10 Animal Pets That Attacked Their Owner!

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10 Animal Pets That Attacked Their Owner!

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10 Animal Pets That Attacked Their Owner!
When we have pets, we give them all the love and care that we can, and in return, we expect them to
give back the same. Some pets, however, are simply ungrateful. These pets didn’t just bite the hand that
fed them, some of them literally ate the hand. Number one is a particularly gruesome example so make
sure you stay tuned for that. Here are 10 animal pets that attacked their owners.

Number 10. Face Eating Ferrets
Ferrets are slowly becoming popular pets, that is despite ferrets not technically domesticated yet. But,
due to their cuteness, people are willing to take the risk of letting a wild animal into their homes. Either
that or they just done know any better. Which is probably the case with this Pennsylvania family.
It’s unclear how the family got a hold of the ferrets, but they had three of them. Apparently, it is legal to
keep ferrets as pets in the state of Pennsylvania. What was clear though is the fact that the cute fuzzy
animals weren’t as tame as the family thought them to be.
For reasons that will become clear in a bit, I’ll be keeping the names of the people involved a secret. The
horrific story started one day when a mother left her 1-month old baby in the living room while she
went upstairs to use the bathroom. During her absence, two of the ferrets somehow managed to escape
from their cage, and proceeded to gnaw at the poor baby’s face.
When the baby was discovered, 25% of her face had already been eaten. She was immediately rushed to
the hospital. Fortunately, she made full recovery, although the scars she got from that horrible day will
never fade.

Number 9. Humphrey the Hippo
Marius Els, 41, an army major who lived on a farm along the Vaal River in South Africa, adopted a 5-
month old orphaned hippo. Humphrey, the name given to the hippo, was rescued as a calf during a
flood on the river, and given to Els after he grew too big for the people who had initially adopted him.
Early on, Els was warned by a lot of people that hippos are wild, aggressive animals, but he would have
none of it, even going as far as saying that Humphrey was like a son to him. For a few years, everything
went well. Els can be even seen swimming with his 2,465-pound pet. Els even rode him like a horse
Humphrey was already exhibiting aggressive behavior early on. Humphrey was actually blamed for
attacking and killing calves belonging to Els’s partner, the animal also broke out of its dam enclosure and
chased golfers at a nearby club. He showed his aggression in full force when he suddenly attacked Els
while both of them were in Humphey’s enclosure. The attack was unprovoked. Unfortunately, the attack
led to Els’s untimely death.

Number 8. Mauled by Wolfdogs

In my opinion, dogs are the perfect pets. They’re probably the only domesticated animal that
reciprocates tenfold the love being given them. The same can’t be said for wolfdogs. Wolfdogs are the
result if the interbreeding between dogs and wolves. And although they have dog in their DNA, it seems
that they inherited the viciousness of their wolf parents.
Sandra L. Piovesan had raised a pack of nine wolf-dogs by herself and was extremely devoted to them,
saying that they gave her unqualified love. It turns out that the love went sour when she failed to show
up for a meeting with her daughter. Her estranged husband went to look for her, only to find that her
body was inside the cage of her wolf-dogs, partially eaten. She had bled to death after being clawed and
bitten and later being dragged to the enclosure by her half wolf- half dog hybrid pets.

Number 7.
Ricky Weinhold loved animals. He loved cattle in particular. He loved them so much that he had 10
heads of them. And since he didn’t own a farm to keep all of his massive pets, he leased a farm. I mean,
how devoted could someone be to their pets?
Most of the cattle were non-problematic, keyword there is “most”. One particular bull was particularly
hard to handle. Calling it “temperamental” would be an understatement. This particular bull had such a
bad attitude, the property owners to whom Ricky was leasing the farm from actually advised him to get
rid of the bull.
Ricky didn’t listen, obviously, even after the bull rammed him and broke a few of his ribs. This event
should have warned him of the unfortunate events that were about to happen. A day before his 53 rd
birthday, the bull savagely attacked Ricky.
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Hello if you are reading this comment you are loved and cared and positively and deserveing stay safely everyone and enjoy your day/night 💙


See this is why you don't keep exotic pets. The absolute stupidity and cruelty of people these days in terms of animals is astonishing like "Oh yeah this is a good idea: PeT rHiNoCeRoS"


Owner: buys animals that aren't meant to be pets.

Animal: attacks owner.

Owner: surprised Pikachu face


why do people assume their babies are safe with a pet?!!i wont even trust my yorkie with my baby.hell, even a hamster could harm a tiny baby.


Bottom of list: face eating ferrets

Hold up, Daddy needs popcorn


Ugh, everyone going for these big exotic animals for pets...Hippos? Really?
...I'll just stick with a cute and "innocent" little kitty cat. lol


You should never put your full trust into an animal or even another human because they can turn on you at any point in time


Top 5 things that can horrify me, number 1 the thumbnail


Everyone gangsta till the thumbnail is real


Chimps are not pets. Dogs and cats are. Leave the wild animals alone


They're going ham on the thumbnails


People who are terrified by the thumbnail are in real need of touching grass. Animals are not humans.


my dog bit me and teach him a lesson on my leg and my arm the next time he bites me he might not see tomorrow


The thumbnail is me when I see a naked grandma


I don't trust dogs or any animals that could kill or permanently disfigure me.


That person who owns luna the panther should watch this


oh wowo scary I will stick to my lil frog


How animal's can attack all people so fast!


U can't trust a animal no matter how much u know them they are still animal


*Watches video of wild coyote as pet
*Wonders if wild animals caught and kept as “pets” would be a good idea
*types in wild animals kept as pets attack on YouTube
*No longer wonders 😮
