Collagen: The Secret For Amazing Hair, Nails, & Skin?

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For Surgical Consultations: (347) 434-8397

What is collagen and should you use collagen? Hair surgeon Doctor Gary Linkov breaks down everything you need to know about collagen and what it can do for you!

Dr. Gary Linkov on Social Media:

City Facial Plastics: Dr. Gary Linkov
150 E 56th St, 1AB
New York, NY 10022
(212) 439-5177

00:00 - Intro
00:15 - What is collagen?
01:13 - How is collagen made?
02:49 - What do collagen supplements promise?
03:28 - Do collagen supplements actually work?
09:02 - Natural ways of boosting collagen
11:06 - Which collagen should you choose?

#collagen #plasticsurgery

The content of this channel is for entertainment and educational purposes only. This content is not meant to provide any medical advice or treat any medical conditions. Patients must be evaluated by an appropriate healthcare provider on an individual basis and treatment must be tailored to meet that patient’s needs. Results and particular outcomes are not guaranteed.
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Low key, I think you’re really beautiful without hair. I’m sure it’s something you wish you could change, but I feel like you have really soothing features and lovely eyes and it just looks cool.


At 66 I have found collagen and glucosamine have been very helpful for my joints (I have osteoarthritis) and I no longer suffer from any pain.


I started collagen over a year ago to try due to all they hype. I really set no expectations for results. After 6 months I thought it was a scam since it did nothing for my skin, my nails, nor anything noticeable for my hair. Then one day as I was climbing my stairs I noticed something different. My knees didn't hurt! (I am elderly) I thought well maybe it was a fluke but that was a year ago and I am still taking this collagen and my knees are still behaving. I have even returned to the gym and am able to resume leg exercises that previously stressed my knees too much that I had to quit. I have no knee pain now. So, I am happy to take it, as it is great to have my knees back even though it didn't affect anything more on the cosmetic level.


Collagen type 2 has diminished my knee joint pain from an everyday and everyhour pain, to a mild once a day thing that I notice.


Since I have been using collagen (with vit C, but I used vit C before daily), my nails on my toes big fingers have lost the horizontal ridges I have had for my whole life, since I was a child. I have had bad circulation since I was little, so this means that finally the nutrients are getting there.


You truly are a reliable source in a profit driven modality, so thank you for your integrity in talking about these things.


It’s so nice to see someone actually talking about research


I know the main application people think about is beauty, but as someone with degenerative changes in their discs and just generally poor quality connective tissue, I'd love of there was a way of strengthening those tissues.


I took collagen after a deep surgery because my hair started falling out. I remembered when my dog was a puppy and in the process of changing to her adult teeth, her ears dropped. Breeders explained to me that the body will take collagen from less important areas to use it where it is more needed, and recommended giving her collagen supplements until all the adult teeth are here, and it helped her ears stand again.
So I knew I was lacking collagen, and when I started taking it, the hair in my sink after a hair wash immediately reduced to half the amount. It also really sped up the healing progress! After a couple weeks I slowly reduced it and eventually stopped taking it because my body no longer had a need for extra collagen.
I think when deciding on whether you want to take a specific supplement, you should first figure out if it may be something your body is lacking. Because if it's not, there is literally no point in taking it.
I also think the main issue with these studies is that they are done on perfectly healthy people, instead of people recovering from surgeries or severe injuries.


Best video on the topic that I’ve seen 👏🏼 comprehensive. Thank you


With all the misinformation out there, which has left me so confused especially when it comes to things like choosing supplements, I'm so happy I found your channel Dr. Gary. I'm so grateful for you putting this out there so we can all make better decisions backed by science. 💚

You should all take collagen with vitamin c and silica for maximum collagen synthesis.


If not for hair and skin, at least take it for joints. We all need it especially if you are active and over 35


Thank you for the biostatistics review for the USMLE steps in study design 😊😂! We love you Dr. Linkov, May God continue to bless you.
Respect and honor ❤to the real physicians like you !


Hey, Ryan. Just stoped tô say I appreciate your work 🇧🇷🇧🇷


I take collegen peptide powder for my skin. I don't know if it's working as I do so many others things (creams, red light therapy, Sculptra, microneedling) so I can't really say if it works
However, my joint pain and range of movement have improved - almost back to my youthful baseline. Also, my hair grew like crazy.


I use collagen tablets every day and it helps me having less bruises and them staying less long. I have joint laxity and coz of that, the skin layers are not well fuzed together. It works for me 👍


I take Verisol collagen by Sparkle Wellness. It also includes hyaluronic acid. The only change I’ve seen is less flaky skin. I haven’t been able to use tretinoin until now due to flakiness, so I’m happy.


5:55 Just a quick note that even if there's just a 1% significant change in a large sample, that could imply that some people see no change at all whereas others saw great improvement. This would need to be checked for in the study (hopefully the authors highlight it).


Wow wow wow Doctor, this was such an informative video, particularly since Ive heard about a recently published study saying vitamin C isnt really beneficial for daily supplement intake and i also heard a nutritionist say Americans consume 6x the amount of necessary protein. And i do not protect my skin the way i should. Thanks for this!!!!
