Freedom vs. Determinism

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The Free-Thinking Argument confronts determinism, asserting freedom's role in metaphysical reasoning; without liberty, rationality falters, impeding epistemic responsibility.


#Freedom #Determinism #Apologetics #FreeThinking #TimStratton
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This can be shown to be the case with the following thought experiment - 'Calvinism and the Bible exam"
1) Calvinist_A is required to take a Bible exam in which all of the questions are TRUE/FALSE questions.
2) Calvinist_A's brain engages with the first question at TIME-T.
3) Per the doctrine of decrees - the PERCEPTION that will come to pass (granted existence) within Calvinist_A's brain is pre-determined by infallible decree.
4) If it is decreed the PERCEPTION within Calvinist_A's brain will be that the answer is FALSE - then no ALTERNATIVE PERCEPTION is granted existence within Calvinist_A's brain.
5) Calvinist_A's brain is NOT granted the ability to CHOOSE between TRUE and FALSE simply because the option to even PERCEIVE the answer as TRUE doesn't exist. Its very existence would falsify the decree.
6) If Calvin's god knows the correct answer is TRUE - then the decree did not grant Calvinist_A's brain the ability to discern its PERCEPTION is a FALSE PERCEPTION.
7) Since the decree does not grant Calvinist_A's brain to discern the TRUTH _ it follows Calvinist_As PERCEPTION is unreliable.


These args from that vid seems very devastating to the LFW position

First Argument (Against Event- and Agent- Causal LFW):
1. Any fact that lacks an explanation is unintelligible.
2. LFW implies that there is no explanation of why an agent freely chooses A rather than B (where A and B are two choices equally viable to the agent).
3. So, LFW is unintelligible. [from 1 and 2]

Second Argument (Against Agent-Causal LFW):
4. Whatever begins to exist has a causal explanation unless it is unintelligible.
5. LFW implies that the process whereby a free agent contingently chooses begins to exist and yet has no causal explanation.
6. So, LFW is unintelligible. [from 4 and 5]


You mean like on molinism in which every thought you will ever think is already predetermined before you were ever born?