Deepak Chopra - Is Life After Death Possible?

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Does everything about a person disappear at death? The body? Sure, it’s gone. The brain? It stops working, then dissolves. But what about awareness? Does our consciousness end forever? Nothing could be more frightening! Is there any hope? Are there ways that, conceivably, our consciousness can survive the ultimate insult?

Deepak Chopra is an Indian-American author, new age guru, and alternative medicine advocate. A prominent figure in the New Age movement, his books and videos have made him one of the best-known and wealthiest figures in alternative medicine.

Closer To Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.
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The answer is unknowable. Those who say yes cannot prove it. Neither can those who say no. I personally choose to believe that a universe that has organized itself over billions of years, leading to consciousness and self-awareness as the current apex of development, would not allow it to end at physical death.


This is simultaneously both a great answer and and a deeply unsatisfying one. I don't want to let go of who I am to 'rejoin' something greater, I want to continue to be me and perhaps make myself greater and improve myself, without losing myself.


Non-dual Vedanta in a nutshell, very nicely put.


As a Taoist who is inspired by Classical Taoism from the BC period, I feel very comfortable taking the view of Laozi (Lao-tzu), Zhuangzi (Chuang-tzu) and Liezi (Lieh-tzu) that when we die we go back to the Tao, the mystery which cannot be put into words and then dissolve in it. I don't mind nor it matters in the least the disappearance of my individual self, my mind, my emotions, my body. It makes feel happy to think that I will merge back into the source where I came from and stop being the one whom I have known ever since I became aware of myself, as somebody distinct from all others and rest in the womb of all things, as one with them, and unaware of who I am now.


Deepak gave the same answer that all mystics, monks, and people on Psychedelics come to discover.


"death and resurrection is creativity, making new contexts, new relationships all the time. It's happening now, everywhere" pretty cool


It’s impossible to know/find the answer….one can seek the true answer, but, at the price of your life…so, it’s best to stop asking the question, live the BEST life you can, LOVE as much as you can and STOP the hate, so when you’re time finally comes get the answer to this ultimate question you’ll be ready to accept it 🙂


Consciousness uses life and death to cross the timeless realms


Robert is really funny in video clip. " But I didn't remember who I was so what difference does it make". "But what if I don't want to disappear".


When i die i hope i don't have to experience any further existence, dead and gone forever that is absolute bliss to think about,


We do remember our past lives but don't know we do. Every life is part of the only life that will ever be as the remembering of the only being that will ever be. It's not my favorite answer either but it is the truth.


I love watching this in 2025. It kinda went over my head years ago.


This is something you have to be open to understand. Gary E. Schwartz's book titled " the life after death experiments" would suggest that his work with "mediums" is evidence that consciousness does continues after death. Edgar Cayce also helped a lot of people to overcome their phobias by past-life regression. This is a truth material science cannot reveal to us.


I would love to see a longer version with more pushy questions.


I have thought alot about death over the years and then all of a sudden i had a bizarre experience which you would call an out of body experience. And now i am pretty certain consciousness can travel away from the body. "Non local" is the term i believe. I wont admit to understanding how or why. I just know my awareness became separate from my physical body. I could witness things happening in a different location.


If what he says doesn’t make sense to you it’s because you have not moved up enough in your awareness of your consciousness.


Mr. Robert and Mr. Chopra billions of salutes. I am always avid to listen to your comments, ideas, thoughts, etc.


It's convincing : by the end, Robert looks as if he's being sucked in by the power of the arguments, like Mowgli facing Kaa the snake. 😂


There are thousands of case studies on rebirth ( jaariswar) where the person remembers past life.


I put a cellphone 📱 during a funeral in the bar from my friend who passed away.
Its a shame he never phoned me back from haven. 😅
