🌜Become A Perfect Skilled Driver🌛 | S u b l i m i n a l | { Requested}

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🌙 This Subliminal Contains hidden affirmations include :

Confident driver
-calm and Cautious driver
-safe driver
-perfect Parker
-perfect turning
-driving confidence
-can drive any vehicle
-always know where to go
-excellent driving skills
-immunity to tickets and being pulled over
-perfect control of speed limit ( know how hard to push the peddles )
-enjoy driving
-immunity to rush hour and heavy traffic
-time management
-Great with directions
-Can read a map
-Pay attention to road not get distracted easily

( also include boost, remove blockage, ask body permission, permanent results affirmations )

🔘 How to use it : Listen to it 6 Times a day or more for get a better and a fast results.

🔉 The volume recommend is : 60% .

🎧 Headphone is also recommend.

Good luck and please have nice day 😊.
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Magical Tips

- ALWAYS ask permission NEVER force your body.
Some mistakes most people with more stubborn minds make is try forced subliminals. Forced subliminals are extremely unhealthy for both stubborn and more open minded people.

- Quantity of subliminals
Now, I earlier talked about how you should start with only 2-3 subliminal topics if you are new to subliminals. You do not have to follow this instruction, this is hust an advice because you still don't know how your body will react to it: if you will feel tired easily or if you have a stubborn brain .
Most people recommend you to not go over the 5-6 subliminal topics mark, I also ways recommend this, however you should know this isn't a rule you have to follow. The truth is that, there really isn't a limit, it all depends on your energy levels and your energy levels depend on things like age and health, belief and such. However most people can't really take more than 6 without feeling extremely tired. If you can take more and still get results fast you should go for it

- Be positive and have good self talk.
If you keep saying to yourself "My skin is horrible" than I can guarantee you that it will keep being that way. You don't have to say "My skin is incredible" to yourself, subliminals do that work for you, but instead say "my skin is becoming incredible" in the sense that you know your skin condition is going to get better.
Thanking for the change even if it hasn't happen yet, is a great way for the universe to recompensate you for your positive energies.

- Mirrors.
The old big bad mirrors, subliminal best friends and best enemies at the same time.
If you are changing on physical levels, avoid looking in the mirror while listening to subliminals because it might confuse your brain. I would also avoid it for at least 1 hour/2 hours. There are people who can avoid the mirror for one whole week.
Looking at the mirror everyday is not bad as long as you don't obsess over changes or constantly look for them. When there is any noticeable change, believe me, you will see it without neccessary looking for it.

- Fake it until you make it
Faking it until you is really powerful and works, but for it you will have to avoid the mirror if you are going for a physical change.
If you're in the process of psychological change you won't have to worry about the mirror and actually it will be very good for you if you fake it while looking at yourself in the mirror and pretend you already are what you want to achieve, by acting. Even more if what you're going for is confidence.

- Listen at low volume
When you play subliminals at high volume it might be too audible to your conscious mind which could provoke it into trying to block the affirmations.
If you end up hearing an affirmation when the music gets lower, don't worry about it, it's not a big deal, just try to concetrate in something else for the next time it happens.

- Relax, do not be stressed
Try to meditate and relax before or while listening to subliminals. You can also try to ask the universe to calm you down, I'm sure it won't deny you .

- Try Listening while sleeping
Listening while sleeping could be helpful for some people, since they do not think negative things while sleeping.

- Take Breaks
Taking breaks between subliminals is not neccessary, but most people, specially more stubborn brained ones find taking breaks more efficiently for them.

- Do not rely only on subliminals. TAKE ACTION.
If you are doing a body subliminal, work out. If you are trying to get flawless skin, get a skin care routine. If you are trying to become and actor, search for any script on google and act according to it. If you want to become a singer, practice, see videos on how to improve your singing.


This shit works. I’ve had the worst drivers anxiety and today I asked my dad to take me on the streets. Like I legit said imma do this and I drove all around without being nervous and did pretty well!


I’m 22 and I’m just now getting my license. I haven’t driven since I was 16 due to anxiety but now I want to drive. I’ve only been practicing for a WEEK and my skills are so good, I’ve been listening to subliminals. Today I went driving on the street and did amazing. I have my road test Saturday. I WILL GET MY LICENSE!!!


GUYS DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS SUB!!! I seriously had a drive today that I was so nervous for, and the teacher said I did WAAAAY better than I had on my other drives! I turned perfectly and even got in some High Way driving! I didn’t even cry after the drive either!! AMAZING WORK👏👏👏


HI READ THIS IF U HAVE I had my test today and I was so nervous, cried before it IN THE DMV and the guy told me it would be fine even if i have to come back and take it again. SO. I took the test and I passed!!! I made some mistakes but HE DIDNT EVEN COUNT THEM. LET ME SAY TOO THAT HE WAS AN EX COP!!! IDK IF IT WAS THIS SUBLIMINAL OR ANOTHER ONE I USED BUT IT WORKED. THNK YOU UNIVERSE


I take my driving test in an hour I will update afterwards 🙂

Update: I Passed!!! First try


Im doing my drivers test today, will update, I GOT THIS!



