The Last Bread Recipe You Will Ever Need | Yeast Edition

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This is how you master making easy and amazing bread at home using no tools every time. In this full masterclass you learn step by step how to make delicious bread at home.

You will learn that technique is more important than tools. In fact - I'd say technique is probably 80% and tools around 20% of the result. So - back to basics - all just with my hands. This bread is a yeast based dough with sourdough added to enhance the flavour. Something that allows you to have an amazing sourdough-like bread within 4 hours.

The one tool you will definitely need is a scale. Without a scale especially when being a beginner baker is not a good idea. Measure your ingredients and try only alter one parameter between each loaf that you are baking. This allowed me to become better with each subsequent bake.

Recipe for the bread:
- 600 grams of all purpose flour (10% protein)
- 390 grams of water (65%)
- 120 grams of sourdough starter (20%) - or discard starter
- 12 grams of salt
- 6 grams of dry yeast (1%) or 18 grams of fresh yeast (3%)

Flour I am using:

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Useful videos:

0:00 Intro
1:07 Normal tools vs. today
4:00 A note on sourdough acidity
5:52 Mixing the ingredients
8:48 Autolyse
9:15 Bench kneading
10:28 Practicing shaping for later
14:45 Coil folding the dough
16:16 Shaping the dough
19:47 Proofing the dough
20:17 Home oven setup
22:50 Scoring the bread
25:35 The final result

Just a small side note - I was baking the same recipe again one day later and used a razor-blade instead of the knife and had much more beautiful looking ear. If you can, try to use a sharp knife for the scoring. It really did a big difference for me.

#bread #breadrecipe
Рекомендации по теме

i start one year ago making bread, i have no banneton no lame no flax cloth no bench scraper, only a bowl hand and old gas kitchen oven.the bread is so noble i love it, is the most satisfying thing i ever made. by the way great chanel great content


I’m so glad I found your channel. I’m learning a lot from you and you’re so funny too! I subscribed and like 👍 all your informational The bread code videos. Shout out from Quantico Virginia! We were stationed in Germany for 8 years US Army tour! Love Germany 🇩🇪 ❤️


I had a great time baking along with you this evening! Your style is fun to watch, informational, and there is such ease in the whole process. Your "building dough strength" video was the "gateway drug" for me. I'll be back for more!


Watch three of your videos in a row and learnt more in the past hour than I have in 2 months of trying and failing. Good instruction!


YES...this is Super Easy. Will try this one soon. Thanks for sharing.


That's far the best detailed description how to make bread i have seen. Your translation to English, based on a "German Engineering language" may helps a lot! Good Job!


Another good video. I hadn’t realised you can use dry yeast with the sourdough. Yeah! Thanks.


I love sourdough and after several fails had great results with your sourdough master class video. But I also love "sweet" bread - I love the smell of yeast and the more clear taste of the flour not accented by sour & yoghurty flavors. Using this video, and the comments, I attempted to make a couple loaves with no sourdough starter - just commercial yeast. They came out great - crunchy crust, light fluffy crumb with exactly the size and distribution of bubbles I like. However, though there was huge oven spring, the ear didnt come up, and the crust had odd cracks (it almost looked like the bottom of a dried up lake during a drought in some places.)

Soooo... I would love to see you do a full master class on baking a sweet batard with no sourdough at all. [Calling this recipe "yeast edition" is slightly misleading.] It could also give you a whole new avenue for experimentation!


That was one of the more enjoyable how to videos I've watched to day. Had me laughing and yes, learning too. I appreciated your ratio information on protien levels in the flour impacting water needed for a good loaf. BTW...My husband was the guy who fixed anything and everything, re-engineering broken parts so they worked. He had to have all the in mechanical gagets, oh and WD40, and duct tape.


Thanks for a really funny video, I used your recipe and the bread came out so beautiful and tasty 😋 my first sourdough success w/AP flour. Now it's time to bake areal thing...w/rye and whole wheat flours 👍🏻🎉


Pro Tip: You can sharpen your knife on the rough base side of any ceramic mug.


Thanks for this recipe! Flies love it when i whip out my sourdough starter for feeding time too!


Don't listen to all the elitist pronunciation police. The term came into vogue thanks to a French author, but he did not invent the word. In French, the word is a noun, the English equivalent being "autolysis". However, the verb form in English is the exact same word (autolyse; alternatively, autolyze) and it can be used interchangeably without changing the meaning.


Made a fantastic loaf of sourdough bread🎉


Gluten tag and thanks for the video - please help on this one, what is the reason for the dough to be darker in color (as it would be if one would add whole-wheat flour) and the bread also has a darker color to it and not white? I am using white bread flour. Is that due to not enough kneading, over-fermenting?


Thank you 🙏 This is really interesting and very helpful. XXX


Hi, could I just follow this recipe and put it all in a mixer until it passes the window pane test? Would it get the same overall result?

By the way, I usually make sourdough (Tartine recipe), but want to try a part yeast recipe for a change.

I love the videos. Nice hat!


I just realized that we’re sitting inside the cupboard above your counter while you’re speaking to us 🤣😂🤣



sehr schoen, ich fange gerade mit dem Backen von schoenem Roggenbrot an (das naechste ist Brot Nummer 6). Wo finde ich denn da bei Dir ein Video dazu? Du hast da ja eine ganze Menge.

Schoene Gruesse aus dem etwas verrauchten Kalifornien.


If I don't use a starter, do I change the amounts of any of the other ingredients?
