Easements and Right of Way - Explained

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What is an Easement? What is a right of way?
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this is very easy to understand, thank you for posting!!


What about if the person utilizing the easement is living at the location (not a rental), but is not on the title of the home? Are you able to not allow that person to use the easement if there is another way to access the home?


Is cable considered a necessity? We're trying to get cable and the neighbor won't allow that easement saying he needs to build a cottage down the rd and the cable will decrease his property value????


If i get an easement of necessities does the city county or state have to build a road or do i?


Thanks for posting. Does this apply to British Law?


Local utility company cut down all my trees to replace a collapsed sewer line and there is no easement on my property. Did they break the law?


If an individuals land was used for a utility easement and now is named a road. wouldn't it need to paid for by yhr county or state. There use to be an old road that went to that property.


What if a easment makes you lose your property when they arent allowed to? If i have a genuine illegal action and cant do anything whats next


Can a utility easement be used as a road or emergency access without land owners permission?


What does Right of way easement mean ?


Hello Tom, can I talk to you about a walkway easement. I lived in a
property for 30 years. My house is 100 feet off the street, the only
way to my home is a (1909) walkway on the property next door..It says on
me deep " All rights and Easements". I'm the Only one that has been taking care or that walkway for 30 years...Can you or anyone tell me what to


Plain and simple if you buy land that is blocking someone else land be prepare to allow then in at some point in


The local building dept lost part of the easement paperwork and want me to pay them $10, 000 to fix it. To me that isn't right.


IMHO: I think that ANYONE that is considering allowing an adjacent land owner to drive across their property, (an "access easement"), might be ENCUMBERING their own property with the possibility that thos adjacent neighbors might someday want to run several utilities along that easement (driveway), and, the person with the "Dominant right of the easement might decide that they might want to pave the driveway, or somehow widen it a bit, of change it's location slightly, thus, it might further ENCROACH on the "servient" land owner's property, thus REDUCING HIS Property value, or access for his use, or free movement upon his own land. I think that ANY such "access" easements" ought to be limited to the "EQUALLY SHARED Property BOUNDARY, and NEVER be ALLOWED ACROSS the open property!!! Otherwise, It might be best to SELL off the contested Easement, and the "cut-off" portion of the original/main property, and let that neighbor pay the property taxes, abd assume all of the risks of ownership of that strip of land that they NEED! What do you think?! What ids the BEST way to PROPERLY PROTECT the Property Rights of the "Serviant" land owner, where appurtenant easement rights are given to adjacent land owners?!....


A friend of mine had his 35 year property unlawfully land locked by the Catholic Church. Told him I'd help with doing some research, and can tell ya one thing, there was some sick stuff found, I would have never even imagine finding out about on that subject. In fact that element alone makes these land locked citizens, and long term property owners the worst land lock by far in the entire states history!! Over 2 years existing with the point being, anyone can break that law now by simply justifying it by referring to the law being already broken, and in plain sight for anyone and everyone to clearly see, with no one held accountable. Another way to lose our country from abuse of power by rogue criminals, who hide behind power and get away with it.
