China's foreign trade hits another record high in 2022 at $6.31 trillion

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$6.31 trillion. That's China's total value of goods traded last year. It hit yet another record high and topped the world for the sixth consecutive year. Check out this video as CGTN explains to you how China strives to boost its COVID-19 hit economy, with numbers.

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Now that 2023 is fully open for China, next year it will show another record. This is what managed economy does, it excels.
USA only have 2year plans and half of that is spent on getting reelected. Its large GDP is just printed money, that it can do due to being a world reserve currency (for now).


(0:31) Whoa! The Philippines is counting on you, China! Good luck! 👍👍👏👏👏


If China doesnt work around on the Concept of Research Originality and Technological Inventions, all the effort to educate our population for the generations after generations to bring more Talent in their thinking and in their body will be lost. We donot have any Highly Developed Economic and Human Resource Friend. Russia is close but they lag in many areas in Science and Technology and Even in The Social Sciences Domain. All of ASEAN countries for the last thousand years couldnt even build infrastructure and foeget about any other contribution to the World..The Indians are our Neighbours as well but they too failed in many Areas. Their Economy may be growing but the inputs are mostly European. They donot have much Talent in Athletics neither in Academic Research or in Modernising their Culture to make things attractive to the world...

Not that We Chinese donot talk highly of our Ancient Culture and traditions but they hinder us from the future of our Civilisational Glory that is yet to come. The Modernisation Drive that I asked My President Xi Jinping to look into...The Europeans had Ancient Cultures as well but the modern attire we see around thw world are mostly European Wear, Right? Why did that Happen President Xi? You once said that China has to produce High quality Scientific Originality as Most of The Textbooks concerning Science or Non Science domains are all European Contribution. President Xi too knows and understands that Europe is an Excellent Ecosystem that has been able to build a Highly Talented(Either Natural or The Strange Confluence of Talent plus Environment) or Acquired Talented People to drive their Economies Forward. It started with The Logic and Reasoning( The Non Scientific Part of our Brain) to question what is out there that All of The Europeans must seek out...Then it followed with Scientific Quest to understand Nature and its Principles...Mathematics and other field in Europe got advanced and even the Non Scientific like Economics, Social Science, Political Science, Anthropology, Philosophy all flowed at the same time of Scientific Discoveries....These developments had no equal in any part of the world..Not even in our Civilisation, Chinese. No Islamic Region could produce that kind of an Ecosystem...Latin America was mostly colonized and supplanted with White Europeans..Today they are a Mixed Race who sometimes do face Identity Crisis...Russians, even though they look like Europeans, never behaved like the Western Europeans...The Western Europeans thought Slavics as inferior to them...Russians were Slavic People..They had the same Asian kind of Family as the heart of their Society...Family meant a lot for them..Not Liberal Values...The Western Europe had liberality built into them..Liberal in thought and in sexuality and more....

It is quite funny indeed when the entire world struggles with the kind of Talent the Europeans had produced.Look at the Musical Instruments we use today...Look at the Sports we play..Even the Tabel Tennis China boast of winning 22 titles in a row is a sport developed by the British. China may had ancient sports but they failed to modernise everything...The Rules and Regulations and everyrhing else needs to be in the Right Place...At the Riight Time...

