Why you will never find your passion

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You might think that some people are lucky to have found their passion but I think that some of the most successful people are just good at finding lots of things interesting. You could take that passion away and they would be happy to find a new one.

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She puts her thoughts so well. It just flows out of her. A really good teacher.


The idea that everyone has this thing called their 'passion' is a middle class fantasy. Most people might have a few interests, but nothing that they want to throw their whole life into. There's nothing wrong in not having a 'passion', the idea that you should have one is just a value that doesn't mean much in reality. The truth is, most people just want a fairly simple life. Friends, family and a job they don't hate - and if that's all you want don't let anyone tell you that's not good enough. People are brought up with this fantasy that they will make a huge impact in some area of life - in reality the vast majority of human beings don't, and when you realise and accept that you will be happier.


This is a lovely video. I'm currently in the middle of having a bad spell in college and this video forced me to get up from my bed, brush my teeth and go attend that quantum chemistry lecture that I was otherwise going to sleep on. Thanks for salvaging my morning.


Don't find your passion, develop it!


Passion as a mindset rather than as something innate in us to discover is a great way to word it. Personally Ive always had many interests, though music being the primary of these, and when I started to explore more of the sciences I stumbled upon your videos. Since then I've realized that even though I may sometimes feel like an outsider to the field, no one can stop me from being passionate about both music and science simultaneously. It was only the dedication to keep learning more and pushing forward that makes it a passion. Thank you for your videos, they push me to keep learning.


Good point. Passion is not a rigid entity that can only be defined for one moment of time- its an integral of the things that you are familiar multiplied by what you're good with over a given amount of ∆t.


This is a surprisingly important message. I once distanced myself from what would eventually become my career because I did not feel “passionate” about it. Luckily my road in life brought me back around to it. It has given me a path to follow that truly interests me and challenges me. It has also afforded me the opportunity to pursue other activities about which I am perhaps more passionate.

Find something that interests you and that has some value to the world (because you need to make a living) and fail and fail and fail until you are good at it.


let's hope physics isn't deleted any time soon. 😂


Totally agree with you, passion alone can only lead you towards goals to some extent. Self-motivation and dedication are also part of the equation.


This was me for so long. I was interested in so many different sciences and other ideas, still am. But like you have said, you have to realize to just pick something and run with it. If you don't actually like it, then you know it's not your 'passion'. I think all these essays and using the word "passion"make us question who we are. Passion is so misleading and for a long time it got to me because I saw others as passionate about one thing or another. Now I realize I'm lucky that I find many things interesting and instead of looking at it as a pessimist, I am grateful. Thank you for covering this! I've never heard anyone talk about it before.


I think what your friend actually meant is that you're lucky to have found something you love deeply in your heart and feel joy and fulfilment by doing it.


Thank you for saying that. So many biographical works tell about how the subject became interested in their field at a young age. For example, his grandfather gave him a telescope when he was 3 years old and he went on to become the Astronomer Royal. That is so different from my own life experience that I wonder whether the tale is nonsense or there is something wrong with me. I'm glad to know someone else has no predetermined passion that guides her life.


100% agree. This is my exact situation. And I'm fine with it. You truly have to make yourself love things that you're interested in. It won't happen naturally. It's a mindset thing that you have to force yourself into.


I feel like I am privileged in that I also have a passion for physics. I just enjoy learning about it.


i thought i was passionate about mechanics. then i moved to electricity, later i decided that robotics is where my passion lays.
but after giving it some thought, i found out that what i want is to create.
so i thought what would give me the most "power of creation" and that led me to software, i am now addicted to it and i enjoyed every day in the university and for 3 years now, every day at work.
i did "find my passion" rather than create it. mine was to create


Just came across this video. Someone once told be to never make your hobby your fulltime job. And I've realized that for most people is true. Thanks for sharing


Most people think i'm passionate about computer science and science in general
but actually i just curious and i like learning new stuff and trying new things.
i like too many things to say that i have a single passion really
but i'm neither passionate about any of them, i just like doing it.
the idea that everyone should or have a passion is kinda hollywoody flawed.


I love your perspective! Thanks for sharing. I'm a physics major and I've doubted myself in regard to whether it's my "passion" and if I'm smart enough, but I came to the conclusion that I enjoy it and I'm a hard worker so I'll succeed.


yea, I agree, passion itself means something that one enjoys doing and thinking about, and that takes time to develop, be it music, art, science, woodcraft etc


Rapunzel has a voice of psychologist or psychiatrist. Very calm and frendly. I like it.
