The Dream Chicken Coop | Full Tour with @CarolinaCoopsVideos

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0:00 - Intro
0:13 - Tree Removal and Build
2:11 - Coop Overview
2:49 - Automatic Chicken Door
4:06 - Double Dutch Door
4:58 - Egg Hutch
7:12 - Hen House
10:34 - Interior Run
12:37 - Water Bar
14:00 - Cupola





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I was lucky, I was able to convert a play house the previous owners of our house left behind into a walk-in coop for just the cost of some paint and 2x4s. My wife wanted it gone because it had some serious haunted dollhouse vibes but I ripped all the cutesy trim off, painted it barn red, and she agreed it was no longer creepy and could stay.


AAAH! Congrats, Kevin! So happy you finally have a chicken coop. Can't wait to meet the Epic Feathery Friends 🥚🪶


Idk what I love more about the beginning of this video, the sweet sound effects with the sharp tools or “Lumber Jacques.” Coup looks amazing!


I love Carolina Coop. The first time I saw them I fell in love with them. I can't wait till the day I can have one. So happy for you. Enjoy!


I could not recommend blue australorps more. Really pretty birds, reliable egg production, quiet, and friendly.


During a hurricane my chicken coop got a hole in it and when we got back home we only had one chicken left her name was Red because she was a Rhode Island red but we all called her “what what” because that’s what it sounded like she was saying all the time and she turned into a pet and would sleep on our porch on a rocking chair with a pan underneath her “we potty trained a chicken” she would follow me around the garden and just watch what I was doing would jump in my lap and lay down and if I pointed to a weed or bug in my garden she would pull it out or eat it. I miss her 😌


Are there any measures in place to prevent predators from getting under the gaps between the soil and the coop?


I almost didn’t recognize Jacque without his garden hermit hat on, but the helmet was smart, good job you guys. I love seeing the progression of the epic garden


That coop is a DREAM!!! I would love to have one like that. Great ideas went into the development of that coop. We have had chickens for many years and I would recommend Rhode Island Reds, Issa Browns, or Leghorns. All are excellent layers and have very calm and docile demeanor. Thank you for sharing this tour. That coop rocks man!


Welcome to the world of backyard garden chickens! That's a really nice coop and I'm sure it cost a few bucks more than I would spend. My coop and run are made from recycled lumber, a repurposed dog run and some hardware and other stuff I had laying around. It has served my chickens well for more than 10 years. My current flock consists of a black sex link (Jett), an Easter egger (Little Red), a white leghorn (Twitch), a Rhode Island red (Ginger) and a Golden Comet (Goldie) -- all good laying hens with fun and distinct personalities. I give them many of my garden scraps and even grow a few things just for them, including sunflowers, kale and alfalfa!


Buff Orpingtons are so so sweet and docile. I like having colorful eggs myself, so I like to keep some olive eggers and black copper marans as well. I have found barred rock hens to be pecky, but they are a good heavy breed. If you want a chicken you can handle and love on orpingtons all the way. I am hoping to add some lavender ones to my flock!


I KNEW IT! Love @Carolina Coops. If you LOVE eggs, get some Black Austrolorps, Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, or Leghorns. Great egg layers.


Ha! Very pleased to see this. I’ve already got my Carolina Coop on order for May delivery. Top quality and thoughtful design. Some of Matt’s YouTube videos show the owners and coop after a few years in use. That’s were the truth lies! I also plan on starting with 6 chickens. Congrats!


I adore my buff Orpington, blue Cochin, and rhode island reds. Great personalities. The Cochin can be a little noisy and is somewhat broody. My Easter Eggers are a little more assertive, but still social and lay green eggs. All seem to be pretty good layers…


I don't know if it had already been mentioned, but I would recommend that you attach a string to your outside latch and put it through a drilled hole into the coop. One day that door is going to close behind you and you are going to have to call a friend to let you out.


We've had chickens for about 50 years and so many varieties I've lost count. My all time favorites are Plymouth Barred Rocks. Friendly, good layers and foragers. Enjoy!


Beautiful Coop! I recommend Buff Orpington for a beginner. They are friendly and good layers. If you want fun colored eggs, auracanas or prairie bluebells lay pretty blue/blue-green eggs or Copper Moran that lay dark chocolate colored eggs. My favorite birds have been Sapphire Gems. Have fun, chickens are so much fun!


Definitely go for a variety of hens as opposed to one breed, there’s so many wonderful, BEAUTIFUL breeds out there why limit yourself to one or two? Plus, all this different colored eggs are GORGEOUS in the kitchen.


Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, Amerucana chickens are best for beginners. The Orpington is the "golden retriever" of chickens imo, the barred rocks I have owned have always been friendly and sweet and the Amerucana make green tinted eggs, great conversation starter


Ahh! I’ve been dying for a Carolina Coop! Lucky you! As for chickens to add to your beautiful coop… EASTER EGGERS! Eggs are a beautiful light green/blue. 🥰 The yolk is a little bigger, but they taste just as good as your regular brown eggs.
