Espruino Home Computer

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A fully usable computer that runs JavaScript, that you can make from scratch in a few hours!
Espruino Home Computer
DIY Wooden Retro Home Computer
HOME AUTOMATION with Espruino and MQTT, Part 2 - Espruino WiFi
Getting started with Espruino
ESP8266 Running JavaScript Using Espruino (Mac OSX and Windows)
Espruino - Getting Started
Espruino WiFi specs | Just Board
Espruino Web IDE
Javascript for Things with Espruino
Getting Started with Espruino
HOME AUTOMATION with a Raspberry Pi and MQTT, Part 1
New features in Espruino v2.00
Portable Espruino Programmer
Espruino Web IDE Relay - PC ➔ Android/iOS ➔ Puck.js
Using Puck.js and Espruino with EspruinoHub on a Raspberry Pi
Bangle.js KickStarter Video (Espruino)
Espruino getting started
Gordon Williams: JavaScript for Microcontrollers with Espruino (ASL) - JS Kongress 2016
HOME AUTOMATION with Espruino and MQTT, Part 3 - ESP8266 Sonoff
Bluetooth LE on Espruino, Part 1
Espruino JavaScript on BBC Micro:bit
Innovation Coffee - Microcontroller Development with Espruino
Espruino App Loader demo
Pixl.js specs | Just Board