Crisco candle room heating | Power Outage Room Heating | 9 hour test

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Crisco candle room heating in a Power Outage Room Heating / 9 hour test ..... I Tested it DID IT WORK?????
I have had many people ask about room testing with this crisco candle heating method ... they wanted to know if there was an emergency maybe a winter power outage. If during a winter power outage during an emergency will this method keep them alive vs freezing to death?

Well I did the crisco candle room heating test for you, acting out a power outage room heating scenario. A 9 hour test. These 72 day crisco candles do burn for a very long time...

And in a power outage a emergency power outage and you a solution before freezing to death, follow all safety protocols including carbon monoxide and smoke detector and a source of fresh air, never perform any of these scenarios with our all safety steps in place.

Knowing how to perform power Outage Room Heating is a great emergency power outage thing to know. Crisco candle room heating in a power outage heating is what we are showing how it works with heat turned off and the temp dropping . Crisco candle room heating.

It is a way to have winter power outage heat. thats rite emergency heat power outage, It is a cold weather room heating tip andother power outage room heating way of staying alive. Now you can make some crisco candles and have a emergency heat power outage option.

How to make Crisco candles:

Natural Medicine in the woods video :

#criscocandleroomheating #poweroutageroomheating #emergencyheatpoweroutage
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stone and concrete are amazing at holding heat in. When you are out in the wild, it is always suggested - if you can to build your survival fire beside a rock face. The rock face with absorb and keep the heat as long as the fire is going and you will still have heat after the fire goes out. This was a beautiful example of basic science. Well done.


Because of people like you, I have hope that the US is going to survive what is coming. You have taught me many things. May GOD be with you and your family. Merry Christmas. Keep up the great work. Our Mighty Father will bless you dearly for helping his children. Hallelujah


When I bought my first car in Canada I was advised to keep, among several other things, a candle in the trunk. If you got stuck in a snowstorm you could light the candle and it would provide you with enough warmth to prevent you suffering from hypothermia.


A candle puts out 80 BTUs. You need 20 BTUs per square foot to raise the temps consistently. So a candle can effectively heat 4 square feet. If its enclosed. If you are in a freezing car, it takes about 8 candles to keep you alive. I discovered this in the Marines.


When I was a kid we had farmland with a small storage building we used as a hunting cabin. We used a Crisco candle and steel heat transfer made of 8-inch square stock. My dad split it and put offset baffles in it. It was 8 ft tall and stood in the corner. The cabin was small and insulated and the heat stack would keep it at 85 degrees when it was below freezing outside. It doesn't take much; just a little imagination and applied science. Thanks for the video.


Energy has become so expensive in The Netherlands with the Ukraine war that this is an emergency solution for now. Thanks for the tip!!


Cool that your son was there helping you. He will never forget the fun things you guys do


My family came over and we all did a total of 20 mason jar candles. 5 per house and we have stacked our bricks 🧱 in storage for safe keeping. Thanks for the video.


Best, easiest, most efficient method I've seen these past few days of research. Thank you so much.


You could couple this with covering the door and windows with the exception of the 1 inch opening in the window. The more you insulate, the more heat you will hold in, allowing temps to build. Thanks for the test. Great video! 😁🤙


This guy is loved in the UK. Respect fm London.


I was dying living trying to survive after hardship and this is like being home again....I'm a van sleeper ...not van lifer that's a trendy shit...I'm poor n disabled and this idea of yours brings tears to my eyes ...thank you thank you thank you for sharing I thought I would die frozen sir...hats off 2 you


Your engineering approach to an alternative to heating is admirable!!
Thank you!!!


Thankyou I displayed these crisco heaters last winter when Texas was in trouble. 1974 -50 in the Yukon it kept myself and 3 siblings alive. I made just the can and candles love the brick idea. So glad you went into such detail as I was bombarded with such ridiculous accusations and


Thank you for doing this. I really like videos which not only show you what they've build/materials needed, but ALSO show you the actual temperatures you might get and tell you the room size etc. It's not going to be the Bahamas where you all sit in shorts and t-shirts, but it would help keep you warmer in winter clothing layers, so every little helps. Not to mention the light the candles give out too. Some great emergency tips and ideas - thanks again!


Great idea. Try this... Add a vaporizer effect by setting a pot of water on top of each heater with a lid, just off slightly. Your room will be even warmer. If you've ever used a warm vaporizer, when your kids or you have the croup, you know how warm steam raises the warmth in a space like a bedroom very quickly. Give it a try and see if you get even better results.


We recently lost power in northern Michigan after a strong wind/ice storm went through. We had sustained winds of 20-30mph with gusts up to 65mph. We were without power for 41+ hrs. We don’t have any propane heaters or a generator (more and more people are buying these in our area), but we have a LOT of candles and bricks. We took a few ceramic tiles, placed either a big pillar candle or decorative holder that holds 1-3 tea candles in it on top of each tile, and made an arch over each, with bricks. The inner temperature in the house dropped from 65* F to 51* while we slept, before the outage was noticed. Once we got 3 of the brick warmers built and lit, we got the temperature up to 57*. The outdoors temperatures were from 22*F-34*F WITHOUT factoring in the windchill, during this this time period. We wanted to use more bricks, but none were available, so we used some cast iron frying pans! This allowed us to heat food and water, also. We are in a split-level home built in 2000. We stayed in the top level (where the bedrooms and one of the bathrooms is) and we were pretty comfortable throughout the whole ordeal. Now have to order some propane heaters, purchase another (2)20# LP tanks to keep filled, and a few more jugs for water. We had 3 large water jugs filled and ready, (made from recycled cat litter jugs)to use for flushing toilets, and 4 cases of 16oz.fresh water bottles for drinking, after the fresh water tank was depleted. If you want to make/use terra cotta pots for heat, one great idea for a base I saw, was using an old fondue base! Time to hit the resale shops! We have a hard time finding terra cotta pots here in the winter, north of the 45th Parrallel.😁Prepare, people! God bless you! New subscriber.😁😊


Seems like you would want to find a small room in your house to set one of these up to keep warm, the smaller the room and the more insulation the easier it is to keep heated for emergencies. This guy kept a room at around 60 when it was really cold outside so it’s looks like they work! Can’t argue with success!


Glad to see your involving the young man as you show us the results of this project....Thanks for your efforts...


increase the height or mass of bricks above the candles it will store and radiate more heat into the room and you will also have hot rocks so to speak to in or under your blankets or bed.
being safe of coarse ! had to say it for all the trolls / dummies out there.
I like the video, thanks for taking the time.

🍻 Cheers
