CRAZY KINGDOM HEARTS 4 THEORY #kingdomhearts #disney #anime #gaming #shorts

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I was pretty skeptical about this idea since it would have to be either a retcon or planned ridiculously far in advance.
I think it’s a little more likely now that Nomura revealed he’s had ideas for Quadratum since the first game…


Nomura said, that Quadratum was an idea they allready had when they developed KH1.


Sounds feasible, if Oda can do it, so could Nomura. Especially since Kingdom hearts is such a short story (it just seems long because we have to wait for games to come out, but it's actual events would only take up maybe 150k words)


Crazier idea. The girl is actually the missing girl that axel and isa always spoke about. 😂


Seems like Nomura had concepts of a plan, yes.

But honestly I feel like this is what a writer does when they accidentally or purposely leaves a loose end in a series then tries to wrap it together later as long as it was recognized.

I'm sure Nomura knew he had a golden egg with KH and would likely get at least 3 games after KH1 (2002). So as the series continued successfully, he knew he could address whatever loose ends later and then go "hehe yeah. I planned that from the beginning"


It's gotta be a retcon. Now way even Nomura could plan a story that far in advance.


"Another side, another story" was just a commercial for Quadratum's shiny hair products


Also, from those secret endings, we have sleeping Soar flying through a world of water and sky, which end up being the Final World. These aren't new ideas he pulled out of nowhere. They are just more developed than he had from the start! There is so much In those endings that we didn't find out what they were about till much later.


Nomura has had all of Kingdom hearts more or less planned out. Back in 2006 when VS 13 was first announced he said it was going to be connected to Kingdom hearts and take place in the same universe and that the 13 trilogy was going to be connected as well as Type zero and Agito 13 - 2 (Which we still haven't gotten)
AKA the Fabula Nova Crystalis Collection. (Which has since been canceled or put on hiatus)

Way back in the day there was a trailer released that showed lighting walking in a forest and you see the white text from "Dive to the Heart" showing up stating that the keyblades chosen one has awakened and that the darkness is also waking. Then it cut to Noctis waking up on his throne in his old VS 13 outfit with red eyes. And he Stood up and summoned his original sword which was a slightly different steam blade that looked more like a keyblade. Then it cut to what I think was Roxas walking on the Dark Beach but the character had yellow eyes and the pointed organization boots, but they had a keyblade as well. Then it did the countdown 13 - 1 with text about things that would come to pass in the future and then the screen went dark with the same effect on the screen as when Sora gets dragged into the Darkness in KH1 in the tutorial and it shows the text. "Or has this happened already..."
And then you see the girl on Destiney Island with dark hair and a blue top and brown skirt. And as it zoomed out you could see someone who looked like Noctis walk into frame before it cut out and it showed Two people in dark clothes, one looked like Noctis and the other looked like an organization member with a keyblade, so either Riku or Roxas, they were fighting on a building and dashing across it then there was a static screen tear effect and it changed to Riku and Roxas for sure and as they passed by each other falling down the building and running up, when they get to eye level it zoomed in on a raindrop and you see an eye and then it zooms out and you see lightning. She's stepping off a train and then looks up at the sky and you can see a heart reflected in her eyes and she says that the chosen one needs her help. The whole thing ended with a close up of Sora and then went black.

Honest to god this was a real trailer that came out in like 2006 and has been scrubbed from the internet. I mean so much of what was depicted in the trailer has happened and if the darkness waking only to show Noctis is true then with Yozora being "Night Sky" and the theory that he may be Sora's Heartless made during Dream Drop Distance just gets me so hyped that this is a decades long story in the making and not just putting it together as he goes.


It's foreshadowing of Sora and Riku returning to Destiny Island at the end of KH2.


Aint no way my boy Nomura thought his whole Versus XIII revenge 20 years ago.
That'd be wild, if this cutscene re-appears in KH4.


I would like that. That part of the teaser was always eerie to me.


im moreso leaning towards it just being an early kh2 kairi design but who knows

nomura could reveal sora was xehanort and make it believable


The question is, are Kingdom of Lucis and Quadratum the same world? Sora definitely was in Shibuya (or The World Ends with You vers), but Riku, you can see from the different traffic light and the twin building, was in Insomnia.

If it's true that's not a sample/placeholder poster and Destiny Island is in Quadratum, then Sora disappear only to appear in the same world.


Plot twist that girl is Yozura' s Sora or the nameless star which also happens to be the mother of Ava.


Cool that even in the secret ending of KH3, which is supposed to be inherent with KH4, there is the "another side another story" song.


Weird way to shift it when that’s clearly meant to resemble Kairi


Wow... knowing this, I feel like my childhood was a lie


both are true to me it looks like, as a fellow 3d artist character designer, it looks like... she WAS an early kairi design but is now inspired or reused in quadratum, as yozora is literally noctis's nobody or some crap its versus 13's nobody
if worlds can fall to darkness... AND have hearts... do they not have nobodies and heartless?


What if destiny islands is like a nexus point where those two worlds meet. Like they both exist in each others world.

Or that scene where she’s being taken away in some kind of portal, maybe her and the destiny islands of her world were lost. And fell into the world of dark and light.
