Your menstrual cycle & fitness

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My name is Adam Wright and I'm on a mission to help you break free from the constraints of diet culture and find true freedom in your relationship with food and fitness.

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This dude knows more about my cycle than I do.


It took me until I was in my 20s to figure out that the same chemical causing my uterus to cramp was causing my back muscles to spasm, and I would consistently injure my back trying to work out near or during my cycle. I wish someone, anyone, had told me that our cycles really affect how our bodies perform. I was always told by other people and social media that I was being lazy and I should push through the pain :(

I hope this video reaches a lot of people and educates both men and women.


I read that the 2 days before (PMS days) and during menstruation you can eat 100-300 more calories a day. boy does my body confirm that with how much hungrier it gets.


I don't care that you're a man, I appreciate the information. I know that my cycle presents different advantages and disadvantages week to week and it's wonderful to be empowered with the whys and what-to-dos. I trust your advice.


It's very true, half the month I feel like a BEAST and then the other half I'm just a noodle. Usually the best right after finishing my period, unfortunately working out during isn't an option because I can't even stand up straight let alone pick things up lol


Not me literally on my period right now. Sometimes I feel like being a woman and living through the cycles suuucks.


Thank you for explaining the stages. Im a female and didnt even realize the different stages and what they meant (ofcourse mentrual time and PMS). Its interesting because days before it starts, I have no energy at all, even to lift lightly. But once Im on my cycle(or close to the finish line) I power through! Ever since I started weight training, it has stopped my cramps and bloating. It has been a game changer! Thank you Adam for being one of the few to actually understand human anatomy and women overall 🙏


Thank you so much for this video! Not many people talk about how women’s cycle affects fitness, so this was super helpful!


Years back I read somewhere that women are more likely to burn more calories during their cycle but to also take it easy as we’re more prone to injury as you mentioned.

I usually workout during my cycle but yesterday doing an hour of strength training felt super Really wanted to quit but glad I went through with it😅


I do Jiu jitsu. When I’m PMSing or on my period, I can’t execute a thing. Literally shaking after. The next week I have some of my best rolls. 😂


Just wanted to say thank you Adam. Watching you for the past six months I have started changing my relationship with food. I’m a life long yo-yo dieter. Lately my weight has stabilised and I have even lost a bit. I’m hoping this will continue. I’m eating what I want, upped my fibre and protein, stopped snacking. No food is out of bounds. For the first time in years I feel like I have some control……thank you xx


hell yes! this is actually invaluable information. I'm all about that lil bio-hack- & you explained it so well breaking it into segments. It's easy to use the period as a grand excuse, but to understand the phases at which might benefit the journey is such a refreshing nuance. Never heard anyone break it down that way💖


Wow, this makes a lot of sense. Even when I was really committed to exercise in the past I remember I had a hard time sticking with a routine for a whole month. Now I know part of the reason why.


I always skip the gym on my first day, I feel so bad and tired and I've never had a good gymday at that time. So I prioritise chocolate and bed and have a good workout the day after instead.


Man periods just kill you for a week and you just have to sit it out especially if you're feeling cramps up to what most consider a 10


Your videos are always so useful and positive, it normalizes a lot of the bodily features that a lot of cis women or people with female organisms have to deal with. I like how you encourage healthy and gradual change without the toxic positivity and expectations that are forced on women most of the time.


Not me wishing I had the money and trainers like Adam in my area. I'm a pre-transition AFAB man who has lost almost half my body weight in the last 12 months. I love the fact that Adam just doesn't judge or give a fuck as long as you're doing things safely.


your videos are so comforting omg, thank you so much for the advice :( your compassion really never fails to impress me


This is actually great news. I would notice that some weeks I’m just not as strong and think I’m getting weaker


if you feel like your energy is low on your period, like low enough to stop you from doing things, get your iron checked, esp if you feel like your flow is even a little heavy.
