Social Justice Conspiracy Theories Don’t Tell The True Story Of Racial Progress

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Barack Obama's election was a cultural milestone, demonstrating the undeniable progress of the previous 50 years. However, it was followed by an endless series of missed opportunities to heal our racial divide once and for all. Systemic racial oppression is now discussed more than ever, while simultaneously being less relevant than at any other point in American history. We must move beyond disempowering narratives and proudly embrace our real progress towards inclusivity. Despite its flaws, our country stands as a beacon of opportunity and freedom for all.

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Dad Saves America is a channel dedicated to celebrating heroic fatherhood while teaching the next generation of fathers strategies they can utilize in parenting their children. We believe strong children come from a strong family. We’ve had many experts in the studio, including Jonathan Haidt, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Troy Kotsur, John Mackey, Ben Askren, and Adam Carolla.

#racialprogress #conspiracytheory #blacklivesmatter
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It's not about race. It's collectivism. They divide down every line. Race, religion, political, class, status etc.


Content of character is a powerful measure to live up to.


Just imagine how many Americans would accept a free ride on the Disney Princess Train to Birkenau?



In other news, 6 Mississippi policemen given long sentences for torturing 2 black men.


I voted for Obama in 2008 and by 2012 was extremely upset that he did little to fix race relations. Instead, he divided the country even more while also further depressing overall optimism among citizens of this great country. It's unfortunate that our hope for course correction is hog-tied by DC corruption and DAs weaponizing the legal system. Also, serving Congress was meant to be a temporary participation and not a career choice. The US Constitution authors were marvelous but missed that key factor. That is the only part of the "system" which needs to be fixed. We need proper checks and balances back in DC!!!


Well done. Important condensed data points that every American should commit to memory


As I leftist I disagree with several points in the video but I know you are absolutely coming from the best of places and that you’re very compassionate. And you are 100% FUCKING RIGHT about the fact that OPPRESSION IS NOT IDENTITY IT’s A BEHAVIOR


Do a talk on Felix Dzherhinsky and the Counter Intelligence Disinformation Campaign and its effects today.


You were able to synthesize what I’ve been feeling about the Obama legacy for a while now. He didn’t do us any favors and pushed American backwards.

We aren’t a perfect society but the blueprint is there — our rights and constitution — for anyone to be able to succeed regardless of background.


can you tell me what is the matrix rating hierarchy of the individual ESG score?


You got it Pops, Knowledge . Get sum.


There's an even more effective way to ensure a bright future for your children --don't have them.


That is the one thing that drives me insane. I remember driving through the Jim Crowe south and seeing the separate drinking fountains and rest rooms, etc. I remember seeing the KKK very open in their dealings there. I did see and hear terribly racist things. But I also saw many more that weren't. And now, decades later, there are no separate drinking fountains and rest rooms, or seats in restaurants. People can sit where they please on a bus. And groups like the KKK? They tried to remake their image (didn't work), and disappeared into near oblivion.
Will we ever totally end racism? Probably not. But as Morgan Freeman has said numerous times, you end racism by stopping talking about it, by not highlighting it.
On a side note, after years of fighting to end segregation, we see it's resurrection with black only dorms, black/brown/gay, whatever graduations. All done in the name of 'ending white privilege' or supremacy. Alabama Governor George Wallace, who infamously said "Segregation yesterday, segregation today, segregation tomorrow", would be so proud


This was spot on!
You killed me with the Kramer clip btw 😂


Dad Saves America is exactly what our political discourse needs to be.


I despised Obama as a candidate, I couldn’t stand to even hear him speak (the way says any word that starts or ends with the letter “S” still haunts me, it was like nails on a chalkboard, but with an amp…). I knew his “hope and change” message wasn’t just hyperbole, he would fundamentally change this country if elected, and Obamacare was the single greatest threat to the Bill of Rights I had seen (and I was right about what Obamacare would be used for, thousands of trolls and dozens of friends alike owe me one hell of an apology). All of this I knew, had zero doubt about—the man would start us on a course that would be damn near impossible to correct if ppl were naive enough to vote for him, and again, I was spot-on. HOWEVER, despite all of this, despite knowing that he would doom us in ways that most ppl who grew up in a nation as free as ours failed to grasp, when he was declared the winner I thought to myself “well, on the bright side, he’s in a perfect position to encourage racial harmony as a product of an interracial marriage, himself, so I guess that’s a worthwhile silver lining….right??”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I feel so sad for my naive former self. I was pretty awake back then, too, far more so than anyone I knew at the time (podcasts and alternative media weren’t a thing yet, so most ppl still believed the narrative), but I STILL thought that it was impossible that anyone, especially the president, and even more so a black president, could ever WANT to destroy any progress made following the Civil Rights Movement, but it turns out that it can be difficult to predict pathological behaviors in others sometimes bc if you’re not pathological yourself, your mind isn’t twisted enough to even consider it a possibility.

Today, I know better, and have decided that it isn’t just that “power corrupts”. I think it’s far more accurate to say that power SELECTS for corruption. In other words, if they’ve survived in politics long enough to reach the Oval Office, one shouldn’t be shocked when they behave like psychopaths.


The manchurian candidate was not anything to be proud of


Bobby McFerrin said it best in his 1988 song, "Don't Worry, Be Happy" ❤


Ben carson would be a great 1st black president


Unfortunately, Jassy is the least competent of any of the CEOs you just mentioned.
