Why 2016 Could Be a Turning Point the Energy Revolution

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Coal, nuclear, natural gas, renewables, and oil are all going head-to-head for dominance of the energy market - will we see a shift in the balance of power next year? Bloomberg looks at energy trends to watch in 2016.
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I remember reading 20 years ago that all cars would have fuel cells in 10 years. Now you don't hear anything about fuel cells.


Was this made by
"In a Nut shell Kurzgesagt" ??


Way to just gloss over nuclear energy. People fear what they do not understand.


Closing nuclear plants because of Fukushima is like wanting to phase out the automobile because there's been a crash on the highway.
Instead of... you know... learn from the crash and make both the highway and the car safer. But we don't need cars, we have bikes to replace them, right?


"China will add coal plants, but coal share of US electricity production is down"
How about you say coal use in China is down, and its share in electricity production is way down. You are presenting it as if China is doing nothing, and it is misleading.


You have missed one of the most important aspects of electric vehicles. They can be used as grid storage devices for electricity. If every electric car held back 10% of its battery capacity for grid storage of renewable electricity we would be able to bring renewables on-line much more quickly. Storage of intermittent energy production is critical.
The second problem is the almost universal attitude that renewable energy is simple, clean, effective, and compact. This leads people to thinking stupid ideas such as installing photovoltaic arrays (solar panels) here in Canada where they simply don't work well at all. We have to be aware of what is available for renewables and what is not. Fortunately the house I live in has a PT or photothermal array on the roof. We can collect heat for the house and hot water supply even on cloudy and cold winter days. Here in BC we have access to hydroelectric power however that is something only very few places in the world can achieve and it creates a lot of damage to the natural areas that are modified to hold the water reservoirs. Renewables are available however their use is limited by their environments.
All forms of energy harvesting and storage are destructive and dangerous. This is a fact of the world we live in.


Speaking of Nuclear, why not burn Thorium?


Bever bet on one horse. The mix of different sources is the key


They forgot the technology for fusion power is developing rapidly so that could replace nuclear easily


weird how the introduction is wrong, and then the end somewhat corrects it. Coal hasn't given way to oil, thats valid for trains, but not much more. Coal is still one of the main energy sources on the planet, and as you said, coal and oil are to different kinds of energy, as they are used very differently, one to outputs electricity to the grid, and one is used in transportation.


"All of the above." —Rand Paul


very engaging insightful video. Two thumbs up!


Don´t forget free energy. There are really working devices, which are still hold back mostly due to politically reasons or fear of the inventors about the oil mafia...
But we will see low output free energy devices come to the market this year...
that don´t threaten yet the oil industry...


Nice Presentation/Animation, Which software was used to produce it?


Fuck everything else. At the moment thorium is by far the way forward.


it's such a good and vivid video that i have rarely seen


Not a mention of industrial hemp, good for fuel, biodegradable plastics, building materials, textiles.


It would help if we started building new reactors, with are new tech.


I agree with the "all of the above" approach for the short term (15-20 years), but in the long run there will be a dominant energy source - solar. When car and electronic's batteries can be charged in mere minutes and hold a charge for days, and when solar energy can be collected on clear panels (i.e. building and home windows, car windshields, etc.), and when energy can be stored in battery vaults for long periods, there will be no need for costly extraction of any fossil fuels. The sun provides enough energy to power the entire planet many times over and will never run out so long as we're alive... er.. reverse that :p


Nuclear is the only alternative that is as cheap as coal and switching to thorium fueled molten salt designs solves most of it's problems.
In fact forgoing nuclear energy could leave a country with a severe economic disadvantage compared to those who embrace it.
