Все публикации

AAC Collaboration Corner 10.3.24: AAC 101

October AAC app sales quick look

Embedded communication supports throughout Ruby Bridges Elementary School

Authentic Assessment for Students who are Deafblind

Communication for Students with Complex Needs - Assessment- Family Involvement -1b

Communication for Students with Complex Needs (Deafblind focus)Session 1a

Unlearning: Changing Your Beliefs & Your Classroom with UDL Book Study - Chapter 6

Practical AAC Implementation Strategies for Nurturing Communicative Autonomy and Self-Expression

Communication for Students with Complex Needs: The Keys to Success! (Deafblind Focus)

Book study- The Shift to Student Led: Reimagining Student Workflows with UDL and Blended Learning

Modifying student work using Chat GPT: Example prompts from a parent/educator to support inclusion.

Tiered Supports on State Testing

12-year-old WA State Student talks about technology for learning

Awe and Wonder Podcast AAC & AT S5 E9 Vision: Krista Wilkinson

Awe and Wonder Podcast AAC & AT S5 E8 Vision: Whitney Van Klinken

Communicating On The Go with AAC this Summer

Perkins School for the Blind CVI Protocol

Washington State School for the Blind - Outreach Access Services

Awe and Wonder Podcast AAC & AT S5 E5 Vision: Marci Revelli

NovaChat set up for visual and motor considerations: keyguard, red upon select, background color.

Module 5 Anchor Read Apply

Module 6 - writing Ideas

Module 6 - drawing, collage ot photo

Module 6 - Teacher Responses