How To Muzzle Train Your Dog | Pet Health Advice
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If you need your dog to wear a muzzle, take one step at a time and offer reward-based training to slowly get them used to it. PDSA Vet Fran shows how to muzzle train your dog in five simple steps.
Step 1 – Introduce the muzzle
Positively introduce the muzzle by placing yummy treats around it.
Step two – Place their nose in the muzzle
Once your dog is comfortable with the sight of their muzzle, encourage them to put their nose in it by giving them treats through the gaps.
Step three – Hold the straps
Hold (but don’t fasten) the muzzle straps behind your dog’s ears and give them a treat.
Step four – Leave the muzzle on
Fasten the muzzle but don’t forget to reward your dog with a treat. Take the muzzle off and repeat.
Step five – Put the muzzle on often
If your dog only wears their muzzle at the vets or groomers, it’s a good idea to also put it on at home and give them a treat, so they think of it positively.
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