Cash from trash: could it clean up the world?

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The world is facing a growing waste problem, with 2bn tonnes produced last year alone. Is it possible to clean up this mess by turning trash into cash?

00:00 - The world has a huge waste problem
00:45 - Upcycling to reduce waste
02:46 - Building offices from recycled products
03:46 - The problem with traditional recycling
04:59 - Waste reduction relies on a circular economy
05:38 - Taiwan’s waste management success
08:20 - The problem with incineration
09:55 - Is the future zero waste?
10:43 - Consumption attitudes are changing

Read our special report on how the rich and poor face different problems with their waste:

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Everyone remember the classic „reduce, reuse, recycle“? I think it’s most important to keep that in mind and try our best with the first 2 steps before we put all our money on recycling, while still consuming more and more


Seems it's a problem made by manufacturers, which responsibility to clean up should rest on manufacturers.
I'm sure that a tax of 150% of the average cost of dealing with the trash would make companies quickly come up with schemes to re-use containers, re-purpose the waste, etc.
In a context where it's almost impossible to go Zero Waste, individual consumers cannot shoulder this huge complication to their lives.
Schemes to pick-up used containers, to recycle specific things, have to be as easy as possible, well supported and implemented.
Alternative packaging and waste management options exist, it's a matter of closing the tap on this torrent of trash being pumped out of factories.


The Upcycling concept is misleading on the first interview. By processing the plastic that way, the material is chemically degraded, so the process actually downcycle the material, make it less valuable in the long run. The PET plastic is no longer food grade after the process. This example is textual in the book "The Upcycle" from Braungart and McDonough.

Upcycling means, after a process, we end adding value for the ecosystem (ie. Composting) or we improve the quality of the material.

I think this misleading use of concepts in sustaintability is a problem, make it less concrete and more ambiguous. The recycling industry is kind of "greenwashing" by using the term "upcycling" for name anything basically


Taiwan has been doing a great job of recycling is because there are a number of volunteers who have rolled their sleeves in their spare time and committed to their beloved communities; in the meantime, they set up a great example to educate their families to do recycle.


As shock therapy to become zero waste, we should all visit a dump site or recycling plant


Standardise packaging! Force packaging companies to only use aluminium, glass and cardboard and have them made to an international shape standard (Think a4 paper or soda can or shipping containers) if they're built to a standard recycling an aluminium box that contained cereal might only need to be washed out before being used again, less energy than melting and reforming it!


The fire safety aspect in using these plastic products in commercial spaces is of concern. Besides that, how many times can a product be recycled?


What about the criticism that upcycling could be a false solution—which would result in continued plastic production, rather than the needed switch, in so many cases, to nontoxic & genuinely biodegradable materials?


Great feature on what new technology solutions are emerging from our huge waste problem! It's inspiring to see companies viewing waste as a "resource" and coming up with solutions for how to upcycle on a large scale....consumers are only one part of this behaviour change needed and can only do so much to solve the problem!


“...more spending, more consumption...” The solution absolutely must include a reduction in consumption. Consumption is the root cause.


📌 Thank you for this informative video. We are currently experiencing the greatest transfer of wealth ever recorded in world history . People who invest now have probably made the best decision in life. Investment is the future!!


You should make a follow-up video about compostable materials. Those solve the trash problem by making resources for agriculture. If everything were compostable (hence biodegradable) we would have essentially no trash problem.


We have plastic in out blood. Sounds like a problem.


Arthur is genuinely a genius at what he does. It's so clear he has a grounded passion for up-cycling and an easy logic to follow. Keep up the brilliant work!


So basically no, having one tech guy get a free ad is not the same as a sustainable future. Kinda gaslighty. Our addiction to plastic is a shadow addiction to carbon.


I am shocked that you have not spoken about the “re-use” element of circular economy. Recycling the packaging waste is not a solution; we need more and more re-usable packaging.


How do you sort the multiple different materials in a garment like a hoody with a zip? All this recycling is vigorously opposed by the oil companies, and their pet governments drag their feet. We need strong, persistent public DEMAND for a circular economy.


And once again targets the consumer with an updated "carbon footprint", instead of targeting industry.


We don't talk about this major issue enough


The idea of ​​recycling waste into raw materials was back in the 60s and 70s! Namely, MY GRANDFATHER, who was a professor in the physical and chemical industry, designed and built a working prototype of a waste recycling system. And, he realized that it was not enough just to develop, it was necessary to introduce this system first into the heads of the leaders of the country of the USSR. My grandfather became a deputy and tried to promote this project! - What happened next? And he was "sent by the forest" and kicked out of the CPSU party! After 91 years, my grandfather, in order to at least live on something, in order to somehow recoup the costs of developing this waste recycling project, went to Korea to sell for dollars. in 2010, he died from poisoning with mercury vapor or other metals that were found in his office. I congratulate! (sarcasm)

I know what I'm talking about and what I can be proud of. And I have every right to report what happened after the fact.
