Why Future Gohan Never Achieved his Full Potential?

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Why Future Gohan Never Achieved his Full Potential?
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Well the fact he achieved it on his own means he's still a prodigy and still had latent potential.


In tenkaichi 3, goku says " whts wrong gohan? You look sad" it is very sad when you know wht future gohan went through.


I feel like if trunks had died, Gohan would have snapped and found out about super saiyan 2 the hard way


If he only knew it was only a tingle in the back away 😢.


Wish we got an arc with more of future Gohan .


The hopeless of his situation got to him, no matter how angry he got he still wasn’t strong enough and it just made him sloppy, and after constant failure he became jaded and cut himself off from his emotions just so he could keep fighting a losing battle.


Rage boosts can only go so far. He never mastered SSJ1 like he did in the time chamber with Goku. Goku taught him how to master it. That's why they decided to stay super saiyan 24/7 leading up to the Cell games. They made SSJ1 Gohan's new base, so when the rage boost kicked in, it sent him to another level. Future Gohan didn't do that.


Tien and old vegeta always trains alone without much improvement piccolo was the first to branch out from this mindset and started training with others then vegeta realized how much he improved with future trunks and kids trunks wasn’t the age to push him but he achieved super sayian two anyway
Ps Tien training with chioatzu and still have to hold so much back is wasting his precious time


I believe master roshi had a hand in gohan training and discipline to a degree, we can say what you want, but gohan had a happy, go lucky demeanor when he wasn’t fighting and I don’t think he was putting on a front simply for trunks, that was genuine joy in a bleak environment much how Goku was during turtle training


The reason is very simple and it's not got anything to do with him not having training to learn, as he achieved Super Saiyan after seeing those he loved die in front of him by the Cyborgs.

From that moment on Gohan was either fighting for his life or struggling to survive, he had massive injuries repeatedly due to being overwhelmed by the pair of them.

To note that his Super Saiyan 1 form was enough to kill either 17 or 18 on their own, it would've been a close battle but he was that strong by that time, but him having to contend with both made it impossible, that's why he was training Trunks as he wanted a distraction and lesser Super Saiyan to fight and keep either 17 or 18 busy while he finished the other.

the only reason he died in the end was because Trunks wasn't capable of controlling Super Saiyan at that time and nearly died from the Cyborgs attack. If Gohan had been alone it would've been a rinse and repeat of Gohan getting a minor Zenkai boost from nearly dying, eating a Sensu Bean and getting stronger.

If we're going down this road, eventually he'd have reached perfected Super Saiyan 1 and decimated the both of them


Would love an alternate story of Gohan and Trunks carrying on after the androids


He trained himself to be a cool, calm, efficient warrior, surviving an unspecified number of battles with the Androids directly. This mindset is why he couldn't lose his shit anymore and tap into his potential. He had to lose control. His success was his demise, but Trunks was that success's legacy.


I feel future Gohan's pain... i lost my left arm in a car crash 😢


I like to imagine there’s a world out there that when he was fighting the androids he went super saiyan 2 while they were blasting him and put up a fight like the dragon ball Z kakarot DLC but instead he won


If gohan and trunks had went to kami lookout and trained in the chamber this story would’ve been way different. More rigorous training and getting senzus from korin would’ve helped too.


The fact that the real dragon ball time line, is the one where the androids destroyed everything and the one we are watching got separated from the original one because trunks went back to the past to avoid all of this


Another reason is because no one was at a level like Gohan for him to train with. For example when teen Gohan and goku trained they were able to reach above grade 2 super sayin (basically the buff form vegeta and trunks used) but achieved grade 3 (When Gohan and Goku staying in super sayin without needing to charge up for it) Even in dbs whis states that sayins training together furthers their hints why vegeta always trains with goku. In all of this if Gohan had more time with trunks. He could've easily gotten super sayin 2


Kinda difficult to put some serious training when increasing your power level would alert the androids of your location. His best method of training would be fighting the androids and improving every time, but that would be too risky.


