating same guy group. The comments proved he had no standards. My health is important. Our city singles group is relatively small and diseases are spreading. That's scary. I've removed myself. God has rules for a reason. It protects our emotions, spirit, health.


I couldn’t agree more with everything you said. We feel those thoughts but refuse to believe them or want to be in relationship so bad that we dismiss them.
Thank you for pointing these things out. Short but very powerful video.


Some men also care about a woman's status in life - college education, family background, religion/culture, financial success.


“Thank you” expresses GRATITUDE…vs. APPRECIATION is defined as an accurate ESTIMATION of value. So estimate the worth of the person and it will be easier to accurately express how you appreciate them.


Knowing and accepting yourself it's the basis of every kind of relationship...Knowing one other human being takes time, energy, really, and building a real partnership, it should be a two -ways "job". But, as you well says, it's not seldom to find a lot of people/men who are fully in the categories of the 80%, who are just not capable to build something real with anyone.
You learn, you live and you decide, not just the other... thanks for the video!


I'm finding some men feel uncomfortable with being respected, treated respectfully and being transparent/honest. They feel uncomfortable and feel a woman is hiding something, since she's not acting toxic😳He feels it's too good to be true. So all the work we've done to have a healthy relationship, that makes some men feel uncomfortable.


To be honest i do not care. I do not think i ever cared i think i wanted a guy to be like other girls. As i got older, i thought No and No...i moved on and i am glad i did...i like me... what you say, is Men want a pure woman. What about men. They are ugh, i certainly do not like a man who s being with a lot of other women ugh...no way...


Interestingly enough, my Bae said I have a high body count and that I was "hot in my pants" 😵‍💫 when I was younger. I mean, including him, I've had five sexual partners. While two of them I'd love to erase, they were all okay boyfriends and treated me well. Anywho, he has voiced his reasons why he's "connected" to me. I was surprised by one of the reasons he mentioned only a couple of months ago. I wrote to him, "Today is really kicking me in the ass" He replied that one of the things he adores about me is that I am so classy, and that he has only heard me swear when he provoked it out of me. Although I felt his words were manipulative, and didn't directly respond to him about the swearing, I haven't cursed to him again either.


Yes to your question Jonathon, some of us do care.


Hi Jonathan. I am getting addicted to your videos. I find myself reaching out for my Youtube as soon as I wake up in the morning. Thank you for your valuable insights. I highly appreciate Marie's point of view too. My current relationship (or situationship) is at a crossroad. I wonder whether to let it run by a train or salvage it. Hopefully, I figure it out soon before it self-destructs. I just need to watch all your videos. I have lots of your previous videos to watch. Thank you for the daily wisdom.


I shared this video with the man I just started dating. Excellent!!!!


Hi, do you have a PR or marketing person who gives you video titles? Or do you have the program where YouTube chooses your titles for you? Like Tube Buddy. I’m asking because you and 2 other male coaches literally ALWAYS have the exact same titles either on the same day or within a couple days apart. One of them posted this very same thing 4 days ago. Most people won’t notice unless they follow all of you. But for me, it’s hard to miss. Even the thumbnails are similar. If you are using one of those programs, maybe see how they can make it less generic.
