Year 10 Roadmap - Only 2 New Operators? Maestro Rework & More! Siege Mailbox

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Welcome to Episode 6 of the Siege mailbox, if you would like to be in the next video, drop a comment and I may use it!
00:00 Intro
00:39 Year 10 Roadmap News
04:54 Maestro Rework
07:09 Solis needs buffed
08:34 Locker Presets
10:19 Pre Reworked maps Returning
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I hope year 10 they do something cool for the fans, some new events or some really cool ops or new maps or something. 10 years of siege should be celebrated


2 operators per year is absurd. From 8-4 we were told things would get better. From 4-2 (with 2 full reworks) + big gameplay change we were told things would get better. From 2 new operators and 2 reworks-2 operators and 2 “remasters” we were told things would get better. How long will we have to be lied to realize they’re just getting away with giving us less? We need to speak up about this stuff because they’ll just do this stuff until the game dies if it means they don’t have to put in effort.


Do you think it would be good if Ubisoft sold rainbow six seige to a different game making studio


As a maestro main, I'm tired of the disrespect and the idea that he needs a rework. The Alda is lights out one of the best on defense and he has the ACS. The evil eyes should be non shatterable like they used to and then he'd be in good shape again, because there's so many ways to counter him as it is, and that would make him a lot better overall because it would require more utility to destroy them versus being able to melee them and make him so weak.


As legit solis main (not abuser) I kinda like the mini rework. With gamesense you can clearly know what are you are looking at. Also now you can ping things without cooldown and overall gadget recharge is much faster.


Do you think a burst style weapon could work in seige? Also do you think a forge style map maker could work in seige?


Reposting this one again, because i really want your thoughts on it. (Did some detail adding)

Tachanka's Shumika launcher isn't all that bad, but it still does need a buff or minor improvements

It's great for stopping attackers from holding angles on doors and windows, it's a solid shield counter, and the ricoshet is also good for sending fire through unexpected angles, and from safety. The problem is that it's easy to run through and ignore.

I think his shumika should swap and reload faster first off, and maybe also add an impact setting to change between ricochet and impact for different situations.

You could go about this by buffing the damage, duration, and radius of each fire pool, but i had a different idea too.

instead of buffing the radius, damage, and duration, it would keep those stats, and would be similar to lesion's Gu in a way. They touch the fire at all, and they'll be set on fire and take some minor damage over time even if they leave the fire, and instead of a speed debuff, they have their vision blurred.

They'll have to stop and pat the fire out to stop the damage, like you have to stop to pull the needle out after stepping on a Gu mine. It won't stack though, like how the Gu does. And of course it'll still leave an area of fire that acts like before.
I think that would really discourage attackers from just running through it.

Also maybe give him fireproof boots too. Let him walk through his own fire, Goyo's, and Capitaõ's with no damage. But not while prone.


God seeing parts of the old pre-rework Oregon and Outback really brought back so many memories. I would really love for them to add them back into the game for Casual, Arcade, and Customs but labeled as “Legacy Maps”. All of the newer players would have such a cool experience while the rest of us veteran players would get to enjoy reminiscing and playing on the old maps we know and love


Do you think that maybe there will be an event in year 10 for old siege? Like maybe they could bring back old house only for year 10 and make it just like year 1. I personally think this would be a good event for all the players.


Hey kudos, like you said about adding old maps i think that they should make a seperate game on old siege with all the old features even o.p operators. this way they could make more money (as they like too) while haveing a seperate game that is optional to buy. this game would probably be left where it is with no new content. maybe up to date anti cheat and bug fixes though.


The meastro change that you talked about would be really cool, the cameras should also get better glass placement cause they are far to easy to shoot right now, even if the glass is open a millimeters you can still shoot it from the side. Throwing it would let you place it in spots to deny hardbreaches really easily without it being blatantly obvious.


We really went from 2 a season to 2 a year


we used to get 8 new ops a year and now only 2 ? crazy


Siege Mailbox: What do think of Doc getting a mini rework where he starts off with zero stims and gains them over time similar to Lesion? There is no risk to spawn peeking or playing overly aggressive with Doc, since you can heal up whatever damage you receive. This would force players to be less aggressive with him, and there is honestly no reason as to why you should be using a stim in the first 30 seconds of the round starting.


The only nerf sheilds need is the rule where if the sheild is in an animation when u knife it doesent fly back if that was gone sheild would be a lot less scary


Considering Ubisoft has the lowest market stock ever, losing over 80% of their value in the last 3 years, I don't think we will see any improvements in siege in the near future. The CEO will most likely be changed soon and it takes a lot of time to change things around in a big corporation. Hopefuly the new leadership will realise that R6 is the game that provided them the most revenue and maybe they will do something about it. We can only hope.


As a Solis player, the rework made me so sad, they absolutely massacred my girl.


I think maestro needs a “turtle shell” type of rework that protects him from Brava. The rework would put him down to 2 cams but the cams when not active would be closed in an iron shell and when in this state it can’t be shot melee’d only or hacked. This comes at the price of no information when not in use and maybe even slower moving speed.


So as far as the lack of content goes, my theory is that it's due to the lack of profits from Ubisoft that Siege is losing out.

Ubi's current president only cares about turning a quick buck instead of making a legitimately good game, with it given the time or resources it needs to be good. It's why the quality of the games and the amount of content that we have gotten from the company for years now has gone down the tank. Even with Siege being the "main focus for profit" for the company, you can see this year's roadmap is the definition of content thin, with reworks and nerfs / buffs being considered as "features" for the season now.

A more optimistic view from my part could be that they're pulling back on content for year 9 because they're going to give us a ton in year 10 (4-8 new ops, new gun every season, 2 new maps), since 10 years of siege is a massive milestone. Sadly, though, I think it'll be 2 ops, 2 rework ops, MAYBE 1 new map, 1 or 2 new guns, and more buff / nerfs as "features".

I'm praying that the corporate side of Ubi will finally wake TF up and realize you have to invest into your game to make it make money, but what do I know? The current CEO TOTALLY has a handle on the company, CLEARLY.


Ubisoft is out of their mind. Siege is one of their most profitable games, yet they keep cutting down on new content each year.
