The REAL Reason Sodom & Gomorrah Fell Will SHOCK You! | LED Live • EP142

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It's funny that this conversation came when it did. Because I'm currently struggling with weight and food guilt .. And now you've made me aware that fasting and praying is the only way I can beat this addiction. I've been running away from fasting because I didn't want to get that sick feeling one gets when they are hungry but now I need to stop running because my salvation depends on it.


this blew my mind. I recently started fasting, I am about a month in of regular fasting and I am grateful to God. I literally cried out for help. The most wonderful thing that came out of fasting was hearing from God in my dream!


I've never considered myself a fornicator and thought that was one sin I had in the bag until watching this. Now its clear that my eating habits are always self indulgent and out of control. If I let food keep me from obtaining salvation then clearly im an idiot. Thank you for this video it was a reality check.


This topic of gluttony is never discussed in church and especially at the potluck; growing up poor within a broken family, my dad would buy groceries for a month and us three kids (left to our own devices ) would deplete it in less than two weeks and then we would have to go to grandmas house or get a job in food service as we got older. It led me to get used to going without food so when I converted to the Adventist faith in 2011 and eventually became a vegetarian I saw the potlucks as a blessing. What I had to come to realize is that gluttony is such a bad sin because it destroys our temple, At 56 yo I have a 31” waist and eat two meals a day running and mountain biking to stay fit. Most church pastors and elders I see are overweight and exercise is not practiced in this Texas community like it is a sin, however While attending college in Loma Linda, things were different because the community was active. The point I’m making is that our upbringing influences decisions later in life, I would never throw food away as others discard most of a plate . The reality is that food indirectly fuels us eby a 2-12 hour delayed reaction with our gut biome. Eating to fuel a marathon is one thing and eating to be sedentary is another. Still the food industry packages poison, rancid oxidized oils that have been bleached permeate everything on the shelf and this results in mitochondrial damage that leads to heart disease. Most people have no chance of living a long health life because they trade their life force for money and are unable to cook fresh meals or they are not even aware of the effects of poor food decisions. Thanks for bringing this topic to light and may you continue to be blessed.


I really appreciate this discussion! I have struggled with overeating and self-control almost my entire life. Only with Jesus have I had the victory! I used to constantly be full until one day I realized that I almost never experienced hunger. I ate constantly! Now I set limits but need Christ’s strength to have the victory!


Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, 1) Pride, 2) Fulness of bread, and 3) Abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, 4) Neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. - Ezekiel 16:49


This may have been the answer to a prayer I've had for many years. This may very well have saved my life. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I'm so overwhelmed with excitement about this revelation that I'm on the brink of tears. I pray in my heart that GOD blesses you all.


I've been watching your show for about a year now and I recently told my mom about you guys I think you guys earned yourself a new subscriber


Wow, guys. This really is a timely message. This year, I’ve really been praying to have victory over gluttony. Food has slowly become a coping mechanism for me and I’ve been praying that God can show me a better way. Thanks, guys! I always look forward to your discussions each week. God bless 🙏🏼💕


I was overweight when younger, I over ate so much. At 16 I turned to a plantbased lifestyle and now I only eat when I’m hungry, this is reassuring that I’m on the right path, overeating doesn’t make my body feel good. THANK YOU LORD 😭🙏🏽


My longest fast started Jan 1 1994. I was on just water for 33 days. It was one of the best times of my life. Today, I have no idea where I got the will power. Thanks much for this presentation. I believe It was appointed. So true what battle we are in with appetite, you all nailed it. One of the greatest Original books on fasting: " The Fasting Prayer" by Franklin Hall. The book recounts how large groups of Christians were water fasting 40 days & praying during WW2, that this was said to have altered world history.


I just told myself I needed to get a hold of my my overeating and then this popped up!! God I hear you!


I like to watch cooking videos, sometimes to get ideas, sometimes just for fun because I would never eat some of those dishes. When my husband sees me watching these he tells me that I need to get off that “food porn”! If I think carefully about it, he is correct. I’m salivating some of these dishes, not to mention the sensual stimulation these videos provide (the sound of the knife cutting veggies on a bamboo board, or the garlic frying on a wok! I mean the chef no longer needs to speak!!!) I also like to watch a YouTuber who travels for food and samples various dishes. Initially his videos gave a glimpse of how the food was prepped and the cultural aspect tied to it, but the last one I saw was just watching him eat. I soon realized that watching people eat was becoming a thing. That somehow the viewer was getting some sort of pleasure from that. Thank you for this enlightening message. Let us come closer to the Throne of Grace so we may overcome the evil that surrounds us.


I love when Eric is on. He’s a good dude


Man I'm so envious of Kendi's children, she seems like the most amazing mom. 👏


What an eye-opener!
Thank You Brothers and Sisters for helping us in our walk with God. Even our eating, if it doesn't honour God, is a sin. I'll never look at Food the same way again. I should honour Him even in this area of my life.
Just think about it, we eat at least three times a day., and at each time, if we think more about what it does not only physically but also spiritually, we'd make better choices.

God Bless You All at LED.


This videos really encourage me who is struggle because finding comfort over foods. Thank You God Bless this ministry. amen


This just reminded me of something my dad told me as a child when I had to go to confession before my first communion. He said, “don’t forget to tell the priest that you have been eating too much.” Since then I have always thought of that. Now that I am following Jesus I understand many things and what God wants us to do. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful message.


GREAT INFORMATION!! I am very grateful for all the knowledge I have gained through LED videos! I have one suggestion: Before beginning the discussions/presentations in earnest, it's good to first pray and ask our Heavenly Father for His blessing and guidance. Keep fighting the good fight! 😁🙏


I love this channel. LED has always been inquisitive of the norm that this end-time world has laid. We are slowly but inevitably dragging ourselves in the end times. But this channel, despite myself being a Presbyterian has shown true light exposing all of the world's darkness. I'll always keep in touch with this channel. God our Father has brought me to you guys. Peace and love to you guys. Blessings on your team. God be with you all.