Omg. I listened to this and couple of other “confident driving” “good driving” subliminals for like 4 days before my driving test and when I sleep. I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!! 😭 thank you


Just wanna day that THIS subliminal helped me pass my driver’s test!!! I did so well on the road test. Also, I’m an older first-time driver (in my early 20s) because in the past I’ve always been so anxious about driving. This subliminal helped me SO MUCH. (Also, helps to listen with a subliminal booster and blockage removal).




(Updates below😊)
Ok so yesterday was my first time driving in a long time. I just practiced driving around in a parking lot. It wasn’t horrible but obviously I need improvements. My turns are bad, movements are jerky, can’t park to save my life. I just really want to be good driver fast because all my friends drive & im about to be a senior. Today was my last day of drivers ed so now I’ve renewed my permit & now im gonna practice everyday until my final driving test on June 22. Today is June 4th so hopefully I can pass my test by then! I stopped listening to all my other subs so I can just focus on this one. I also have really bad anxiety and my whole body was shaking while driving so I really hope I just gain more confidence in it. Anyways I’ll update(:

Update: I’ve been listening for almost 2 weeks on loop while I sleep, and happy to say this sub really works! I just finished my 2nd drive with my instructor. He said I seemed very experienced at parking, and he was really shocked when I told him it was only my 2nd time parking! We even went on the highway (which we were supposed to yet, but he said I was ready & experienced). I’m super focused on the road, really calm (no more shaky hands, a lot less anxiety). Obviously I’m still not a perfect driver but I’m honestly shocked at how good I’ve gotten in such a short time. & I only need to be corrected once when I make mistakes (which is shocking to me because I’m very forgetful & usually need to be reminded a couple of times) anyways I couldn’t be more grateful for this sub! I 100% recommend to anyone who needs help with their drives.


Affirmations ( for everyone here if you want ♡)

I am able to drive comfortably

I am able to stop whenever needed to

I always notice the road signs and i obey them

I am able to make turns

I am able to park in any and every way

I am able to drive on hills and mountains with ease

I am able to drive in neighborhoods, parking lots, and high ways

I always pay attention to where i am driving to

I am immune to frustration while driving

There is little to no traffic whenever i drive

I will get my driver's license/permit

The driving instructor is very nice to me and they are patient

The driving instructor congratulates me after the driving test, saying that i passed

I will look and be fresh and clean in my Drivers License/Permit Photo

I am immune to getting suspended from my License

I am immune to getting caught by photo inforce

I always drive the speed limit and/or the flow of traffic


I used this and passed my driving exam. I struggle with anxiety and I felt so sick the day of the exam but it went well and passed🥰 good luck to everyone getting their license!


Listening to this before I take my driver's test 🥰 I will not be nervous. My test will be quick and easy. I will get a nice instructor. I will drive safe and Parallel Parking perfect. I will remember everything I need to pass. I got this!!!💗
I passed!!!


Thank you so much for making this! I used this for a few weeks and then stopped, but it made me feel confident and I started understanding things about driving and rules which seemed very difficult to me. More over, I PASSED MY THEORY TEST on the first try today and I want to share this magical energy with you all! Subliminals are so powerful and I am so grateful for people, like this angel right here, who create them and share them with all of us! 💟💟💟

UPDATE: Today I took my practical driving exam and I PASSED! I've had much less practice than the others, but my instructor told me that I drive pretty good with this amount of practice. Whoever is reading this, you've got this. Believe in yourself and watch the magic unfold! I am sending good vibes y'alls way!!!🤗💖🌈💕😇


OK this truly made me believe that subliminals work! Today was my 4th driving lesson and soo far I’ve been really shit at driving that even the driving instructor was getting annoyed. BUT last night and this morning I listened to this before my lesson while imagining myself driving without any anxiety …. And omg ..I did amazing!! The instructor was shocked and had to knock on wood to not jinx it. He even asked if I had been practicing before our lesson. It 100% works! I’m definitely gonna keep using this and probably start some other subs tooo 👀


wow, i used this yesterday, and I saw a huge difference, i’m more confident, and i can barely park ! And i also saw a real improvement in my turns’ skills and i was really struggling with it at first ! Definitely using this !


I passed finally 3rd time. I listened to it yesterday and in the morning. Dont know if this helped or not but did help me relax.


This helped I didn't have a panic attack driving today. I will keep listening. I just started driving again. My friends even got me a student driver magnet...lol.


this really works I've been dreading driving lessons cause I get so nervous, but I listened to this an hour before my lesson and I actually came out confident and feeling like I learned something. I didn't stall once!
