What do enormous layers of coal reveal about Noah's Flood? - Dr. Kurt Wise

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After you’ve watched the documentary film and want to learn more, this is your next step. Explore the impact of the global flood on the Earth in these 20 new videos featuring scientists from the film.

In this much-requested video, Del Tackett follows paleontologist Kurt Wise into the air shaft of an old coal mine in the Pocket Wilderness (Tennessee) where they discuss the origin of coal. Dr. Wise explains how the conventional model of coal formation in swamps is insufficient for explaining the coal beds we actually see. He talks about research done by Steve Austin in terms of floating log mats.

Dr. Wise earned his BA in geology from the University of Chicago, and his MA and PhD degrees in paleontology from Harvard University. He founded and directed the Center for Origins Research at Bryan College and taught biology there for 17 years. He then led the Center for Theology and Science at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for 3 years, before founding and directing the Center for Creation Research and teaching biology at Truett McConnell University for the last 7 years.
His fieldwork has included research in early Flood rocks in the Death Valley region, late Flood rocks in Wyoming, and post-Flood caves in Tennessee.

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I’m an underground miner in the Midwest and Ive wandered for over a decade how the coal was made. Iv seen lot of things that led me to the conclusion that hydrolics “water” had to have had a big part in it and trees as well. The way the seems lay and rise up and down looked like water had moved over what was once the ground one would have stood on. Ive seen shells, trees that are so long laying rite on top of the coal in the shell and fossilized in perfect detail. Once in a while one would line up with an entry and a couple inches of stack rock would fall exposing them and it would expose its self for many brakes. On the main west travel road on 100 foot pillars 120 foot centers we had one exposed for over 8 brakes. That’s 960 feet of tree in perfect detail and we never saw a single branch or the stump nor did it narrow. That was the longest but seen many. We also had a fern leaf in an intersection on a main that measured 38 feet across. Scientist came to visit our mine more than once and we were told that it was an ancient rain forest.
The things the man said in this video makes more sense than anything Ive ever heard about coal. I’d say he’s dead on.


When I worked at a small scale coal mine there were 3 layers of coal and the mudstone that I lifted had the imprint of what I could describe as a fern.


I worked several months in underground coal mines in West Virginia. I saw several "kettle bottoms" which appear to be the bottom sections of trees.


I grew up for 18 years living right next to a brickworks quarry and could clearly see the layers of coal, shales, sandstone etc.
The coal outcropped so close to surface that last year builders putting houses on field adjacent the quarry was forced to have excavators dig down 4 feet to thoroughly mix the coal and shale to forestall any possibility of a garden fire causing and underground fire scenario like in Centralia.
I once calculated that before the Flood there was probably 30 trillion large trees on Earth and at say a 15% ratio of organic material to be converted into methane, oil and coal it would give perhaps 1.5 TRILLION TONS of oil and coal.
But the figure would be far higher when all the grasses, crops, bushes, fallen leaves, humus is added and converted to oil and coal.
Then add in all the drowned humans, dinosaurs, creatures, birds, fish, insects and the total mass of gas, oil and coal under our feet is unimaginable for most people but it is certainly sufficient to keep us warm and fuelled for hundreds more years!
No wonder GOD intends to burn up this tired Earth and make a new one after Judgment Day!
My calculations are in my book: 'A Brief History of Time #2 by R White' available from Amazon.


I love the energy and vibe of Dr. Kurt Wise💓


It is so refreshing to hear some real scientific explanations that actually make sense!


Dr. Wise has an infectious enthusiasm that is so cool. It makes learning about rocks so interesting.


I have a friend in Israel who lived in the USA. There he used to work in a coal mine in Virginia. One day a clonker (petrified tree) got stuck in the machine. Under it they found a golden necklace. It was underground in an untouched coal layer.


This is a great explanation. It makes it easy to understand why metal items called ooparts have been found in coal in Pennsylvania and Russia.


Would really like to see one on how oil is formed. I understand now how the Coal has come about. Tell us about oil please!


Finally a intellectual presentation on YouTube that is worth listening to.


So wonderful to see bible-believing Christians who are scientists speaking out.. finally. Thank you all who participate in making these films


The more you know the more exciting it gets! Dr. Kurt Wise is a prime example of it.


We've been in that air shaft many times and didn't know all of this. Thank you!


It's nice to see such intelligent people proposing such plausible theories based on progressive science. Something that has been sadly lacking in many fields of, supposed, science.


It's now official! "Is Genesis History?" is my absolute favorite youtube channel!


would 100% agree with this having worked with coal for the last 10 years and seen numerous seam formations & if you take a good look at the topography and prevailing wind patterns here in Queensland there is a clear relationship between a receding shore line post a massive single eevent and spread over 1500km of shore line. Shore line deposits are of ocean origin and not swamp are at 3 levels and have been back filled from inland sediment deposition. Many areas have only compacted sand of around 60 m with only weak rock formation.


I shared your previous video about the log mats forming beds of bark underneath the mats in a discussion about coal. I was genuinely interested to know what OTHER people knew about the formation of coal. The general hypothesis is completely incompatible with young earth creationists ideas. So I left the discussion having succeeded in at least bringing up the topic. Really interesting videos, thank you for sharing!!


That is absolutely incredible. And to think it's also the best source for ultra clean and cheap natural gas. And literally unlimited supply of it lol all that is needed is water under pressure and a period of time and BAM you have natural gas. One example of this is in north east Wyoming. Thousands of shallow depth water wells drilled down to the coal seam. Pump out the water and the gas flows like crazy. It's drawn out by pumping stations and then pushed to a refinery. Whenever a well stops producing it is turned off and then massive amounts of water is pumped into the well and capped off. A cycle that is basically limitless. And a source of energy that is almost 100% pollution free. And yet there is still huge amount of opposition to it's production and use. Kinda proves that there is a major agenda against real environmental reform. But I digress lol


This Welshman comes from a traditionally coal-mining nation but none of this is taught in those extinct pits that are now museums. I challenged a tour guide who said that a piece of a fossilised tree was 300, 000 years old. I asked him how he knew it was that old. He said, "That's what THEY say!" Question: who are "THEY?"
I prefer to believe the Genesis account and give all the glory to God
