Book Launch. They Will Understand Us in 100 Years. Lazar Khidekel

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Please join us for a launch of the bilingual book They Will Understand Us in 100 Years. Lazar Khidekel, published alongside the first solo exhibition of brilliant artist and visionary architect Lazar Khidekel's work in Belarus, the country where he was born and studied at the Vitebsk Art School under the guidance of his legendary teachers Marc Chagall, El Lissitzky and Kazimir Malevich. Contributors to the exhibition and book will discuss the legacy of Lazar Khidekel (1904-1986), Belarusian claims to their avant-garde heritage, and impressions of visiting Belarus.

Featured speakers: Christina Lodder (Malevich Society), book contributors Regina Khidekel (editor) and Maria Kokkori, and exhibition curator Maya Katznelson. Discussion moderated by Olena Martynyuk (Harriman Institute).

The exhibition is part of the #UNOVIS100 project, initiated and organized by the Belarusian-Jewish Cultural Heritage Center and named for the 100th anniversary of the avant-garde art group UNOVIS (Affirmers of New Art) with a nod to the 1920 hashtag-shaped work by Lazar Khidekel featured on the exhibition poster and book cover.

This event is organized in cooperation with the Russian American Cultural Center/Lazar Khidekel Society.
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