DIY Chicken Coop Tour | Cheap Build

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I have really loved having a slice of a farm here in my little yard, and it was pretty cheap and attainable. I'm no expert but this setup has kept them alive, happy, and pumping out eggs! I hope you get after it too!

Amazon links:
Chicken Coop Door

Cheap Solar Camera

All acoustic songs were recorded by myself in Oregon.
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I love how Sadie’s so chill with the chickens LOL! Also, rad sweater griff!


A couple of suggestions. Add an elevated roost bar or two for the chickens to rest and sleep on. They like to be up high. You can just use a one-inch thick stick or rod, nothing fancy required. Also, you should know that chicken wire is not secure against predators. Even raccoons can easily pull it up or attack a chicken through the wire. You would need a much tighter and stronger wire mesh, buried into the ground several inches, for it to be secure. Check out Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens; it's the best book out there on this topic.


good to know you can have a little bit of farm life without too much trouble, i’m glad you get to have that! your music is my happy place btw, i get so excited when i hear it playing at my local shops and restaurants <3


Love these past two videos! Happy to see you enjoying life homie 🤙🏻


This is soo cool n sweet Griff!! The scene of Sadie and the chickens coexisting, and then you shooing her away was so very cute lol. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful setup, I plan on doing something like this but with Angora rabbits 💜🐇🧶


Your videos on chicken farming are amazing! They’re so informative and inspiring. I also raise chickens and hope to start making videos like yours.


This is super cute and as a fellow chicken person raccoon, possums, rats can dig under that and still get your girls. Pls look up aprons and or thing about raising it and putting in secure flooring of some type.


You should try the pumpkin carving thing! I’ve seen chicken owners buy a pumpkin and shave a little bit of it on the surface (like a jack-o-lantern) and let the chickens peck the rest and they are carving the pumpkin for you 😂 🎃


Im a new subscriber. Thank you for this video, Im totally inspired by ur set up. 👍Would love some chickens


The simplicity is good. I hope chicken wire actually protects your chickens because it would not work for us. Ours are protected by 1/4" - 1/2" steel mesh, solid wood walls, and solid roof. My son used chicken wire and raccoons stuck their hands in and grabbed the chickens as they ran by, killing them through the chicken wire. Chickens were not smart enough to stay away. Chickens also tend to stick their heads through the chicken wire. Best of luck!


They make cheap flex solar panels with both PV and 5V outputs. Could use one of those and a USB security def get enough light. The panel your current setup uses is just too small to produce the amps needed in low light. A 50W or 100W panel would do that and more. Are the chickens more of an interest? I've heard these small runs alway tend to cost ya more than the eggs are worth. But that is just what zi heard. Maybe you'll eat the chickens but I could never. They'd be my pals.


Queen Elizabeth, Lil Kim, and 41 all told me you’re writing a new single called “Chickens” – i hope they’re not lying 😭😌


Looks like a good set up u can find birds for cheaper if u have a tractor supply or things like that I have birds as well I built both my coops out of pallet wood I've got videos over on my channel


2:23 the chicken censoring your language lol


This is cool, but how will you keep the predators out?? Unless the dog will stay outside to guard them?


I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how to put my new automatic chicken door on to coop doors ! Just cut a hole through the roof ! My doors are not tall enough to let auto door open all the way . But if I do this(cut a hole in roof to let auto door through it ) will the rain or wet snow leak down and ruin the electrical unit if it gets wet ? Thank you !


How much is the pay back layer hen feed?
