LHC First Physics : First collisions in the LHCb's experiment - March the 30th, 2010
First highlights of today: Physics at #13TeV as we start LHC season 2
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) 🧐 w/ Brian Cox
The LHC's Record Energy at CERN Will Just Produce Record Nonsense
The Large Hadron Collider
FASER: First observation of collider neutrinos at the LHC
The Sound of the Large Hadron Collider
LHC: First Heavy Ion Collisions (2010.11.08 @ 11:22 CET) [720p]
[W175] Martin Hirsch: Long-lived heavy neutral leptons at the LHC
Activities in the ATLAS control room while waiting for LHC First Physics
LHCNews Apr, 2010 - The LHC is GO!
Live from ISR: injection of the first pilot beams into the LHC
First 7 TeV collisions at LHC seen by the ALICE experiment
10 years ago, the first high-energy collisions at the LHC.
LHC First Beam Reaction from CERN Auditorium
LHC Sets Collision Record - New Era For Particle Physics
CERN Milestone: First Heavy Ions In The LHC
LHC Restart 2016: First beams
Facebook Live: Kick-off for the 2017 LHC physics season
CERN First observation of collider neutrinos at the LHC
Large Hadron Collider & Big Bang - Brian Cox
CERN News - Nov 10, 2010: First heavy ions in the LHC
HL-LHC First Stone Footage
ATLAS detector, one of the most important detectors at the LHC CERN #shorts #viral
Paola, long time no beam! It's awesome to hear of CERN's recent success with the LHC. It hasn't been easy but worthwhile things rarely are. I'm looking forward to hearing more news of success in the future. Thanks for another great update video.
watching things like this makes me proud of the human kind
The experiment is set-up in order to put the statistically abundant collisions SOMEWHERE in the universe into a PARTICULAR place, with sensitive detectors also in the right place, accurately aligned in order to measure the collisions.
Not easy, but it is a lot easier than sending the detectors into the universe and try to catch the events randomly - somewhere.
It is not only difficult, but extremely difficult and taking the very best material, equipment and brainpower available.
@TrueCA7777 it's "thunderstruck" by acdc....but performed with stringed instruments. took a second for me to catch on.
Congratulations CERN ! :-)
You did it !
I love reading about CERN's supercoliders!
I saw it live, it was awsome.
please provide mor info about the music used.
i'm looking forward to the first discoverys
Rockbore wants a reply to his second point; the collision in the experiment is a relative collision speed of 2xlight speed, with super energised or super massive hadrons- can this really be considered a normal even in our part of the cosmos?
@giannistherodian it is very reminiscent yes, I'm wondering if it is a classical piece that may have inspired AC/DC.
@Offvader I think it is Thunderstruck by AC/DC
Assuming they could even get them moving in a controlled path at normal velocities, the energy released would probably destroy the accelerator.
I can accept that near light speed collisions are frequently happening in nature at the subatomic level. I am less convinced that these collisions regularly involve such energetic particles. Also, I would expect such collisions, from cosmic rays hitting the atmosphere, to be such that a near light speed particle hit a relatively stationary object instead of colliding with a particle of equally high speed and energy. Can someone assure me that this really does happen local in nature?
@beastlt12 So photons aren't really particles that travel through space?
@cougar1515 I believe they'll discover the strings! Yes, they are very small 10*(-37). But Higgs bosons and Higgs mechanism is still up for debate too!!! Let's wait with a conclusions!
@Offvader go to the h t t p : // public . web . cern . ch/public/ ( type in without a speces)
type in the search field: Detecting string resonance at LHC, and press enter
Yay science! Does anyone know what the highest energy possible from the LHC will be? 7TeV isn't the maximum is it?
LOL at the guy picking his nose at 2:19 xD
At 0:13 we hear a female voice saying "Welcome to CERN" and then the song "where the street have no name". I know it is an exercept from anothre video (because I've seen a part of it in TV) but I cannot find it, someone can help me?
Im assured that high speed head on collisions are relatively abundant in the universe. and these pass without incident on the nano scale. The trouble I have is how these particles aquire such mass as those in the LHC. In, `the science of the disc world`, wizards make a machine whose exact function is untested, with parallels to the oppenhiemer experiments. All we have to go on are the reassurances of wizards and scientist; after all the experiment is driving the theory
I've noticed that a large, strange looking hole has appeared in my back yard and is sucking everything into it.