NFS Unbound - Maximum Heat 5 Gameplay In The Lowest Car Class (Intense Difficulty)

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Maximum Police Heat 5 Pursuit Gameplay & Escape in Need For Speed Unbound in the lowest performance class in the game which is B-Class. It is also part of the Most Wanted achievement for escaping a Heat 5 Pursuit.
Played with keyboard.

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Heat 5 could use a little more difficulty


2:50 love how the cop just casually took the exit. 🤣


The police voice lines still sounds like a online lobby voice chat


The cops can't even keep up with you in the lowest class at their highest level. This is absolutely ridiculous


That part of the tunnel at the beginning reminds me of NFS The Run when we escaped from The Mob's helicopter


this is certainly one of the cop chases in gaming


I had 8 cops after me once at heat 5…. At relaxed difficulty and it was hard AF


I can agree ghost's cops in heat were way more aggressive compared to this. Criterion probs went for the "realistic" approach. Hope they amp up the *heat* in the future


this just made me want to go back to one of those videos of Heat level 6 cop chasing on the OG Most Wanted, we're talking about a game 17 yrs old that still have better police AI.


"I'm on this clown's heels"
Best cop line ever.


One thing that will make this game perfect is the addition of a pursuit breaker. Like in NFS MW, Carbon and Undercover. For me, that would be a perfect in a police chase.


NFS MW 2005 Police:
*Literally tries to kill you*

NFS Unbound Police:
«Driver, please, stop... 😭😭😭 I beg you... 🙏🙏🙏»


The chase felt a bit relaxed, despite the difficulty being intense.
At any point, you can just take a left/right turn and you engage the escaping mechanic.
Needs more units chasing you at Heat 5. Like 8 at least. They also need to be a bit more aggressive or smarter at least.
Do rhino units even exist? You know, the two big boys charging right at you in the opposite way.

Thats said, the rest of the game seems pretty good. The car isnt made out of glass like in heat (its really bad) and the gas stations actually repair your car now. The streets feel really alive with pedestrians on the sidewalks. I really like that.
Cant play it because am poor but from what i can see on videos, its a solid 7.5/10.
All of this is just my opinion btw.


As a hater of every post 2010 NFS, I gotta say unbound is actually winning me over. The handling looks much less floaty than previous games, even when playing full drift style. The cars have weight instead of just being boxes on rails, you can actually fuck up and lose control. That's already a reason to be happy.

The betting and buy in system also fixes a massive problem of racing games, where 1st place is the only thing that counts as progress. This fives you a reason to actually take on tougher races to see if you can at least squeeze in a top 5 finish. The cops are still dangerous but they aren't immovable barges, so you'll actually be able to battle with them properly. The risk/reward mechanic is probably the best direction modern NFS can take. I also love that there's a sense of progression, the game really lifts you up and then makes you feel like a loser. I was genuinely disappointed that you get so good so fast, then the twist really hits. It nails the classic NFS feeling of losing your main car and starting from scratch.

The only two things that I still dislike is the writing and the aesthetic. I'm just not into the whole hype beast, altima driver on probation type of energy. But that isn't much of a complaint considering the rest is pretty good.



"Handbrake takedown, incoming!"

*Turns the opposite direction and fucking dies*

"Damn, I messed that one up"


Honestly we perfected Cops in Rivals. I don't know why this series can't just give them intense aggression.


I just miss old NFS pursuit style, where there was no health bars and the police AI needed to be actually smart to box you.


I miss Most Wanted (2005) and Hot Pursuit police dialogues


There is an auxiliary part which gives u more cash for pursuits but it also decreases the time between reinforcement waves, have yet to test it though.


About the AI.
Yes, whether you like it or not, these cops are smarter than anything in mw05 up to heat level 4. These stand toe to toe with heat level 4 and above cops. And if you don't believe me, go into the game and see how easy it is to outmanoeuvre them.

About the difficulty
This game will happily throw the same 6-8 cops as in mw05, with roadblocks, rhinos, helicopter and other things in the mix. So long as the reinforcement meter doesn't appear, you're in a full backup, they have cars available. Also, barely any cops in mw05 would actually keep up with you towards the end game, they'd mostly trail you cause they were too slow. Not to mention, you had to babysit the morons you'd deal with up to heat 3.

About reward.
It's the cash... The chases are like the races, you get a reward... Now I wish the reward was more akin to bounty, a score tally where things like you wrecking cars would count, but it's fine

About the handling
First one in 13 years where you can actually take racing lines and you don't have to just break to drift everywhere. Even if the game still gives you that option.

About the aggression.
They're literally more violent than the cops from mw05. Those were pussies that would at most try to pit manoeuvre you hopelessly or try to push you to a wall to box if you were slow. The rhinos would do the aggressive work of pinning you down. From what I see, everyone in unbound is really aggressive, they don't try to just box you in but kill you. And the rhinos still try to pin.

About you wearing Rose tinted glasses.
Remove them... I've been playing mw05 for thousands of hours, it's not perfect... Jesus christ people, appreciate a good work
