Viviana Villafañe | Ultrafast electrical switching & charge state control of SiV− centers in diamond

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▶Title: Ultrafast electrical switching and charge state control of silicon vacancy centers in diamond
▶Speaker: Viviana Villafañe (TUM - WSI)
▶Abstract: Optically-active point defects in diamond feature atomic-sized two-level systems, constituting a promising solid-state platform for the development of novel quantum technologies. Specifically, group IV vacancy complexes in diamond (G4V) (with silicon, germanium, tin or lead) show excellent optical properties due to their crystallographic symmetry which favors emission into ZPL [1]. In this group, the silicon vacancy (SiV−) has been so far the most studied complex and T2 spin coherence times exceeding ~10ms have been demonstrated at low operation temperatures (T~100mK) [2]. Even though the energy levels of the G4V, forming a double-lambda system with spin S=1/2, can be used to store and process quantum information, their optical readout is often inefficient due to internal total reflection of light in the diamond.
In this talk, we present our efforts towards controlling and understanding the SiV− charge state mechanisms towards implementing spin-to-charge conversion protocols [3]. By means of voltage pulses applied from a pair of interdigital metal contacts on the diamond surface we develop a method to dynamically manipulate the charge state of SiV− centers and demonstrate that they can be switched reversibly between SiV0 and SiV− at MHz-rates (see Fig. 1). We furthermore fully explore the charge cycle of the SiV− center spectroscopically and find that it is aided by the presence of P1 and divacancy centers in the host lattice. Our results shed light on the charge cycle mechanisms on G4V and elucidate the potential for realizing an opto-electronic readout of their spin state.
[1] Pingault, B., Jarausch, D. D., Hepp, C., Klintberg, L., Becker, J. N., Markham, M., Becher, C. and Atatüre, M. Coherent control of the silicon-vacancy spin in diamond. Nature communications, 8(1), 15579 (2017)
[2] Sukachev, D. D., Sipahigil, A., Nguyen, C. T., Bhaskar, M. K., Evans, R. E., Jelezko, F., and Lukin, M. D. Silicon-vacancy spin qubit in diamond: a quantum memory exceeding 10 ms with single-shot state readout. PRL 119, 223602. (2017)
[3] Rieger, Manuel, et al. "Fast optoelectronic charge state conversion of silicon vacancies in diamond." arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.12288 (2023).

▶ About the MCQST Conference 2024:
The Munich Conference on Quantum Science and Technology 2024 (MCQST 2024) brings together the Munich quantum community with international invited guests in academia and industry for three days of talks and poster sessions. Join hundreds of guests from around the world in the beautiful Bavarian Alps on 14-17 May 2024 to exchange ideas, learn about innovative research, and discuss the latest advancements in all fields of quantum science and technology.

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