Rethinking The World's Waste: Circular Economy | Climate For Change: Closing The Loop | Ep 1/2

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By 2050, there will be more plastic in our oceans than marine life. And plastic has a notoriously long life in landfills. We meet entrepreneurs discovering new ways to retrieve plastic from our waterways, turning it into fuel or back into plastic again. Others look to reduce single-use plastic in our daily lives, by working on alternative materials.

Food waste does not seem to make sense in a world where so many are hungry, but it’s a major problem. And food in landfills releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas. We meet the people trying to divert food from landfills in New Zealand and Singapore by repurposing it for human consumption, animal feed and now even biofuel.

We also meet entrepreneurs in the USA and Europe going a step further to avoid producing food from animals completely. They’re developing cultivated meat, now on sale in Singapore. Is this the food of the future?

About the show: Waste is generated on an epic scale. Unless we go ‘circular,’ it's game over for the planet. How can waste from one industry become another’s resource? And how do we unlock the economic benefits?
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Packaging is a primary contributor to waste. Working towards a standardisation of packaging can significantly increase the viability of reusing packaging material.


With all this plastic being consumed, fossils fuel in the air and carbon. It’s no wonder we’re getting cancer and other illnesses.

These guys though are the real superhero’s and inspirations. This was a fascinating documentary and really hits home as to what we can do to help.


It's hard to avoid waste, but I am trying to shift back from online shopping where possible, and have been using reusable pads, bags, straws, and cups for over 2 years now. I've also recently (maybe 6 months ago) finally gotten the hang of bringing my own lunch consistently (instead of sometimes like I used to), plus my own water.


Some great ideas and solutions. But I would have like to see more emphasis on reducing the waste in the first place. Why produce so much food that won’t be sold? Do we need to use so many straws? And so on. I see these solutions presented can be short term fixes while we transition to a world where we use less, but fear that they will not incentivise reduction in consumption.


I am up for everything except cultivated meat. All my life as adult I have always saved leftover vegetables or picked chicken or turkey off bones after meal not used put in freezer containers to make several quarts of soup which costed me nothing. Stale bread or rolls ground up into crumbs put in freezer for casserole and or diced up with garlic butter and herbs for croutons. Frugality is a must and saves money and waste. Veg skins or ends of vegetables wash and put in freezer to boil later and strain for stock. Pizza jars remove labels make great storage jars for pasta etc. Just sharing a few things. Thank you. One more observation. The hometown butcher is a thing of the past. Used to go and get cut what you need. Now are huge packages of meats unless you freeze or meat goes bad in stores. Just reflecting on years past. FYI I’m 62 years old but grew up on farm around canning fruits and vegetables and livestock. Clothes that weren’t too good had buttons and zipper removed put in sewing kit and squares cut for quilts, curtains with added trims, pillow cases or other things that could be used from all sorts of fabric remnants..


I'm so excited to see that companies are getting on-board to help promote a more circular economy - we need to work together to reduce and eliminate plastic and unnecessary waste - this should start at the production line and societies need to educate themselves on how to appropriately dispose of and recycle garbage. It's all about being a good steward of our environment for the future.


The concept of a circular economy is a game-changer in the fight against waste and environmental degradation. This video does an excellent job of illustrating how shifting from a linear "take, make, dispose" model to one where products and materials are reused, recycled, and repurposed can drastically reduce waste and resource consumption. It’s clear that rethinking how we design, produce, and dispose of goods is essential for a sustainable future. The more we embrace circular systems, the closer we get to a world where waste no longer exists in the traditional sense.


its better to reduce waste than recycle it or other high tech solutions.


Straws can also be made from hemp. A rapid growing biodegradable plant that won't take from the food supply...rice.


The only way to get the masses of people to change wasteful habits is to make it personally beneficial for them them to do it. I thought most of the ideas presented took human nature consideration and I was inspired by the creative ways people are tackling the world’s waste problems.


Buried food scraps is an excellent way to feed the soil. As a gardener I’ve buried all my food scraps in open spots, within two weeks I can dig that soil and there’s nothing there other than the worms who have enjoyed it.


absolutely motivating! as a coming graduate of business, it is depressing to think the only place for work is a cubicle in another bottom line company... but this is just so eye opening. Love to see all these people create and do good with their efforts and energy. Thank you!


So many in this documentary have it wrong. Don't start with waste management, start with reducing production of disposable plastics. Force the producers to look for more suitable packaging materials!


Gives me hope that there are solutions!! Thank You to all those involved in the circular economy!


The important thing we need is MORE CAMPAIGN on the Dangers of Waste.

Humans need to be conditioned into thinking smarter.
Trained to learn to dispose properly.

Recycling and Environment Protection should be the focal point in our everyday lives.


Our 1960's ancestors saw some of this. They knew that the future would involve plastics. They would be so proud!


Ask Woolworth and other companies to not charge $12 for tomatoes and rather throw them away than decrease the price


As exciting as this sounds, I really hope this is not about corporations green washing. Circular economy - yes absolutely! Green washing deception - not going to cut it.

Автор is like distilled water...heat to a vapor or gas...turn that into a liquid that can be used and is very clean. I wish this company every good fortune and success.


Man I wish this food waste digester was available to the public.😃👍💯
