These Arcanes & Mods Are The Dawn of a NEW META in Warframe 1999

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In this video we will go over all of the new Arcanes and mods that came with Warframe 1999. We will go over how to use them and where you would use them!
Instead of me dragging out videos i thought you know what lets just summarize it all ! These Arcanes & Mods Are the Dawn of a NEW META in warframe 1999

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0:00 - 0:30 Why im doing this video
0:30 - 1:39 Worthy Comradery
1:39 - 5:54 Summoner's Wrath (Rant time)
5:54 - 7:28 Your jingle balls will thank you!
7:28 - 7:59 Spectral Serration
7:59 - 9:07 Acuity Mods
9:07 - 9:22 Merciless Gunfight
9:22 - 10:31 New Magnetic Mods!
10:31 - 11:19 Primary Crux
11:19 - 12:47 Melee Doughty
12:47 - 13:54 Arcane Camisado
13:54 - 14:50 Arcane Impetus
14:50 - 15:36 Arcane Truculus
15:36 - 15:59 Arcane Bellicose
15:59 - 16:55 Secondary Enervate
16:55 - 17:18 Arcane Crepescular
17:18 - 18:20 What are your thoughts!

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warframe 1999 mods
warframe 1999 new arcanes
pistol acuity
primary acuity
secondary enervate
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Putting multiple stuff in one comment to not spam
- For all weak point related thing it's important to note that they are not always the head, for example MOA's weakpoint is their backpack, Scaldra Dedicant's weakpoint is their back and abdomen area
- I think people are underestimating Magnetic Welt, getting magnetic procs from impact proc sounds weird on paper but it makes few status based shotguns really good against oveguarded enemies that they usually struggle against. I've used it only on Phantasma Prime and Astilla Prime and both felt really good with it since both have ways of forcing guaranteed impact procs.
- Melee Doughty might be my favorite arcane in the game rn. Having Anku Incarnon hit 20x crit multiplier and 100% crit chance WITHOUT external buffs like Wrathful Advance etc. On top of that incarnon from gives guaranteed slash procs for 6 seconds after a slide attack. Imo the arcane will shake up the meta signifently and make something like Halikar Wraith top tier pick (don't have the weapon to test it but it's 80% puncture spread with guaranteed blast proc on detonation and arcane only checks for basic attack puncture status chance)
- For new ability strength arcanes they are really nice because they either stack faster than Molt Augmented or have bigger boosts/additional effects. Molt Augmented will still be "better" as it will fit into more builds but you don't always get it to full stacks.

Overall the new mods and arcanes added are amazing and I hope DE will continue adding more stuff tailor made to specific builds and not just "it's good everywhere"


Hey bro, everytime I need to search something, I specifically look for your videos, you’re genuinely such an amazing creator.


Anyone else disappointed that DE didn't give the 1999 arcanes a more '90s flavor? We could've had...
Arcane Pizza Bagel
Arcane Grunge
Arcane Presidential Sex Scandal


Quick note, Crepuscular doesn’t triple your crit damage. It adds +3 to the crit damage multiplier, just like how Doughty works.


Primary Crux gives the AX-52 hip fire, infinite ammo. You can mod for fire rate and crit, and just hip fire to win.


Check out Tactical Potato summoner build for Volt, being a volt, you can buff your companion hard with shock trooper and speed 😂😂


I've found great use with Arcane Bellicose (15:36) in my Ability Str maxing Wisp build.
Hitting 3k hp is quite easy, and it works better then Molt Vigor. Easily granting more Str even without stacking straight to 3k hp, and letting other abilities cast benefit from the extra Str without having to jump in and out of operator.


I also like that they no longer combine the element you add to your weapon from augment mods. you can use Volt's first/subsumed to add electricity to any build for melee Influence to activate as it now is a seperate element, no matter how the elements are modded. Nice addition.


ever since leaving destiny i was searching for a frame and build that scratched that threadling summoner itch that strand had and these additions finally make caliban feel like an actual summoner


One that is absolutely worth mentioning is arcane bellicose on Kullervo.