In the manga that the The History of Trunks special is based upon (as it isn't one of the theatrical films & is based upon manga canon material), Future Trunks already has access to Super Saiyan while Future Gohan is still alive, however he lacks Gohan's experience & since Future Trunks' Super Saiyan form is unmastered, he is more prone to being overcome by his emotions clouding his judgment (Future Gohan by comparison has been fighting the Androids for years & has likely learned how to keep his emotions in check similar to Goku during the latter parts of his battle with Frieza (despite being a Super Saiyan, Goku was willing to let Frieza live once he started running out of steam due to the strain of his 100% Final Form, and showed Frieza mercy when he begged for it after injuring himself with his own technique, & even the Angry Kamehameha didn't finish Frieza off as Goku admitted to Future Trunks that he had been too soft on Frieza)! Future Gohan was able to keep his instincts in check, though his greatest weakness was he he had the same protectivness of Future Trunks, that Future Piccolo had for Future Gohan, thus put his survival over his own, believing he had the potential to surpass him due to Future Trunks being the son of Vegeta (in the manga Future Trunks' access to Super Saiyan not unlike like his main timeline counterpart) likely made Future Gohan see Future Trunks as a prodigy like Vegeta! Future Gohan like his main timeline counterpart before the Cell Games also sincerely underestimated his own latent potential (presumably due to Guru unlocking it on Namek) & never suspecting there were levels beyond Super Saiyan (thus focused on simply getting stronger through training, rather than trying to push beyond the Super Saiyan barrier to become an Ascended Super Saiyan (aka Super Saiyan 2 which apparently requires mastering the base Super Saiyan form to achieve Super Saiyan Full Power which gets rid of the restless feeling, conserves ki, & effectively treats the form as no different from their base form, thus they can stay transformed even while at rest!

XENOVERSE 2's Unknown History Saga suggests that if Super Saiyan Future Trunks had been around when he faced the Androids, its possible Gohan might have been able to tap into his latent potential as his berserker rages were often triggered by seeing his loved ones in danger, though it might have cost Future Trunks his life as he teams up with a alternate version of Future Trunks' older Time Patroller counterpart (apparently created by the Distorted Time Eggs due to Time Patrol Trunks' desire to save his beloved mentor) who appeared due to Chronoa electing to allow the alterations that allowed him to save Future Gohan from Mira, with Future Gohan choosing to go to his death knowing Future Trunks would ultimately succeed where he failed! Time Patrol Trunks defeated the Androids of his timeline & Future Cell, as well as served as a member of the Time Patrol due to having the identical history as the Time Patrol Trunks who resisted his desire to preserve the timeline)! While the alternate Time Patrol Trunks can become overwhelmed due to the nature of the battle in a video game storyline, one could argue his emotional state may have clouded his judgment along with the possibility the Distorted Time Eggs made the Androids stronger! Ultimately I believe the presence of the former Time Patrol Trunks, allowed Future Gohan to tap into his latent potential due to his desire to protect his student, as well as the hope that TP Trunks' presence represented, allowing him to ultimately allow the pair to overcome the Androids to bring peace to their world, even if this alternate TP TRUNKS had to sacrifice his principles as a Time Patroller chosing to remain in said new timeline he created through once again altering history (albeit this time with the help of the Distorted Time Eggs which altered TP Trunks' actions so he chose to save Future Gohan rather than let history play out like it should (fortunately it was a naturally occurring time distortion & was caused by Chronoa's neglecting to restore the unaltered timeline as she kept in TP Future Trunks meeting Future Gohan before his death (resulting in Future Gohan's I Will Never Die speech to the Androids from the TV Special, which was not originally present in the unaltered timeline that Future Trunks views shortly before said timeline is altered!

The young Teen Future Trunks was too inexperienced for Future Gohan to go all out against & Future Gohan was mostly self taught after the deaths of the other Z Fighters! However if Chronoa allowed the Unknown History Saga version of Future Trunks' timeline to remain (the alterations were partially her fault for not reverting the scroll to its unaltered state once history was corrected as she left in Future Gohan fighting Future Android 16, & Mira alongside the Time Patrol as he knowingly when to his death having figured out that his death meant something thanks to TP Trunks' insistence he join him in confronting the Androids, convincing him he was okay knowing Future Trunks could finally bring peace one day, hence his speech to the Androids about another warrior taking his place! If said altered Future timeline was allowed to remain (its fate is left ambiguous regardless of the player's input regarding the matter)! Presumably TP Trunks would help his younger counterpart & Future Gohan achieve mastery of the Super Saiyan form, putting Future Gohan closer to achieving Super Saiyan 2 & possibly beyond (as he probably would have joined the two Future Trunks' in training on the Sacred World of the Kais with TP Trunks knowing to free Future Elder Kai from the Z Sword, allowing Future Gohan the opportunity to have his Potential Unleashed to become Ultimate Future Gohan, thus making him more than a match for Future Babidi & Future Dabura)! Future Gohan might also get the opportunity to train with Future Goku as The Sacred World of the Kais is located within the heavenly realm of Other World thus deceased fighters can exist their no problem (Future Goku has Instant Transmission & could probably bring along Future Piccolo & the others for a brief reunion, with the possibility of maybe Future Vegeta being released from HELL with either a good word to King Yemma from Future Shin, Future Goku, and/or Future King Kai if he hasn't already given some benefits of dying heroically fighting the Androids)!


I just remembered when trunks said "In the future everyone will die except for gohan" somehow, I didnt think that was about future gohan.
