'Let us make 2017 a year for peace' - UN Secretary-General António Guterres

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In his first message on his first day as United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres appeals to the world for one shared new year resolution - to "put peace first" in the year 2017.
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Please watch and share António Guterres special video message calling for peace. Thanks and Happy New Year!


Sharing, Justice and Peace for All - Save Our Planet.


Best wishes Mr Secretary General. Thank you for the short and sweet, very clear message!


"Life Savers Peer Support Group" as a UN Commitee. For those of us who want to talk about our great and main driving force of peace; heroism in protecting, nurturing, and developing the genius of lives all over the globe. We deserve this chance to speak, so to amplify our securities, gain commitments to self sense of goodness and accomplishment, and all of the above. Love you I know you will do this for us and make it cool. Even in media. Saves lives;) I know this counts. Gregory.


Tenho a esperança de que suas palavras se tornem em ações efetivas por parte dos Estados Membros, Sr. Guterres. Que faça um excelente trabalho como Secretário-Geral.


New Nations based on UN principles of Democracy, equality, and peace for those who need refuge and a new chance from the peace to the health. Brain Initiative USA. "Peace is our guide." Peace is health. Pace is You my love! Gregory - HTB


thank you for your video, make a peace treaty withe the DPRK and the USA that we have peace at last


Impossible reach peace in the world when our hearts are without God, the Holy Bible, the Word of God, explain us that the world doesn't know the meaning of peace because the evil, the prince of this world (satan) will do more evil because he knows that his end is near, very near!! Be carefull and don't be deceive when some leader will say the word "peace" because until the return of Jesus Christ there will be no peace in the world, until the return of the prince of peace Jesus Christ the Lord, the mighty God!!🙏 stay strong in the Lord and His Word!! God bless you all! Praise God🙏🙏


I humbly and honestly join UN Secretary General Antonion Guterrmen.


I am holding the United Nations Channel in my hand through this mini computer. Can life be more prophetic!? Holding the World in my hands. Cooler is thr BBC Micro:Bit for elementary school kids please unleash this sacred bumblebee.


make peace with your creator is best thing you can do, man !!!


Hon'ble UN Secretary General Antonio Gutterres,


يامنظمات حقوق الإنسان حالتي الصحيه في تدهور لم اعد احتمل . اراء كل شي ضدي .اشك في الحلاق في المطعم في البقاله ليس هناك شئ مطمئن ارجوكم اخرجوني اريد السلام والخير. احب الجميع انا تعبت هل تنقذوني لم اعد احتمل


Everybody, please be aware just in case, even if you do not believe, but for you and your loved ones just in case be aware - The 12 Star Crowned Celestial Virgin clothed with the Sun with the Moon at her feet and giving birth to a child - The Revelation 12 sign - Happen this month on September 23rd 2017 2 days after the UN's day of Peace (if it falls on the 21st which is also the day of the Feast of Trumpets). I say please be aware of this day even if you are not a Christian because something may happen on this day, or some time before or after this day, the 23rd, or nothing may happen at all but please remember and be aware just in case something does happen, ESPECIALLY if you are Christian. The UN's theme for its Day of Peace 2017 is Peace and Safety while Thessalonians 5 says When they say Peace and Safety sudden destruction will come upon them like a thief in the night. The third Temple of Solomon is scheduled to be rebuilt now because the real location of the 2nd temple was found in the Old City of David, NOT at the Dome of the Rock! Trumpets are heard in the sky all over the world, Christians and non believers are persecuted by both ISIS and Sunni Muslims around the world as directed by their Shariah Law. All of these signs are pointed to the Tribulation starting very soon!

Sunni Muslims all around the world are proclaiming the Day of the Caliphate is soon at hand! And that Soon they will Rule the World under Shariah Law. Weapons Caches are being found all over Europe FULL of Military grade assault machine guns, grenade launchers, and anti-aircraft/anti-tank artillery stocked up for use by terrorists and criminal organizations. Anti-Terrorists organizations please be on special high alert the last two weeks of September, and everyone please keep an eye and an ear out next week and the following week, ESPECIALLY on the days of the 21st and the 23rd! You can find out more by searching on youtube for "What will happen on September 23rd 2017" or "Revelation 12 sign September 23rd" or "UN Day of Peace 2017". A lot of videos say Nibiru will fly by earth and send debris of comets crashing down to earth, I don't know if that will happen or not but it might, or something else big may very well happen such as a major terrorist attack so please be aware just in case, even if you do not believe just to be safe. God bless everyone!


Congretchulation... UN's WORLD UNO 💘


keep them in their own lands what they are familiar with. bringing them to a foreign country is not working out that well


A ticket for today finally tomato finally


Well can He be in it now, its almost June. He got a haircut and new shoes too!👞
Lets try this new thing called PEACE.


Ibeacon Microbits with the computer smartphone Man...trust me teach me With a question: "you love to love" means we? Micro:bit, IBeacon, and Smartphone: innovation: Put them together it's easy. A smartphone that programs and downloads the microbit that acts compiled with the iBeacon And the software as a new device for our service members. ✌️


i wouldn't say peace as a virtue, it has subversive connotations.

"Asgardia ", maybe.
