Transition & Delivery Position [Fade or Draw] 👇Read More👇

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Pete Cowen's Key Drill [0.58s] Thomas Pieter's "Legs are Crossed" into the backswing, and when he transitions lowering / accelerating the hands, arms and club down to the delivery position pushing pressure down through the legs, he then steps to pressure the ground and swing through 👇👇👇

Try it out guys :-) watch out how fast he brings the hands, arms and club down "But Not With Body Rotation or Gravity Alone" as you are led to believe, look how his hips and shoulders are square at the delivery position point half way down.

This is a great video from European Tour showing Cowen and Pieter's crossed legs drill working on pressuring the ground and getting the club down in the ideal delivery position so the arms can match up with the body rotation.

Your body works like a Piston, it must go down / lower before and during transition, before you pull the club down, this is to help you harness the forces of the swing. (Check out why in my Balance point Videos below) If you dont lower and pull the club down, you will come over the top and cast / release too early...

1) Lowering your body is key for harnessing the forces you generate in your swing, it stabilises your body (Pressure the Ground) and allows you to twist your hips much easier and efficiently. It also gives you time to get the club down to the ideal delivery position so the arms can sync up with the body rotation.

2) The ground pushes you back up (For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction) although you will feel uncomfortable lowering, dont worry your central nervous system will do all the calculations to prevent you from hitting the ground, if you let it and stay out of its way..! As the ground pushes back you can extend / jump up and twist transferring tremendous energy into the clubhead. As your body extends up, the clubhead releases down at the ball, this promotes the correct release and compression on the ball, which Pete describes and putting pressure on the ball.

Check Out My Transition Drill, where I am talking about this.

Balance Point Video - The Reason Why you Must to lower your body.
Short Version

Long Version

If you haven't see it already check this amazing short recent find of Pete teaching here "Lower, then Turn"

And Pete's senior teaching pro Andy Carter, demonstrating the transition move that you can see Pete working on with Thomas Pieter's.

Some key 🗝️ references that have helped me over the past 20 years to put all my videos together in the simplest possible way, you should go and check out their work :-)

Chris Riddoch - Sports science professor and coach
Gabriele Wulf - Professor in the Department of Kinesiology
Rob Gray - Professor of Human Systems Engineering
Dave Tutelman - Professor Tutelman Research
Michael Neff - Director of Gears Golf 3D Motion Capture
Pete Cowen - PGA Tour Coach
Shaun Clement - Wisdom in Golf
Chuck Quinton - Rotary Swing Golf
Ernst Jones - Swing The Clubhead

Good Luck 🍀

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I’m sure the videos intention is great, but I have no clue what I’m suppose to take away from this. Like below, what does the cross leg drill teach?


Wow !! What an insight to what really matters in getting the ball to go where you intend, PC is awesome, cheers Stuart for sharing this ....


I think the cross leg drill accentuates the feeling of the “coil/load” in the backswing that Pete teaches. The edit saying “this is the most important drill, or position”, is very true. Getting the shoulder, arm, elbow in the correct position is imperative. It sets up so many good things. Great video.


Thomas decided to give up competitive golf after this and joined the circus.


Seen a few videos with Pete Cowan. Fair play to him some spoofer, making money at the same time.


Hey Stuart, have you ever thought about playing a round of golf with your Gforce clubs? That would be a fun tournament to see too.


Pete Cowan always sounds bored out of his mind…..


What does he mean when he states “pressure”?
