Richard Dawkins and Michael Shermer discuss Jordan Peterson (2018)

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Michael Shermer and Richard Dawkins give their opinions of Jordan Peterson.

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It saddens me that I never got a Hitchens vs Peterson debate

Автор depends on what you meany by "Jordan Peterson"


I never offer an opinion of something of which I'm ignorant...if only most people thought this way...


Oh God!
- Prof. Richard Dawkins


Don't care about the self help stuff. The appeal of Jordan Peterson to me is his ability to articulate his thoughts in debates and under pressure.


Dawkins: "I never offer an opinion on something I am ignorant about."
Shermer: "Fuck, now I look like an ass for offering an opinion."


"I act as if God exists" - Jordan Peterson


I feel so sad that Dawkins is getting old


Replace title with: "Michael Schermer trying to answer a couple of questions from audience."


Jordan Peterson doesn't allow himself the luxury of pretending to "know" absolutely ("I act as if God exists and I'm terrified that he might." ~Jordan Peterson). He's courageous enough, humble enough and willing to have doubts, and caring enough to be vulnerable about that publicly. He doesn't express his views to maintain his fame. He's famous because he's willing to be open and thoughtful while expressing his views without expectation of reward for doing so. The shallow, cynical criticisms he endures are a reflection of his critics and not of him.


The guy that said Jordan Peterson thinks 'people like dawkins should be oppressed'. Some people will just twist the truth and manipulate people to suit their own narrative. Definitely one of the most annoying things.


I wish Jordan would go back to being less popular. I love what he talks about but it just annoys me that as soon as something blows up it becomes mainstream and people say he is overrated. Jordan has some really interesting perspectives on life that I think could help everyone, just listen to what he is actually saying then make your mind up.


Man, I am shockingly suprised that the crowd didnt clap like crazy when Dawkins acknowledged Peterson for standing up against the Canadian Goverment to shove thier pronoun-madness-policy down his throat.


They can't handle Jordan Peterson 🤣


He says Peterson gets into Nietzsche, Freud, and Jung and he calls them novelists? Really? I mean Freud with Jung were creators of modern analytic psychology and both were doctors, psychiatrists, and psychologists. I would not call them novelists in the first place.


I like Shermer, but I feel like no one else knows anything about Peterson, he has said many times, that he "lives as if god exists" and that he does not subscribe to a literal interpretation of the bible. Also the guy at 4:30 is just straight up saying some crazy shit... I should mention that I am what most people would call an atheist, although Peterson has made me think that calling myself that is not accurate to the beliefs I actually hold, so now I don't really label myself as anything.

I doubt we will find the validity of Jordan Peterson's beliefs in a youtube comment section, but I felt I should say that.


We all go to Dawkins, Shermer or Peterson for the same reason, we appreciate the power of knowledge and reason.


I really like Dawkins and I really like Peterson. Dawkins work shaped who I was when I was growing into adulthood. Peterson has helped shape myself into my late 20s. I think they both have conflicting ideas so I think a debate between them would be excellent.


2:05 Which is the point. Peterson looks at religion at multiple levels, which is the only way to look at it.
Religion isn't like science which can be separated into different fields.
It was a way to navigate the world and a way for people to live their lives.
It's very complicated and acting like it isn't is just lazy thinking.
Yeah something which has been around for 2000+ years, and you want Peterson to answer it simply.
Jordan Peterson is taking religion more seriously than either of these two.
And if you think religion is just a okay, but you still haven't accounted for the fact that it's been an enormous part of every society that has ever existed.
Dismissing it is not explaining anything and is the definition of anti-science.