We Chinese were the only ones close to understanding the Europeans and no wonder why they have put us in a 2nd World kind of Bracket as they understand that for the Chinese, since they used to be the Middle Kingdom, it wont be very diffcult or impossible to surpass the 1st World Thought Process.I mean The Human Resource. All the Research China is busy doing is all built upon the European research and is takong time to understand..Our Society was very simple and simplicity isnt the foundation of Physics Chemistry or Biology...Look at The Natural ecosystem..How much of Diversity do. we see? Didnt Ancient people in Asian Region or even Africa(This region has not seen any development since the last 5000 yrs) comprehend how the Natural World is built? Do they understand what Mineral Resources have contributed to understanding Metallurgy, Mechanical and Instrumentation Engineering and other disciplines and Mathematics to divr these processes to look into Biology? The Microscope was invented ti look into the Microscopic World...The Humans in the last 500 yrs couldnt figure it out? We chinese are still struggling over an Aviation Engine? Is it tool hard to patent an Engine or Are the Europeams and the Americans have threatened us not to do it until Enough Aviation Infrastructures have been built? What is taking even the Russians so long what America ddi it in 1910? The entire World struggles developing Aircraft Engines? I mean China Russia could have partnered with many Non European Countried to develop right? bit then again the Western Countries had the entire ecosystem or the Leaders in Non WesternCountries focus on Consumption and not on bringing outthe talent in their Human Resources? What is it then? Who is stopping us from developing advanced Silicion Semiconductors? The EUV machinery is what they say is required for Manufacturing them...Can we bypass using a New Process Technology to manufacture it at the same cost and advantages? There are surely other ways to do the same thing...But the effort to do that is humonguous right? So why bother with it...Instead let us buy from the Netherlands or The Americans...Huawei chief Executive Ren Zhengfei was right.The Chinese themselebs are stopping their own development...And Nobody else...Focus on your Own Mental Understand while preparing for their PHD work...And then continue with their research for the rest of their lives...It is and should betheir passion in Research to find new things...The Europeans either were gifted or they took a long time with their Civilistaion to continue to challrnge themselved and make their brains work at a much higher processing power to understand How Nature works and To give us the modern wonders of the world...
I have written enough, i guess...

Feel free to read this whenever any of CGTN editors are ready..


The Indians could not even play a Sport that they invested so much money into..Cricket...Lost to England at 170/0 and in Hockey to New Zealand in a Two Set Penalty Match despite putting all focus time money and energy into developing either of the two sports and hence after losing to many nations in both these sports is discouraging them from giving Indians any National Sport...Therr is No National Sport in India but yes Cricket is the most loved and enjoyed game in India.. It was easy to train a Body than a Mind..Even African Countries who donot have the Sports Infra like India does or the economy like India, yet they peform better. And India harbours The Superpower Dream. What do they even know about Superpower? A country unable to producr any High Quality Athletic Talent or High Quality Academic Talent will become a Superpower..Even. if the Americans were to give all Scientific Highly Guarded Research Papers the Indians still would have lacked in carrying forward the research work for the future...It would be simply a waste of the Research Papers...Even with the Foreign Coaches to train better Indian Teams either in Cricket or Hockey, They still lag other Nations...They are too metrosexual these days .Clicking Selfies has become the trendiest thing in India..Not that In our country Chinese People arent cracy for selfies but the main focus is and should be on that one Singular Talent We develop to be World Class....And The CPC to invest in raising the Literacy Standards all over China..I guess we have alrrady begun with Scientific Literacy at 10 percent now and will increase to 30 percenr by 2035 or 2040. This will create such an Enormous High Quality Researchers from China even ifI were to take 10 percent from the 30 percent to produce Nobel Worthy Research and contibute to 50 percent of Scientific Output originating in China 70 percent of all technology originating in China...

Athletics is another Research Area and so is Culture....Our only focus is on High Quality Development of our Human Resources unlike India who has a Superpower Plan without a Plan...

China must never give into these Stupid Western Concepts that has no meaning for any Chinese....Our only meaning in this world is to develop our Mental Abilities to surpass the Western Ones...Even if it takes time..All others has already failed and those that are doing well have aligned well with the Europeans...Like The Japanese and The Koreans....We must focus on the 0-1 Scientific and Non Scientific Research...Soon a New Rejuvenation will hit us...This will make us free..Free from thr clutches of Western Science and Technology....That Liberty is far greater than TheAmerican or European Liberty they talk about....Let us Chinese focus on our kind of Liberty....

The Europeans keep observing all and everything ..Just waiting for the right moment...And so are we!
