Unleashing the Full Potential of your Agile Teams by Dipesh Pala

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What could be more important for leaders than increasing their teams’ productivity? Conventional thinking would rank “increased motivation” as one of the most important tools for increasing productivity of teams.

This interactive session will disrupt and challenge the above notion, and will provide an alternative view:

Dipesh will be drawing upon more than a decade of research including 26 project teams, 7 companies and a deep analysis of nearly 12,000 daily diaries kept by team members, and use real case studies and examples to illustrate the following key elements:

Catalysts – events and actions that help a team move forward

Inhibitors – events and actions that can induce setbacks

Nourishers – interpersonal interactions that lift team’s spirits

Toxins – interpersonal interactions that undermine team’s spirits

Awareness of the above principle is important and may sound simple; however turning the awareness of these elements into the inner workings of our daily routine takes discipline. With that in mind, all attendees will be given 'The Progress Enablement Checklist' that will assist them in making such behaviours habitual.

If you are a leader or an aspiring leader of an Agile team, this session will provide clear implications for where to focus your efforts so that you do not worry about the wrong things. You will be inspired by knowing what serves to catalyse and nourish progress – and what does the opposite.

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