Easy, Basic, DIY - How to Make Your Own Raw Food Diet for Your Dog

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In this episode of the Toronto Dog Whisperer I will be showing you how to make a very simple and basic raw food diet for your dog.

This simple raw food recipe is easy for any dog lover to try making at home.

All you need is a blender, some muscle meat, some edible bone, some organ meat and about an hour.

If you want to hear more about dog nutrition you can check out my podcast on dog nutrition (link below).

If you have any tips or recipes you’d like me to try. Please leave a comment!

Bon Appetit!!
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14:00 “… if you have any tips …”. My advice is, do not grind up everything. I give my dog raw, whole chicken necks, wings, drumsticks, etc. He crunches up the bones and the chewing and crunching cleans his teeth. I also give him big chunks of the cheapest, toughest meat I can find, also for the teeth cleaning. And raw beef ribs for the same reason. Chewing and gnawing is also good for a dogs mental health (so I have read); it releases serotonin. My dog often naps after a good bone gnawing session. BTW - There is a lot of good info about raw dog food on Paws of Prey channel.


If you love your dogs. You'll enjoy making them healthy food. Thanks bro! Your dogs are very lucky to have such a caring owner. ❤


Best raw food tysm! Got the beef muscle, gizzards, liver, and hearts and broccoli cuts as the chonk then pureed two whole eggs, leftover chicken bones, two slices of watermelon and a dallop of non fat Greek yogurt to "marinate" in. Mix it all together and put them in a bag that's what it's all about! Woof woof! Haha happy Irish doodle here in Washington-- thank you for your expertise! And the part about how making our loved ones a meal as a form of love language?! Acts of service! Amen to that but of wisdom!


me *is a vegetarian* also me : *has my dog on a raw diet*


Do more. I love watching a man prepare for his furry children. I've been feeding raw for 6 years but I love watching others prepare. Again, thank you and please do more processing and maybe show you feeding your babies.


Hearts and Gizzards count as muscle meat. Liver, kidneys, Pancreas, Lungs and a few other bits count as organs.


I might be vegan myself but bet yo ass I will feed my dogs what they need 😊


I like the way you expressed your love for your dogs by making them some raw food, even if it was for a short term!


Add water to your blender after you scoop it out and get every drop of mixture.


Hi! Thanks for this video, super helpful. I just have one question. I'm completely new to the raw diet and I've been told b4 that chicken bones are extremely dangerous. I assume this is not true then? I wanted to see if anyone knows something about it. I've read that COOKED bones are a no no but raw are ok is that true? Thanks! 😅


Thanks for sharing. I am going to follow your advice.❤❤❤❤❤


Feeding raw is super but I think one of the most important fact of feeding raw to your dog is also to let them chew the bones as it cleans their teeth.🦷


☺️ Playback speed is fine to me. Great information! Thank you.


I enjoyed your video. The humor was great too.


“Dogs luv sticky stuff”…😂😂😂😂😂 So true!🐾


Gordon Ramsay:
“handsome, good looking, eloquent”...???


You really need a inexpensive manual meat grinder it turns bone into meal it also works great to grind up frozen vegs. What i do for my puppy. Really should add some carrots, peas, green beans for vitamins and for roughage.


Good info however, for few feeding, organ meat actually refers to secreting organs (liver, kidney, spleen, brain, sweetbreads) While heart, gizzards are organs, for raw feeding they are actually considered a muscle meat. Heart is especially good but use in small quantities. Fish is super important too. If the meal doesn't have fish, the Omega3 gel caps are easy to add. Overall, good job!


Fat is indeed okey to add a bit as dogs do need it. They derive there energy from it. As some already pointed out heart and gizzard are indeed not the organ meats. You’ll want a secreting organ next to liver like kidney, spleen or testicles.

Next to that you seem to follow the overal ‘ratio’ diet.

I started there too 4 years ago and I know feed following NRC requirements. Still raw just I count everything to make sure I provide all the nutrient requirements. Especial to make sure I have a proper calcium - phosphor ratio. But also copper and zinc work together so I’ll make sure they’re in close range and so on.
[A bit more complicated but worth learning]


Any one have a YEASTY DOG? My dog was having SKIN ISSUES.. for a very long time.. I could never get it under control. Even feeding grain free -Merrick- even once was on a very expensive $100 bag of PRESCRIBED kibble… ALL FAILED…

2 weeks after cutting out starch & sugars .. feeding RAW… and she now has fur growing back .. her chewing and constant licking is almost gone !

It makes a huge difference !
