The Problem With The Clan War League In Clash of Clans...

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The Problem With The Clan War League In Clash of Clans...
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This feels a bit of a reach. The whole purpose of CWL is to match against your own clans league. They dont want a clan of th8s in champions league. It gives a reason to recruit higher members, get stronger and keep progressing, and overall just keep trying.


You can absolutely swap members any day of cwl...


At this point Disfunctional is just posting videos for the sake of it, earlier they jad something of substance but now they are just yap fest, he's just pushing out dumb and pointless content.


Welcome to a new episode of daily yapping


Uh....the whole clan can be added to cwl, and people can be swapped in and out whenever


This guy issues problems that didn't need fixing 😂😂


I don't like the current matchmaking. I'm a TH14 but I get matched against TH16 PRO MAX.


This feels like you're just trying to find content where there's no problem there


The clear solution to this is the way my clan does it. We have 3 clans. One main clan where we all do regular wars. During cwl only 16s do cwl on the main clan and lower ths move to 2nd clan for cwl. At the same time people who want more ores can do regular war in clan 3 along with their cwl. That who don't wanna go cwl in either clan can just sit in clan 3 doing regular wars. I've not seen much of any mismatches because first clan is in champion and second clan is in crystal... Y'all just need good clan leadership to manage all this...


i don't think matchmaking in CWL is a problem. if your clan isn't strong enough to be competitive in the League you're in then you will eventually drop to a lower league where your clan will be more competitive. Conversely, if your clan is easily winning you will advance to a higher league where the opponent clans are tougher. I don't see the issue? Thats the way the CWL was designed to work


I stopped playing clash because of cwl!
My clan was a streak clan, winstreak in war was 100+ wins.
Problem is that when cwl is busy there are almost no clans playing normal war, and if you do start war in that time you almost always going to get mismatches.
We lost winstreaks from 64 wins and winstreak of 79 wins. Always more change to get mismatch in this time of the month.
So for streakclans this is 8 to 10 days no war, that only leaves like 20 days (10 wars) in a month to play!


Cwl is not fun at all for low th players, i just endured it because i need those medals. Clash if clans becoming trash, they need a very good system in matchmaking, i guess they need to ban th rushers/e-bases in cwl/cw.


I like the league concept - if otherwise it would be possible for a full th10 clan to enter champs because the go up against other th10 clans. Seems unfair to me


this is competitive side of clash. no matter where your place at league you will be missmatched with some clans anyway. this changes when reach the top. everyone there is good. in lower ranks there is always odd placement happens due to human error in every other competitive game.


In the mid league match making is not a problem beacause some max th16 can't even 2 star a th14 and they are braindead


It's because they rush accounts and then they load in all their strong accounts while they leave the rush accounts into the clan roster to get them into the clan league


-i dont think there really are clans staying on lower level league, literally there is no benefits, the rewards get worse every time u go down a league, if "stronger clans" are in low leagues that's because those players aren't good attackers.
-a fair matchmaking system would make the only ranking system (cwl) of clansh of clans really unfair, it is totally fair that higher league corresponde in higher town hall levels, like, ur literally stronger than the other clan, and this way when u reach league with the majority of player having th mx (around master 1/champ 3), then u really see going up the best attackers, it wouldn't make sense for a clan of th10 to be able to reach champs league just beacse the matchmaking match theme with other clans with all th10...
-about the miss match situation, u should be able to get two stars from an opponent with 2 (or even 3) level higher th than yours (more easy to do if ur th10 or above and can request a siege machine), if u can't, well, hard truth, u still need to get better at attacking and probably ur not deserving the rank up.
-before rushing u need to learn how to attack lol, rushing will help you till a certain point cause u'll be a th16 going against th10 (but here, the rushed player doesn't complain ahah) then when u go up a few leagues u star getting players with th14/15 or even 16 that u can't tris because ur missing experience in attacking because u rushed the whole game, while they can easly tris u because u get wrecked with level 1 defences, and then u start getting frustated, because u don't know ho to fix a rushed based, or maybe u know but also know it will take a long time, u start seeing that experience with certain armies can help a ton, but learning the game at th16 with everything unlocked i can imagine is a bit overwealming so then at that point u start quitting the game.

this was me responding to the first part of the video, about the second one i think Disfunctional doesn't even play cwl himself, because u literally can put the whole clan and then swap out members in the middle of the week (also on the wiki is explained how rewards works, how many medal a player get even if he stays on the bench the whole week, bonuses etc...). Also the matchmaking that there is right know prevent every type of abuse about the number of swaps a clan can do.

in regard the third part about clans staying in lower level leagues, it doesn't make sense to me, i won't even respond... if anyone want's to have me explain why, ask and i will explain it.


The biggest problem with cwl is that clans can hold 50 people, but you can only put in 30 people. if your clan is in champs then you can only run 15vs15. IT REALLY SUCKS HAVING TO SLIT YOUR CLAN UP ONCE A MONTH so that everyone can be included, and stay engaged in the game. The other huge issue is that everyone has to leave to go dump capital gold because supercell has been extremely slow on any new content for capital either. Such easy fixes, yet no solution other than what I stated above that players have had to resort too


Big mistake in the video : changing players during the cwl is completely possible since you can register as many player as you went into the league and then select the 15 participants the say you want out of this big pool of players


The clan war league seems to be fine. If you somehow fluke your way into master or champions league, you shouldn't be surprised when you face higher level clans. Technically, you shouldn't even be up there if you aren't good enough as a clan to hold your own. People seem to forget that there are real world tournaments that involve CWL placement. If I could change anything, it'll be that the champions league should allow for 30 v 30. A lot of clans are stacked enough for it now. 15 v 15 doesn't cut it anymore