Using Boardmaker and Curriculum with Switches

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Presenter: Heidi G. Brislin, MS-OTR/L

Description: Not only does Boardmaker 7 continue to be a great resource for creating visual supports for students but did you know that you can create your own or use premade switch activities? Your Boardmaker 7 license includes Boardmaker Instructional Solutions which is a set of standards-based curricula specifically designed for students with special needs. These include Core First Learning, Reading Avenue, Book Bridge, and Expedition Education. In this session you will learn how to make Boardmaker activities switch accessible.

Learning Objectives:
Able to set-up a switch accessible activity within the Boardmaker Curriculum
Able to assign Boardmaker switch accessible activities to students who are switch users.
Able to find resources on how to make Boardmaker activities switch accessible on at least 2 devices (iPad, Chromebook, PC)
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