Now normally you don’t mod Kullervo for health cuz he makes overguard so easily. HOWEVER, with umbral vitality and intensify, you reach 1771 health. Thats just enough for 11 stacks of bellicose; which is 66% ability strength. In addition, intensify gains 11% ability strength from vitality kicking around.

So in total, you use an arcane and a mod slot to gain 77% ability strength. It’s seriously worth considering.


Ax-52 with acuity built for corrosive + cold, paired with primary crux gives you red crits on hifire as well as unlimited ammo... Been having a lot of fun with that. Weapons like Basmu, Gotva also benefit a lot from the new arcane.
Phantasma is also great with it. Highest i reached was 560 heat stacks from one mag on an enemy


Spider frame that summons spiders that behave like duplex bond sentinel clones. 3rd ability toggles the damage type of the drones, max 1 of each (Corrosive shotgun, magnetic laser pistol, Toxin explosive missiles). Damage with the drones enhances their 4, which summons arachnid drones that behave like maggots, an extra spider based on the gauge the 3 and 1 charges. 1 behaves like Khora's whipclaw, but with toxin threads, critical hits spawn gas clouds on hit that remain where the hit landed instead of attaching itself to an enemy. Enemies hit by clouds have a scaling on gas damage for every toxin stack.
2 is an expedite suffering that puts 1 stack of each status effect the target had before destination. Scales with range and strength. 2 is the helminth. Voruna, Kullervo and Dante would love it. Dante could mod Noctua for crit or status, because Noctua has an AoE as an alt fire for being a tome. The en regen Tome specific mod that enables him to spam 3, 3, 4 or 2, 2, 4. It would also roleplay well with an Incarnon primary(like torrid or Latron, the Grimiore with a different function alt fire(with no. of hit based tome mods because it's a slow moving, fast ticking cloud. Hell, could even use Onos as a status hose, only using the fully charged shot on maximus and bosses, then use the hellminthed 2. The spider's 2 could be subsumed over his 2 or 3. If using the Grimiore, it can go over his 1.


Them magnetic mods helped my damage output fr


Weakpoint doesnt just mean headshots actually, an enemy can have a weakpoint without it being their head


Primary Crux is busted on beam weapons, especially Phage, Phantasma, and Convectrix as it massively improves the proc rate of DoT status effects.


Merciless Gunfight has replaced Seeker on my Dex Pixia. Straight upgrade.


To be fair, Arcane Impetus can be used on some other frames that only apply 2-3 status effects from their abilities.

Mostly because you often have to use a mod slot to get efficiency from 160% to 175%, but now you can do it using Arcane slot while also gaining a bit of strength


The BattleBlock Theater music at the end, beautiful


Arcane Bellicose for me atleast is a great Arcane. I personally really enjoy Arcanes that help you to free up Modslots on Frame like Arcane Battery. That extra slot then can go to other Stuff like Augment Mods or even more power.

Arcane Bellicose though shines especially well on Kullervo and Inaros, that can quiet honestly reach insane Levels of Ability Strenght thx to it and a full Umbral set, which also buffs Arcane Battery. And that extra Energy from Arcane Battery then pushes Kullervo over the threshhold of the purple Archon Shards for even more Melle Damage, its really strong.

I also think Arcane Bellicose could work wonders on Wisp.

The best thing that came out of Summoners Wrath next to making Caliban even stronger is that "Crazy Cat Guy" Volt build with Shocking Speed and Shocktrooper with the Helminthed Desseccation on it with its Augment. That build is actually tons of fun.


I think you kinda missed the point with Primary Crux; this thing is absolutely amazing on status shotguns such as Strun Prime and Boar Prime. If you run viral + slash/heat then equip Crux and replace 60/60 mod with Chilling Reload to gain back that reload speed that you are now missing from Merciless. This arcane makes both of those weapons regular modes WAY better as its very easy to proc max stacks. It also makes these weapons much nicer to use against enemies such as infested where building up incarnon mode is a bit tricky due to the amount of power it adds to the regular mode for these weapons.

For Boar incarnon its a bit tricky for its incarnon mode but for Strun it makes the damage even more bonkers than before since its not that hard to hit those headshots with its fast projectile.
