Nightmares (The Solution To Bad Dreams) - Teal Swan -

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Three Handprints

Handprints - The Follow Up

How to Get Rid of Anxiety

How to Stop Worrying

How to Stop Expecting the Worst (Catastrophizing)

Nightmares are a series of thoughts, images and sensations that occurs while you are asleep that cause unpleasant sensations and feelings such as fear, despair, anger or sadness. In this episode, Teal explains the purpose of nightmares as well as how to decode and understand them. She also explains some amazing techniques to use so that your nightmares cease.



Teal Swan is a revolutionary for personal transformation and is one of The Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the world. As a renowned author, speaker and social media star, she travels the world teaching self-development and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.


Meditations, Books, Merchandise & Frequency Paintings:


Beginning Song:
Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel

Please note that I do not respond to posts from this site. Please promptly reach out to a mental health practitioner near you discuss treatment options. My teachings on the subject of suicide are meant to supplement your treatment with a mental health practitioner and should not be in lieu of such treatment. The information contained on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for such professional medical or mental health advice. Always seek the advice of your own licensed and qualified medical and mental health professionals. The information provided in this site and in my videos should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any mental health condition. A licensed physician, psychologist, and/or mental health provider should be consulted for a diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical and mental health conditions. Please immediately call your physician, mental health professional or 911 for all emergencies.
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It comes back to the feeling. I meditate before bed every night and set the intention for good dreams and to remember my dreams. It almost always works! haha Much Love!


Wow, so my day to day life is a vibrational match to getting eaten by a colossal squid. That's terrifying


i cant have nightmares any longer. any theme at all that i dream leaves me undisturbed and calm. at one point in my life i dreamt of three demons chasing(i was so utterly afraid) but i realized i cant run away so i turned around and faced them. when i did all the fear just vanished and i actually felt utter love for them and ever since i simply cant expearience any negative emotion in dreams. i still dream challenging themes but i wake up remembering the dream and recalling that i felt warm and comfortable and cozy regardless what went on. and i must add, sleeping became my most enjoyable (non)activity. i just love it


"you're able to see the reflection of your vibration exactly how it is" THANK YOU ANGEL THANK YOU-- I have such bad vibed dreams and I remember them always I want to get rid of them


After I woke up from my bad dream, I imagined myself rolling it up in a ball and flying into the atmosphere and throwing it away. When I began to research nightmares, my first video was negative. Then I saw yours! A lady was flying and rolling energy in a ball . I said this is who I need to watch. Thank you so much. My day will be better now.


Nightmares were the reason why I started seeing a psychologist at 13 ! Thank you Teal. Your video helps me and opens my eyes !


I just woke up a nightmare, it's like thoughts invoke your presence.Thank you. You have my deepest gratitude right now.


Your videos literally give me strength and power in every aspect of my life. Thank you Teal!


Dear Teal Swan, I suffer from ptsd and am tired of being doped up on medication. I lowered the dose recently and the nightmares are back . what you have to say about nightmares is very accurate and I appreciate this video. Going over the nightmare and thinking of ways to change it is an amazing technique. when i am having a nightmare, i remember what i went over and it helps me stop my nightmare


Thanks for this video! I'm definitely going to use these tricks to change my bad dreams into good ones!
Oh and by the way, I have thought of 10 good dreams to help you change the bad dreams into your favourite ones from these!

1. You're wandering around a bright forest with a couple of friends, and talk a little, and then maybe eat pizza or do something fun together.

2. You see a waterfall near you and it's beautiful, the sun is also shining and everyone is happy.

3. You are riding a unicorn on clouds and it farts rainbows and the sun is shining.

4. You're in an elevator being calm, and when you get out, you wander around.

5. Your mom gives you a wonderful gift on your birthday (it could be anything).

6. You're doing your favourite sports on a good day.

7. You get a new, shiny car as a gift from your girlfriend.

8. You hear a famous man's soothing, calm voice.

9. You're relaxed, calm, wandering around happily in a bright forest while the sun is shining meeting your favourite animals/birds/insects etc.

10. The breakfast/lunch/dinner is your favourite food.

+1. You win the lottery.

Hope this helped anyone!


Whenever I see a new video of you, somehow I feel save and calm within my very frightened life. Thank you for being my island of safety in my life. Hope, it doesn't sound bloody stupid. I guess, it does.


I just had a disturbing nightmare, this actually really helped me cope better. Thanks Teal.


Waking up from a terrible nightmare and watching this 🙏🏼


what to do when your entire existence is a nightmare...


Needed this NOW.... all is in Divine Order!! Thank you


I used to have (recurring) nightmares as a child, so in my teens I read books about dreams. How they are usually symbolic for real life and also how to take control of them. To do that what you mentioned is very important, one has to consciously remember and examine the dream. As far as I can remember I haven't had any nightmares as an adult, maybe only as the result of flu or fever. Since you're rightfully pointing out that coffee and bright screens can affect sleep, cause it raises stress levels. So can certain food stuffs, due to inflamation caused by animal foods, cortisol levels are known to rise.


Holy sh*t this actually helped. As I started rewriting the dream (while still being super freaked out about it), I realized which fear it was actually about. Ugh.


A beautiful swan with words of encouragement.


i love this video. i have had nightmares my whole life up until 2013. When i've finally put myself first, Get my life together and learned to say no when others asked for favors. I wish i had this video when i had nightmares. But i'm glad those days are gone. I know this video will help many people. <3


As a child i always had nightmares about huge aligators . They didnt chase me i just turned invisible and stopped breathing to hide from them. This helped me figure out why. I dream about the same aligator for almost a year and i still remember these dreams everytime i see a picture of an aligator.
