Christan ladies, Know this before marrying a Muslim man #muslimmarriage

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It is really important to know the different between Muslim and Christan in marriage
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Just to clear things out,
1. if you choose to remain a Christian, you don’t have to pray the way they pray and you don’t have to convert, it’s your choice. In the Holy Quran, a Muslim is not allowed to compel someone to convert. It’s up to you, if you choose if you want to join your husband’s faith.
2. You don’t have to cover from head to toe if you’re a Christian, however you must dress modestly, that doesn’t apply only to Muslims, it applies to Christians as well. However if you remain a Christian, you don’t have to wear a hijab.
3. The point of marrying more than 1 wife, it is totally their choice. They don’t have to, it depends on the man you’re marrying.
4. Lastly, make up is not forbidden in Islam, muslim women wear make up, so if you as a Christian marry a Muslim man, you can wear make up.
I still agree with the fact that you have to think about it deeply, if you want to marry someone from a different faith. Thanks & God bless! ✨


and before marriage you have enough time to judge that muslim he right for he allowing you for what you are interested in....check his nature and then decide, you wanna marry that guy or not..and
Never judge a book by its cover...and religion is just a cover....the human in that flesh is what you always confirm that the person you are going to get marry...actually loves you or not..


To all my Christian that married Muslim.. you know better. God said if you do that’s when you will understand why shouldn’t have. Very hard life bc he isn’t filled with Christ so he doesn’t know how to feel your cup ❤❤


Hi. I hope this finds u well. When you talked about the way Muslims pray being different from Christians you got that right. However, when a Christian or Jewish women marrys a Muslim man she is not forced to pray like the Muslims do because in Islam we are told not to force anyone to convert or revert to Islam ☪️ it is the persons choice to either choose to become Muslim or not. Additionally, a non-Muslim woman who got married to a Muslim man has the right to practice her own religion while being married to a Muslim she can keep her religion if she wish or convert it’s her choice not the husbands. I hope this will solve some misconceptions you stated about Islam.


Don't do it. I married a Muslim man from peshawar in the UK. He turns out to be a liar and a cheat. I divorced him in 2022 and personally, the whole experience was hell. He claimed that his wife in Peshawar had passed. He then lived the double life with 2 british women. Such an bad experience


All the things you've mentioned, I respect your point of view..
i'll make it quick and elaborate on some points.

no one should be forced to convert or do things their significant others do..
Its great that you're helping people being aware of the situation..
and in my opinion..the way you talked about it in the video would only make people think its not good.
What i mean by this is could as well share the things that would be better by marrying a muslim man.
The way muslims think..thew ay they protect! the way they'd care.. (not saying men from other religions would not) but there are many little things in the way a muslim man is brought up that he does in everyday life that can help.

I'll just clear a few things below.
Reason behind the fact that muslims worship in a specific kind of way is because it's good for the whole body..if you look deeper into the matter, you'll understand what i'm saying..

The way muslims dress is related to modesty.
muslim women are also allowed to wear jewelries..
the reason its required to cover their body is just to preserve themselves for their husband..and not letting anyone set evil eyes on their body..preserve their beauty..for their husband only..
but again..not all muslims do tht..and you shouldn't be forced to do do it when you're ready to..

the way people cook is all different around the world..its just that muslims need to eat only halal things..

the rituals of the dead is different for every religions as well..and everyone is doing it for the good of the dead..
muslims pray for the dead and ask for forgiveness on behalf of the dead because surely, Allah has mercy.

regarding marrying more than one wife, this is ONLY upon agreement of the other wife/wives..
a muslim man cannot just go and marry 4 wives without the consent of the others..
and he needs to be able to provide for all of them, the same..
so ladies who are about to marry a muslim man, if you do not agree tht your man can marry another wife, he cannot do assured.

I have nothing against the video, i just felt the need to share and explain a few things regarding the points you mentioned and i hope this helps understanding things clearer..


Just marry a non-religious human being with a good heart and morals. People try to control through religion. Freedom is true love


My experience being married to a muslim man was very negative and costed me dearly. I am trying to post about my experience but my comments keep on getting deleted. There goes freedom of speech. Shows what you people really are. European women PLEASE don't make this mistake. Yoy won't realise what you've done till it's going to be roo late


Christian women… “can two walk together lest they agree”? If you’re not on one accord you won’t work because you’re not meant to.


These are generalizations and not necessarily true in all situations. Although there are in fact many differences, not all Muslim men will try to change who you are and not all Muslim men are devout. It really depends on the level of devotion to ones belief system.


well this thing applied with women who married to a extremely religious men and religious man won't marry non Muslim-women. so girls if you think he is the right one just marry him 😍😍


Please take into consideration that the description of prayer, bowing down and getting on the ground to pray. I think a lot of people do not realise, Orthodox Christians also have this as part of the religion.


Facts, islam doesnt allow alcohol and pork, slaughtering a dead animal for food, the way we are so kin about our hygiene, we worship God in his Oneness and anything or human that ever reached the face of earth and above is below him(we dont hate Jesus) Thats what we believe. YOU LIED about jewlery, the make up, and marrying more than one woman is not a must, its a choice, about the dressing its about modesty not oppression thats why you find others covered the face and others don't.


One has to really think deep before trying to make such decisions. No going back later


go and watch lifestyle of turkey muslim women

they are not forced to cover

and if you love a muslim guy..just ask him before marriage that.. is he allowing you to worship god..if he says yes then its worship your god and he will worship his allah...and always remember they are just different names...

love and marriage is between two people...not religion..


In fact, this is so sensitive, thanks for this


My Muslim husband and I do not use the word Allah to refer to God. Allah is god in Arabic. Christian Arabs call him Allah also. We call Him Dieu, since it’s the French word for God. You are referring to things that if talked about there shouldn’t be a problem. The key is respect. If there’s respect for each other’s beliefs, there shouldn’t be a problem.🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳😊


In 2 Corinthians 6:14 believers in Christ are warned, “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?” While there may be affection and attraction, fundamental partnership and fellowship are lacking in an interfaith

So you guy have to separate. How are your kids gonna know what religion to follow. You will confuse them.

Trust me, I’m sorry Gods word. your marriage will not last

Your still going against God’s word and your own religious rules regardless and going away from God. Pray and repent your sins.

, John 14:6 – “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” All of man's questions of life are answered in this verse


This message is really on point, thanks for sharing with us


I’m a British Christian woman. I met a Ghanaian Muslim man two weeks ago, we barely know each other, however he asked me if I can come to the mosque with him to bless our relationship so we could continue our relationship without it being haram. But when we met with iman I ended up taking my shahada and converting to Islam and getting married. I don’t feel comfortable with this. And he keeps dismissing my feelings. I don’t want to be married. His family are planning this big wedding in Ghana for us. It’s crazy. I feel trapped. I haven’t even known him for a month. What is the rush?? I like him but it was just dating stage. I’m overwhelmed
