Earth Will Soon Have Rings Like Saturn But..

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According to professor Jake Abbott, Earth is on the course, to have its own rings. but they might not be as flashy as Saturn's, as they will be just made from trash.

We’ve got a huge space trash problem. it’s only going to get worse, as more and more companies, and governments, launch satellites, spacecraft, probes, and even tourists into space.

While most of what we send in to the orbit, ends up getting sucked back into the Earth's atmosphere and burn up. But some of it still remains, until we figure out a way to clean it.

With companies like SpaceX, launching their own massive constellations of broadband-beaming satellites, our planet’s orbit is busier than ever. That means we are also at a greater risk of knock-on collision events, that could result in even more, smaller pieces of space junk.

According to the European Space Agency, There are 170 million pieces of space junk, in the orbit around the Earth. Most of them are quite small, but 23,000 of those are larger than a softball, and concerning enough to be tracked by the Department of Defense.

These Space junk can endanger space flights, orbital missions, and even astronauts. Some Space junk even crashes in to Earth. Usually, it breaks up in the atmosphere, but not always. It is estimated that, about 200 to 400 pieces of debris crashes into earth each year.

Credit: NASA/ESA
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