How did species evolve?

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What drives the evolution of species? How does species diversity grow and how is it maintained? Over the last 200 years, scientists have put a lot of effort into answering those questions. But only recently, with the development of new genome technologies, quantitative testing of macroevolutionary hypotheses has become possible. This video explains how statistics combined with stochastic modelling is able to generate insight in the mysterious emergence of biological diversity.
Additional Information
Yule, G. U. (1925). A mathematical theory of evolution, based on the conclusions of Dr. JC Willis, FR S. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, containing papers of a biological character, 213.402-410, 21-87.
Darwin, C. (1859). On the origin of species.
Hug, L. A., et al. (2016). A new view of the tree of life. Nature Microbiology 16048.
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Where is the evidence for this. Give at least one csse


If this hypothesis is actually true what will human change into in the next 3MY? Do humans intend to change? Or extinct? Huh funny!


funny how they developed incredibly complex and appear to be intelligently designed. Could it be that they were designed? Could it be that we were created the way we are, just like everything else? Mature and developed, having the appearance of being old. Everything had to come from somewhere, God is the only explanation. It was either Magic from nowhere or God. I choose God
