How to Shoot Cooking Videos Using Your Phone

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I will be showing you how to record cooking Videos with a phone and make them look high quality by just using your phone. With these tips and tricks, you will be able to achieve cinematic and high quality results by using your phone or camera. I will show you my tips and tricks on how I make my food videos look cinematic and high quality. Also the second part of the video I discuss how I use my Mirrorless camera for making food videos. Also as a bonus, i have an aperture shutter speed and iso tutorial. I will discuss what ISO I use, aperture, and shutter speeds.

Time Stamps
0:00 - Intro
0:33 - Subscribe
0:43 - Light Source for Kitchen
1:50 - Phone Camera Intro
2:44 - Phone Camera Settings
3:49 - Phone Camera Result
4:05 - Tip - My 3 Camera Tips and Tricks
4:26 - Low Camera Angle
4:59 - 45 Degree Angle
6:04 - Food Rotator
7:36- Mirror-less Camera Settings
7:58 - Setting up Camera ISO
8:56 - Setting up Camera Aperture
10:10 - Setup Camera Shutter Speed
11:04 - Recap Camera Settings
11:53 - Final Thoughts

Product Links
2. Overhead Rig for Tasty Style Videos (Need 3 Parts )

For full disclosure, I do get a tiny percentage if you buy from amazon. Also as prices change every day the prices mentioned below are as of 12/25/2020. I am not sponsored by anyone this is my personal equipment which I use for making my own food videos.

Other Tags: behind the scenes, cooking videos, how to grow your youtube channel, food videos, mirrorless camera, iphone 12 pro cinematic, camera shutter, cinematic video using phone, camera settings, recipe videos, how to make food videos, cinematic camera, how to shoot youtube videos with your phone, cooking video setup

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If you found this video useful then please hit that LIKE button. :)


This video is great and helpful for filming newbies, whether with your iphone or DSLR. I definitely learned something. I'm surprised you don't have more views. Thanks!


Thanks for all the tips! The rotator is such a nice touch. I uploaded my first cooking video and will be shooting more this week!


Hi Sean! Because of this video I just published my very first. I thank you so much for the inspiration and some ideas! It might not be the best but Im going to improve on it every time, from one video to another!


I found your video very useful for my cooking channel, thanks.
I already hit the button 😍


You got that cutting board at target I got the same one


In my opinion you have to splitt your content in two channels, food and tutorial, and point it out in the second channel. Your content is great but the audience is confusef and maybe expect more one topic content. I really appreciate and learn a lot from your videos. Thumbs up👍👍


Thank you very helpful! Unfortunately I couldn’t export my 3 minute video when I filmed in 4K. I have an IPhone 11 (and I tried to delete every app I had including my YouTube temporarily) but at the lower speed it still looked pretty good! Thanks for the angles and the idea of rotating disk! I appreciate your help! 🎉


Omg this video is super useful. I watched so many videos to understand camera settings and I just understood it with your video in very quick n short way. Thanks a lot but have a question you said aperture should be higher for good crisp quality but you also said you kept it low in your photos so I am confused.


Thank you for the informative tips for shooting at a 45 degree angel and the camera settings!


Wow thank u this was really helpful..plz keep share such tips n tricks


Thank you so much for the tips. Can you please show us how you did that color grading? that looks amazing. Do you use any LUTs for color grading?


I'd say it's helpful. Just joined your channel. Thanks, man.


Thank you for this amazing trick💕😁I am definetly going to improve on how to capture great videos, 😁just joined your family.


Thank you so much, I ordered my rotator before coming back to watch this video, have been wondering what device is used for the shot, thanks so much


Thanks so much for sharing these techniques! I'll try to use them in my future vlogs!


Can you do a video on how to use your color grader. Also what editing program do you recommend for color quality


Finally, I have been waiting for this! 🤗Thanks for all the amazing tips and tricks, Sean! I wonder if a lazy susan might work as a rotator 🤔


Thank you for all the gems dropped! I was waiting for this video


Nice video you earned my subscription 👍🏻👍🏻
