Rosicrucianism and Problem of Pride in Esotericism | Michael Martin, Nate Hille, Jonathan Pageau

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As a kid I once applied for a landscaping job that paid really nice. When I got to the interview place they were on a weird back road with lots of gardens and pyramids and it was all surrounded by woods. They told me it was a private community and that the job would be groundskeeping with other landscapers full time for the community. It seems like a good gig and I was interested, especially for the pay. They took me into one of the buildings to sign paperwork and it was full of all of this Egyptian art. Them they took me into the dark and grimy basement, also filled with this art. They then said they needed to level with me. They wanted me to know that the rumors of human sacrifice and kidnappings were definitely not true and that I shouldn't be afraid. They got super creep fast. They said explained they were part of a religion that was Christian was Egyptian beliefs. They asked me if I still wanted to work there and I said I'm definitely good to proceed. They let me leave and I proceeded to never, ever go back down that back road again and found a job elsewhere.

I later did a little googling and found out they were Rosicrucianists.


Nice to hear someone shoot down Yates terrible reading and recognize the Christian origins of Rosicrucianism


I dated a rosecrucian priestess girl back in my witchcraft/Devil worship days. She was absolutely committed to the notion that Jesus and God (Demiurge) are not the "Good guys" lucifer was only ever a beautiful angel of light. She had a female goddess at the top of her hierarchy. She was a priestess, it was something generational in her family as her mother was somebody very important within the community.

The worst of the wolves conceal themselves in such fluffy white coats.


Pride lurks everywhere, certainly also among all types of christianities.


Love the title. I have no idea what it means until watching.


You know...some of the most attractive people I ever met, never told me how good looking they were.


Thank you as always, Jonathan and guests.


"It's always the Jesuits..."


Many modern spiritual practices have lost a deeper intuition. It's no wonder people are trying to recapture something deeper. Why these deeper currents within the major religions survived for so long is no mystery.


This side of the story has always been grey for me. Blavatsky and Steiner for me, are really really interesting but I always hesitate to get comfortable with their work because it feels like walking a spiritual rope.


Read the chapters on John Dee and on Freemasonry in JRS by EMJ


Is there a good video on the hisptru of occultism/esotericism here on yt?
I have absolutely no interest in practicing any of these (even before I was a Christian and was more open to other ideas I never found any of those sorts of things appealing).


Hi guys. I'm a huge fan of Jordan Peterson and pregeau. I love church history the father's ect I'm Catholic . And I am a free mason the thing about masonry it is a lot of different stream kind of like Christianity and they all don't recognize eachother. I'm a part of the mainstream ( you could say like catholic) they only admit men they are traditional ect. Crowley was a person that isn't relay taken seriously as a Masonic authority ( he was just a mason not even main stream)the great majority of freemasons around the world are Christians and most of the symbolism used comes from the old testament across the board. Some streams of masonry admits women, some only men some, coed, among other things this is where u get what is considered mainstream and not. These "mainstream grand lodges" act as the HQ for entire states and even countries and are very legit especially in the charity work we acomplish. (Think of Shriners they are part of freemasonry) That being said I have gotten a lot out of joining freemasonry personaly . Making great friendships and meeting mentors. It's actually very interesting and a great thing for a young teen dad with a wife in the world that really doesn't value masculinity. It gave me a place we're I could rub elbows with other men who had been my age and been through things already and would give me great advice. Not only that I got to be viewed as an equal and initiated into a tribe (you know better than I do the symbolic significance of that). While there are elements of this to be found in church masonry does not pretend to be a religion but rather a school of thought. Such that in order to be admitted into it's ranks you have to be a man and have a faith and a good reputation. The faith you have is your choice as in order to understand symbols and allergies about responsibility and morality, as you know most of these ideas are rooted in faith or in spiritual teachings( look at most of abrahamic tradition) simiarly in order to understand western literature you have to have a decent understanding of the biblical text. When you get initiated you make a promise to be a part of the tribe( promises are rooted in faith as an atheist does not believe in spirituality consequences for breaking a promise. In essence the teachings of masonry are all metaphorical metaphysical and symbolic.


Rosicrucianism was always just a gnostic doctrine. The root was always poisoned, so why you wonder about the fruits?


I'm m sorry, but Matt 7:1 Is Christianity to be completely trashed because of David Koresh and MANY similar?


Johnathon, I have told you a number of times that I am a Freemason, and your work helps me understand Masonry better.

Michael explained my dilemma PERFECTLY. I am trying to get Masonry return back to a traditionalist society and away from this weird psuedo mystical nonsense which is found NO WHERE is traditional Masonry.


Rest assured, we're everywhere. You interact with us daily.🌹
