Deepak Chopra - Is Life After Death Possible?

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Does everything about a person disappear at death? The body? Sure, it's gone. The brain? It stops working, then dissolves. But what about awareness? Does our consciousness end forever?

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Right on point: "As long as you don't get attached to the role, you are free".


"There is no birth and there is no death. There is only a continuum of birth and death in the grammar of life."

These two sentences are not only contradictory syntactically, but they literally does not mean anything Saying this with fancy glasses does not change this fact. Do NOT let wacko ideas with no scientific base to find their path into great scientists that are interviewed in this show. Chopra is not a scientist and his ideas literally do not matter one bit in the "grammar of scientific endeavor".


I don't see any problem with Robert talking to Deepak. All Robert is trying to do is to learn about different views and philosophical stances about reality from various different people. There is no harm in that. I don't really agree with Deepak but i am still open minded enough to listen to what he has to say. I sure will not be slating him for his views, he is entitled to them as much as i am entitled to mine.


the afterlife is very much so real and happens to us all once we die (death which is just an illusion) our bodies stop working but our consciousness continues forever and ever. haha once you wake up from this dream world you will realize everything and go wow and have a good laugh. i research spirituality a lot, hear my instincts, intuition, see the signs all around me numbers, people's conversations, symbols, snychronocities, its pretty obvious. love to you all <3


Why are you people so fucking hostile towards Robert Lawrence Kuhn ? Dawkins talked to creationists, Hitchens talked to all kinds of religious lunatics, Dillahunty talked with Sye, Bill Nye takled to Ham ... Have you disliked that videos and talked shit there. Just because this is not debate but interview form does not mean that he is pro their views ... Their views fall upon its own merits. Publishing them is actually helping them to be exposed to wider audience . Dont talk shit.


Pro tip: never ask Deepak Chopra anything


I have a Deepak Chopra book. It makes an excellent door stop.


I am not a fan of DC and I am very skeptical of all these gurus who abandone their home-land to come to America where they make lots of money.  "He who speaks does not know and he who knows does not speak" is one of the ancient sayings, which. in my mind,  makes a lot of sense; and these people do speak a bit much. However, it also seems to be true that modern western math-based physics has reached to a point where things like conscience and many weird phenomena of the quantum world can not be explained by pure scientific methods, unless a concept of some sort of spiritual existence gets incorporated... something that exists outside of what we think of as space and time. Therefore, I have long decided to live my life in the most agreeable way possible within my personal mistakes and limitations. I have the feeling that I am getting the best of both worlds:  I am happy and satisfied with my current life, and if I die and find out that I am still conscious, all the better!.    Besides, there is not another option.  Simple as that.


A perfect answer. Death is only an illusion!


01:40 - "As long as you think of yourself as this little skin-encapsulated ego, dragging around a bag of flesh and bones, yes, it does" - Deepak Kills ! :)


I don't get scared of dieing but I'm scared of complete NOTHINGNESS for infinite time. Another part of me belives that the death and reborn of Earth and it's life has been a never ending cycle. #1 big bang, #2 planets form, #3 Earth forms, #4 life starts, #5 Everything dies even Earth and even the universe, #6 The Big Bang rehappens. Cycle continues.


Is this channel an atheism channel? It sure looks like it from the closed mindedness of all you people. What he said resonates with me. We are eternal beings.


giving up the idea of the self or losing one's identity to some 'cosmic consciousness' is far from a bad thing and its often misrepresented.. as deepak puts it, it truly is the ultimate freedom.. why would anyone want to be stuck as themselves for eternity when you can be anyone and anything? this is why so many people need life to be meaningless and finite because they can't make sense of living for eternity as one person.. but when not even your personality and the experiences that have shaped you can hold you back, you truly become a being of infinite potential and the average human lifespan just doesn't cut it.


Life is short....death is long. Simple...We are all here, now, together, once and never again. Lets get to know as many of us and do good to one an other.


Deepak continues to amaze me how he can create and obfuscate only to come up with an amazing word salad that is unfalsifiable . People walk away more confused than ever....LOL You got to love him.


does anyone think, that this guy might be right but every  single person in the world isnt smart enough to comprehend what he is ssaying.

only centuries later his words will have respect/?

that might be possible


I've never heard one man talk so much mumbo jumbo like he does.


when are people going to figure out that they won't figure it out


Imagine steam/vapour turning into liquid water and then into ice. The forms have changed but not the substance. You could argue that the vapour "died" and was "born" as water, and that's what DC meant - that these labels (life, death) become superficial once you stop dissecting that which is infinite/eternal. The substance here is the unchanging absolute. Only when manifested as the infinite relative, does change or rather the illusion of it, come into being. These labels only make sense in a very narrow/dissected, relativistic band.



His ideas are, of course, indisputable.  And that is to say, as soon as he says 'Beyond Space & Time" his theory of the cosmos has then "Left The Building".  In a very real sense such a philosophy is the only alternative to "The Building" of naturalism.  

An unfortunate situation we become tangled in occurs when we try to include such ideas as part of our understanding of the natural world ... Such an inclusion can never occur (assuming we do not discover some major expansion of our understanding of the natural world).

I suppose you could say this is a grand statement of the idea of "Separate Magisteriums".

There is one small, sticky part, where you 'train-yourself' to embrace this philosophy, if such training leaves your ability to make progress in understanding and dealing with the natural world then I don't see any harm in it.  And more, if such training actually enhances your ability to make progress in understanding and dealing with the natural world then not only is there no harm but there is benefit.
