City Vs Rural

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One of my favorite things is watching an ex-rural person who now lives in my city neighborhood grow the equivalent of a 100 square foot vegetable garden on a 25 square foot balcony that only gets sun for half the day. It's downright amazing.


As a country boy with city friends. Yeah this is too real. They definitely know more about the world than I do. But I’m always the one that has to kill the bugs and start the bonfires 😂


A city boy standing up for rural folks. Dude is really a man of the people.


“… you actually can’t keep yourself alive”… so true!

No matter city or rural, everyone needs to appreciate our farmers. Everyone has to eat and those farmers keep us going!


OH!! This!!! One of my college roommates asked me (farm kid) what farmers contribute to society. Her father ran a wholesale FOOD business!!!😂😂😂 She got educated that day!


As a city girl who moved to a rural town two years ago… this is so true.


Best comedian working right now thanks for posting so much free content


I used to take university kids on short term development trips to some pretty remote areas of the world. Never was I so glad to have been raised in a rural setting; the culture shock was pretty hard on city kids, especially places where we didn’t have plumbing or electricity — or food supplies meant picking fruit, gathering eggs or daily purchasing fresh items from farmers or fishermen.

A few kids were so grossed out that potatoes or carrots were a bit muddy. I said, “You do know they are ground vegetables, right? They grow underground and are dug up.” Blank stares.

But they did learn and it did temper them with humility and respect for rural folks.


Im a city boy and think about this all the time.
I could give you an intricate lesson on all the bones of the foot, but i cant grow food.
Havent figured out how to eat this degree yet either..


i loved this set so much, i grew up both in aurnaudville and lafayette (divorce lmao) and was the person who would explain why the yeeyee country kids in high school hated all the other kids from the city and burbs in the school zone. "you hate the ag kids because they talk "funny" and have trouble reading out loud, and the ag kids hate you because you think everything at the grocery store is imported from out of town" is DEFINITELY the exact discourse city+rural people have had forever. i used to just say that city people had book smarts and country people had street smarts, but the streets is the wilderness and not the northside of town, that helped some of my peers get it. its folks with one skillset starting beef with folks who got different skillsets 😂 and none of us are passing pre-calc, so lets be serious for a moment


City girl here who moved to a rural area decades ago and married a rural guy. Have lived in total awe of folks here since forever, esp hubby. He got us through snow & icestorms that shut down electricity, gas and water for weeks and actually made it fun. There was nothing he couldn't grow, fix or make. Kids & their families & I have been keeping ourselves alive since he passed, thanks to him.


We should strive for a mixture of both intellectual pursuits and practical knowledge. I know rule people and city people who have never read a book and have no idea how to take care of themselves.


Same vibe as asking city folks where their food comes from and they answer "the grocery store". 😂


City girl now living rurally and I have learned SO much about survival from my neighbors! They are HARD CORE! 😂


Im not rural, but i aint stupid. I started a food garden back at my moms house, during the pandemic, and i got people around me that were legit concerned if i would get food Poisoned because " YOU'RE EATING SOMETHING YOU GREW FROM THE GROUND🤢?"

so yeah... City people be like that


My husband; complained about this used to tell me I wouldn't be able to survive because although I do know where water comes from I wouldn't know how to get it.


Grew up on a dairy farm in SE WI. We were practicing solar power before it was even talked about. Never had store bought milk until college and then it tasted so weird I didn't know I was drinking milk.


Josh popped up randomly when I opened my YouTube app one night & something about his smile on his photo made me instantly want to see what he was all about. I am quite particular when it comes to comedians but OMG Josh went from “Never heard of him” to “OMG I can’t stop watching him” in less than 2 minuets. I clicked on his homepage & just started watching his clips one after the other until I looked at my watch & realised it was 4am & I had to get up for work at 6am.
So at 6am I dragged my tired ass out of bed, made myself an extra strong cup of coffee, then phoned my boss to tell him I was too sick to come to work. Then settled back in to watch more of Josh.
He is my number 1 comedian now ❤.


When I came to the USA more than 30 years ago, one of my biggest surprises was the constant competition and fighting everywhere: the young against the old, the men against the women, the cat people against the dog people… it only got worse. And it’s spreading around the world. 😢
Thank you for bringing this up. I am a City person in love with nature and farming and have been long thinking about this. The reason I stopped listening to NPR.
